10. Flours

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As soon as we walked into school I felt everyone's eyes on us, the two nerdy people that somehow look cute together. I was still holding his hand, it was just covered by the sleeves of his jumper that hung a couple inches longer then my arms. Although I wasn't used to feeling all these eyes on me I felt okay with it, we kept walking to my locker. He let go of my hand and leant against the locker next to mine, whilst I grabbed the books I needed.

"Hey I-ah was thinking maybe we could do something after school today. If you want" he asks, I grab my maths book and science textbook and stack them in my arms.

"I would love to... but it's only my second day being Mr Stark's intern and I don't want to start missing things already." I close my locker and look at him, he's staring at the floor.

"Yeah okay that's fine-"

"But happy is dropping me home at 7:30pm after I finish, so I can come over after that if you want." A smile forms on his face.

"Yeah, that would be good" he turns to face me, his cheeks are all red.

"Well I have to go to history but I'll see you at lunch" he gives me a little smile. We stand there for a couple seconds before he kisses me on the cheek and starts running away.

"I'LL SEE YOU AT LUNCH!" He throws his hand up behind him, not facing me.

"PETER!?" I yell at him, everyone stops and turns to look at me. I turn around, put my head onto my locker and smile to myself.

*Peter's POV*

I run away laughing to myself. We were like 10 year olds, too scared to say or do anything. I mean I just kissed her on the cheek and she was shocked, god damn. I reach my class, which is on the other side of the school, and see Ned standing outside.

"Hey Peter!" I walk over to him huffing.

"Hey Ned." I take a seat on one of the benches beside him and lean my head on the wall behind me.

"I kissed her... Not like a proper kiss. It was only on the cheek but I did it." I laugh to myself a little knowing it was a tiny achievement.

"Cool dude." Ned puts out his hand and I give him a high five.

"You know, I think I'm going to tell her-"

"That you're spider-man!?" Ned interjects

"No, Ned, chill out man. If you would have let me finish..." I trail off


"I think I'm going to tell (Y/N) I like her." Ned turns to face me with a smirk on his face.

"Awwww Petey has a new crushy" he squishes my cheeks, I bat his hand away and stand up.

"Shut-up. She's coming over tonight so i'll tell her then, she's at the tower till 7:30 anyway." Ned and I talk for a little while longer before I know it, it's already the end of the day.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

*Time jump to 4pm*

Peter and I had already gotten to the tower and I started to get ready whilst he stood outside the girls change room and we talked.

"You know you can come in right? There's no one else in here, other then me." I pull my shirt over my head as he walks in with his gaze to the floor and his hands over his eyes.

"Okay, I'm in the girls changing room."

"Peter, you know I'm the one who can see right?" I giggle and walk over to the mirror.

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