18. Feelings

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I close my eyes and pull the blanket up to my face. I couldn't believe I just kissed Spider-Man, I can't believe I just did that to Peter. A tear slides down my nose and drops off the side, landing on the pillow in a perfect little circle. A quiet noise come from the door, I open my eyes to see Steve poking his head through the crack.

"Hey kid, F.R.I.D.A.Y told me you were upset about something." I wipe my eyes and shack my head.

"It's fine, you should be having dinner or something. I mean you just got back from what ever you were doing all day. You shouldn't be worrying about me." I say snuggling my head into the blanket more. He walks in and shuts the door behind him, taking a seat next to me on the bed.

"Listen, you don't need to hide what ever you're feeling. I can see it's making you upset, you don't need to tell me what it is, but I want to make you even a little bit happier." He says brushing the hair in my face behind my ear. I nod and smile before sitting up and giving him a hug. I burry my head in his shoulder leaving dark patches from where my tears landed.

"I did something, it will hurt Peter and that's the last thing I want to do. I just don't know how to tell him." I say into his neck.

"Tell him the way you think he'll understand, the way that you know will make it easiest for him" He says rubbing my back. I break away from our hug and smile.

"Thank you Steve" I say with a toothless grin.

"No problem pumpkin." He says smiling back at me. He ruffles my hair before getting up to go back to the rest of the avengers, but stops when his hand reaches the door knob.

"Also, it would be nice if you could maybe make us some pancakes. It's been a long day and I'm sure everyone would appreciate it." He smiles before closing the door behind him.

I walk over to Groot's little bed that I made, pick him up and put him on my shoulder. We walk out to the kitchen and start making them some pancakes. Groot sits on the counter eating strawberries, pre-cut by Mr Stark, out of his little container whist I whisk the mixture together. Every once in a while he would hold out a strawberry for me to take, I would pluck it from his little hands and smile before eating it. He tried whisking for a little bit but got tired after about a minute. After the strenuous task I place a large stack of pancakes on the table and ask Iris to notify everyone. Not long after, everyone started showing up. Indulging themselves in their little treat, I just do back to my room and keep watching Brooklyn 99 with Groot curled up next to me.

I can't stop thinking about what I did, how I was so naïve to do something so stupid. I grab my phone off the night stand dreading the messages on the screen, but there was only some from Peter. I felt my heart sink in my chest because I knew eventually I would have to tell him and when I did I know it would hurt. I open my messages to see tons from Peter, and a couple of calls too, I open them reluctantly to a surge of sorry messages.

I sit there for a while, just staring back at the messages, not knowing how to reply

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I sit there for a while, just staring back at the messages, not knowing how to reply. I pull my phone into my chest, dreading looking at it for any longer, and ask the air.

"Hey Iris, can you message Peter Parker from my phone and tell him to come over please?" I say sniffling.

"Sure (Y/N). Would you like me to notify Mr Stark that you're upset?" She asks

"No thanks." I say curling up into a tighter ball.

After a short amount of time I hear a tap at the window, then something climbs in. I don't look up at all, I just stay curled up. It walks over to the door, locking it and then drawing the blinds, on the windows no one can see through anyway, before turning on the light. He comes around and sits right in front of me, it's Spider-Man.

I instantly break into tears, my breath quickens and my heart starts to pound.

"No! No! NO! NO! NO! You can't be here! You have to leave!" I say pushing myself away from him as he tries to take hold of my arm.

"(Y/N)! It's okay! It's okay!" He says taking hold of my wrists. He places my hand on the bottom of his mask and motions me to take it off. Although I want to, I still don't know if I can.

"It's okay, just do it." He says putting a hand on my cheek. I slowly roll up the mask, looking at every detail of his chiseled face bit by bit. I stop when I get to his eyes, before taking a deep breath closing my eyes and pulling it all the way off.

"(Y/N) you need to open your eyes" He says tipping my head up with his finger.

Slowly I let my eyes open, to see him, Peter, crouching right in front of me.

"What-is-?" I shuffle backwards from him a little. I couldn't tell if I was scared or confused, or both.

"I'm so sorry, you don't know how many times I've wanted to tell you but everyone kept interrupting and it never felt like the right time. I don't expect you to come back to being friends with me straight away but I'm so sorry I did this, I didn't mean for any of that to happen. I'm so sorry, it's my fault." He says with a tear sliding down his face.

Although Peter did lie to my face, I couldn't keep it in anymore. The two people that I had feared to loose the most turned out to be the same person. I lunge forward and embrace him in a hug on the floor, I wrap my arms and legs around his body whilst we sit there together. I cry into his shoulder, with anger, hope, happiness and fear because I couldn't quite understand everything yet. We stay there, on the floor, for a while, but my grip on his doesn't loosen. I was so scared to loose him that I didn't want to let go, even though I knew he was fine. He lifts my head up to meet his.

"I'm so sorry." He says with a look in his eye that makes me want to start crying again.

"I'm sorry too." I blink up at him and before I know it his lips are on mine. At first I pull away, but then I melt into his lips. Like pouring pop rocks right through me, my whole body tingled. He takes his hand up to my jaw and the other bringing me closer to him, making sure not to break the contact of our lips. I wiggle myself so that I'm sitting on him and break our kiss and smile a little, which in response he does too. I feel a sense of warmness inside, that I hadn't felt since the first date with Peter. He keeps kissing me, trailing them down my neck then back up to my lips. I shuffle a little further forward so I was sat on his hips, breaking our kiss and taking his head in both my hands. I smile at him and he smiles back, for a moment we are silent before he speaks up.

"Can I take you somewhere, well not somewhere, just a general can I show you something?" He says. I nod my head and he gets up quickly, with me still on his hips. He grabs his mask and puts it on.

"Hold on tight" He says walking over to the window and opening it.

"Wait wha-?" I ask, but before I can finish he jumped out the window, sending us flying through the sky. I cling on as tight as I can, he hugs me close to him with his hand around my waist. When I finally open my eyes, I watch all the bright lights of cars underneath us make lines of light as we swing by them. After another couple minutes of swinging around we land on a roof top near the middle of queens. We walk over to the roofs edge on the other side to see the little festival that was going on at the moment. The bright chains of lights make little shapes and the people dancing around to the music makes us laugh. He get up quickly, pulling out his phone and playing some slow music, before holding out his hand to me.

I take it and curtsy, he laughs before bowing. He slips his hand around my waist and I put mine on his shoulder. We attempt to waltz around for a little while, well by waltz I mean we pretty much just shuffled around laughing at each other and he would spin me occasionally. Then when the next song comes on we take the traditional slow dance position. We sway together for a while, I had my head on his shoulder and he rested his chin on mine, until the song ended. I lift my hands up to his mask, peeling it away from his skin and planting a kiss on his lips. He smiled, before going to kiss me again. And now, I had never felt so safe and loved then in his arms.

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