9. Dinner

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I didn't get changed to go to Peters, instead I just dropped my jumper at mine then went to his straight away. As soon as I knocked on the door it opened.

"(Y/N)!" Peter wraps his arms around pulling me close, I rest my head on his shoulder and we stand there for a while.

"Hi to you too" I giggle as he lets go and ushers me in, closing the door behind him.

"So May has already tried making dinner and it failed miserably so she's out right now getting take out. Is that alright?" He rubs the back of his neck.

"Yes it's perfectly fine." I laugh and take a seat on the sofa, he comes and sits next to me. I've been trying to hide crush if had on him from the moment I met him, he's so sweet and caring. I just don't want to mess anything up by saying something. I'll just keep it to myself until it goes away, I mean it probably would after a while and it wasn't a big crush so I'll be able to keep quiet. I couldn't help looking at him though, as we sat opposite each other watching the TV. He looked like he was going to say something but he didn't so I decided to start up the conversation.
"I signed up for some of the camps at the tower." He sat up and leaned in closer to me.
"Black widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and Spider-Man." His face looked a little shocked but he shook his head a laughed it off.

"Yeah I'm doing the ones you're doing, except for Spider-Man, that's my designated working time." He crossed his legs on the couch and set his gaze on me. For a while I just sat looking forward and occasionally looking back to see him still looking at me.

"What?" I ask nervously fixing my hair.

"Nothing." He turns away sheepishly but I'm not going to let him get away with it that easy.

"Nooooooooooo tell meeeeeeee" I crawl over the couch and put my face close to his. His cheeks turn red and he looks down and chuckles a little.

"It's just that you looked really cute trying to focus on the TV without your glasses" he smiles. I was only an inch or 2 away from his face and I could feel the tension in the air. He  moves his hand up to my face, brushing my cheek with his thumb. I melt into his warmth. I felt like now was the perfect time to tell him but of course...

"Hey guys, I got dinner" both our eyes widen and we jump apart from each other. He scratches the back of his head and I play with my hair making things look extremely awkward.

"Are you going to come grab a plate?" May turns around asking.

"A-ah yeah." He looks at me and then back to May. I think she saw whatever was happening because I don't think she was comfortable either. We got our food and sat on the couch, Peter in the middle, we watched 'Doctor Who' which Peter knew I was a massive fan of. It was almost 8 and I was already tired but I wanted to stay here for as long as I could.

"Alright kiddos, that'll be me." May gets up, grabbing the dinner plates from the coffee table.
"I'm going to bed now, thank you for joining us. You are welcome to come over to us whenever. Peter hunny just make sure you turn off the TV when you're done, (Y/N) you can stay for as log as you like." She puts the dishes in the sink and smiles at me.

"Thank you so much, I will definitely take you up on that offer." I smile at her, she leaves the room and closes her bedroom door behind her. It was only Peter and I now, I couldn't help but to get butterflies.

"We could either stay in here and keep watching TV or we could go into my room." He looks at me questioningly.

"Oh! I have a movie that I found on Netflix the other day that I haven't watched yet but it's meant to be really good! It's called 'To all the boys I've loved before'." He flicks on Netflix and lay on the opposite side of me. I look at him then get up and lay next to him. I put my head on his chest then look up to him.

"Is this okay?" I ask

"It's perfect." He smiles at me wrapping his arm around me, pulling me closer. Watching the movie made me get butterflies, it's like it made me like Peter more. I was just laying there on his chest before I felt my eyes become heavy, when I woke up I was in his bed, with him. It was morning already and we were snuggled up like we were last night, he was just wearing different clothes. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Good morning." He looked so precious

"Good morning to you too" I giggled a little rubbing my head into his chest.

"We have to leave in about 40 minutes so we should probably start getting ready soon."

"See the 2 words that I listened to were should and soon, so that means we can stay here for a little longer." I say, He laughs

"Come onnnnnnnnn." He rolls out of bed and grabs my hands pulling me out of the bed like a wet cloth. I hung there, my legs still on the bed and Peter holding my arms up.

"EHHHHHHHHH" I drop my legs to the ground and roll along the floor, I go to grab my keys to get changed but I realise that I left my keys in the house.

"Hey Peter, we may have a slight problem." I look up to him getting changed.

"Yeah? What is it?" He slips his shirt on and stands there waiting for a response.

"I left my keys in my house." I smile at him

"That's fine, we can fix that later. You can just borrow some of my clothes for the day." Oh lord how good that made me feel. Could you imagine what everyone will think? but also the smell!

"You sure?" I want him to say yes

"Yes of course" I smile as he throws me a shirt of his and a big yellow jumper. I slip off the clothes I slept in and put on his, except for my jeans obviously. They were so big and warm, it made me feel safe. I could feel him looking at me whilst I was fixing up my hair.

"You can keep that if you want." he smiles at me whilst he's tying up his shoe laces.

"I mean, you look better in it then I ever could." I laugh a little and feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Thanks" I giggle, grabbing my bag. We walk out onto the street and keep talking. Occasionally I take a glimpse at him, looking into the distance. His eyes catch mine after a while and we hold a gaze. Him just being here makes my stomach do backflips and turns me into a 10 year old girl, scared to hold his hand. I keep going to reach for his hand, but pull back to avoid humiliation. He looks down and grabs mine instead, so I look up to him.

"I saw you trying for a while and I decided it's about time I put you out of your misery." We both laugh as we walk hand in hand the rest of the way to school.

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