3. The Party

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As soon as we got back to the apartments Peter went inside and I quickly ducked next door to grab some things to get ready for tonight. As soon as I finished Peter took me back into his apartment and showed me into his room, I immediately planted myself on his bed.

"So this is my room, oh and we're just going to pick up Ned on the way now. He wanted to finish his homework before we went." He smiles and plops himself down on his spinny desk chair.

"Cool, sounds good." I trail off

"Hey look... can I ask you something?"

He gets up and sits himself next to me. I started getting butterflies.

"Sure, what's up?" He says.

"I know it may seem kinda needy but could you please, please, please not leave my side tonight? I just freakout in social situations and you're the only person I know."

"You're probably not asking the right guy but sure, I won't leave you."

I smile, when I look up I can see him smiling too. With our faces only inches apart I feel the blood rush to my cheeks so I look down trying to hide it. He laughs a little and gets back up to start getting ready. I can't help but wonder if he could feel anything like what I was feeling because even though he wasn't out going or anything like who I would usually go for, he made me feel different. He looks through his clothes to find a shirt that doesn't have a science pun on it. He pulls out a blue and a grey shirt and holds them up to himself.

"which one do you think?" he says turning around and showing each one off.

"mmmm the blue one." I point to it and he nods. He takes off his shirt and puts on the blue one. I wonder if he noticed me staring. For a while we just talked whilst I fixed up my makeup and he sat on his bed playing games, then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Pete we should get go-" she stopped and looked at me.

"Um Pete you didn't tell me you had a girl over." she looked and him and he looked at me so I just stood there uncomfortably.

"Oh yeah, this is (Y/N) she's new to Midtown" he says pointing to me.

"Well hello (Y/N) I am Peter's aunt May. You guys ready to go?"

Peter looks and me and a give him a nod to say yes, he grabs a jumper and we make our way to the party. When we got there Peter got out the car and opened the door for me, smiled at him as he helped me out. When May had finished talking to Peter we all stood at the door step about to go in, I started to shake and breathe a little faster. I closed my eyes and stood there for a second but then shaken back to reality.

"A-are you okay?" Peter asks, pulling me way from the door.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little scared that's all." I look down to my shaking hands.

"It's okay, I'm not overly confident either but it'll be okay. I'll stay right by your side, okay?"
He takes a step closer, looking at me with the most reassuring eyes.

"Okay" I smile.

As soon as I walked in the smell of alcohol smacked me in the face, at first it made me want to gag but then the smell became sweet and enticing. I grabbed a red plastic cup and poured some vodka and coke into it. Peter looked at me in worry but I gave him a nudge to say I had it all under control.

After my 4th drink I started to loose control of myself, letting things slip out and acting really stupid as we played a couple rounds of truth or dare. Obviously if I was sober I would have never played in a lifetime, but now I took this chance to play with everyone else. I sat down, Peter sat next to me and Ned on the other side of Peter, then a girl across the circle yells...

"Hey new girl! Truth or Dare."

I was going to say truth but why not go all out on my first go.

"Dare." I say smiling at her.

"Ok?" she says looking around the circle, rubbing her hands together like she's crafting an evil plan.

"I dare you to sit on a person of your choice's lap for the rest of the game." She, along with everyone else, started to laugh.

"Easy." I insist.

So I get up and sit right on Peter, his hands quickly grab onto my waist to steady me. I turn around to look at him and smile, he looks up at me and gives me a weary smile back. After a few more rounds of truth or dare and people being dared to make out with other people and swap items of clothing with the closest boy, I finally started to sober up. Although I think it all tired me out because I started to fall asleep on Peter. After a while had fallen asleep and woken by the cold air hitting my arms. We somehow got outside and were sitting by the pool, Peter was next to me on the sofa and my head was on his shoulder. I got up and looked around before resting my gaze on him.

"Good-morning" he laughed.

"We came and sat out here but then you fell asleep on me and I didn't want to wake you up so I just sat here with you."

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I get up to get him some space.

"N-no it's ok, r-really." he smiled.

I can't help but wonder how long we'd been like that

"It's almost 2am we should probably get going." he says helping me up.

"Yeah good idea." I chuckle. We walk inside and grab our stuff, Ned's mum picked him up hours ago apparently, so it was just him and I walking home together. It was so cold I could barely feel my fingers. I start rubbing my hands together to try and get warm.

"Are you cold?" He says

"O-oh no I'm fine, j-just a little but it doesn't really matter" I say looking at him. He fidgets around in his bag and pulls out his jumper.

"Here" he says pulling the jumper over my head.

"Better?" he smiles.

"Better." I smile back as we keep walking back to the apartment.

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