6. Bella Gaia

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I woke up for school the next day, doing my normal routine of getting ready. Today I decided to wear something a little more comfortable since I didn't have P.E. I get to school and take a seat in the cafeteria since I had a spare the first period. I put my head phones in and start listening to my 'Songs for good days' playlist, pulling out my science textbook and starting to read ahead for today's lesson. After a while I became so focused I didn't notice anything around me, A tap on my shoulder broke my concentration. Peter stood in front of me speaking, I couldn't hear what he was saying because my music was up too load, but I don't think he knew that.

"Sorry Peter, I didn't get any of that. Was it anything important?" I say taking out my headphones and placing them on the table.

"O-oh um. No it's fine, just blabbing." He rubs the back of his neck and looks down.

"Want to come sit?" I ask patting the seat next to me. He nods, and promptly sits down turning to face me.

"So... How's it going." I say closing my book and swivelling around and crossing my legs on the bench.

"It's going pretty okay actually. My Stark internship is going great and iI'm not having a ton of homework which is also pretty good." He smiles.

"You have a Stark internship? No Way! I've been trying to get in for one for the last god knows how long! What's it like?"

"It's amazing! Mr. Stark is so cool and he always calls me to go and help him out! but then again it's super tiring but I would do anything for Mr. Stark." He says, I can feel his energy radiating across to me.

"Oh my God! It sounds so good! I wish I could do that."

"Yeah, no kidding." He laughs.

"What about you? How are you doing?" His kind eyes felt like they were piercing into my soul.

"You know it's actually good. I have a new friend Everly, my new job, I'm getting my assignments done-"

"Your doing assignments?! (Y/N) you came to this school 5 days ago! what assignments do you possibly have?" He says in shock.

"I'm just doing last semesters assignments, There's only 2 for each subject. I just want to be caught up and make sure I know everything before I start this terms." I fiddle with my fingers.

"Even for me, that sounds crazy! How many have you done?"

"I've done the science one on enzymes and the other on meteorology, the English on Shakespeare and I'm finishing the one on poems. Done my music composition and my maths investigation. I have like 3 more to do." Peter stops and blinks at me confused.

"How in holy hell? Okay, you need to get out the house more." We laugh together.

"But I'm also serious. How about we go somewhere this afternoon? We could go to your work or something?" he looks at me for approval.

"Okay" I look down and laugh.

"Okay cool!" His phone buzzes

"Oh shit... I-ah I have to go" He says grabbing his bag and standing up

"I'll see you later (Y/N)" He runs away quickly throwing his bag on his back. It was kinda weird, I wonder what his phone said to make him have to leave so quickly. I turn back around to my books and start to study again.

*Peter's POV*

Mr. Stark sent me a message asking me to meet him at the new Avenger's tower. It had been so long since he'd talked to me, I wondered what he needed. I ran into an ally way, close to school, and climbed onto the roof top before slipping into my suit and webbing my bag against a wall. It took around 10 minutes to get to the building from there, it was quicker to use my webs instead of catching a taxi. I finally arrived and Happy took me up. I walked in to the see the large white kitchen with a big island and Mr. Stark leaning against it with a coffee in his hand.

"Ahhh Peter, nice to see you again. Come over here." He motions me over.

"Happy give me some time with the kid." he looks up, shooing happy away.

"Mr. Stark I-"

"Look kid, we need to talk."

"Mr. Stark I'm sorry-"

"It's nothing bad kid, don't worry." He says, I sigh in relief.

"There's this new person that I was told goes to your school. She's dangerous, she doesn't know it yet and that's what makes her more dangerous. I need you to get her on our side." He stops in front of me and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"She moved here not long ago, alone, and she's in your grade. You cannot tell anyone, Parker..."

"I won't Mr. Stark I swear!" I can feel my eyes almost pop out of my head

"...She's the daughter of Gaia and Apollo " He stares me in the eyes.

*A/N if you don't know who Gaia and Apollo are, Gaia is mother nature and Apollo is the god of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry and archery. Let's just pretend they aren't related and a trillion years*

"Her name is (Y/N)(L/N)." My face drops.

"(Y/N)(L/N)?" I can feel my face heating up and my palms start to get sweaty.

"Yes. Do you know her?" his grip tightens on my shoulders

"Yeah I do, we were meant to be hanging out this afternoon. She lives next to me." Mr. Stark's eyes light up.

"And I don't think that you're going to have much trouble getting her on your side Mr. Stark, she's been trying to get an internship here forever. We were talking about it this morning, she said she'd do anything to meet you." He sighs and let's go of me.

"Nice work kid, you keep her busy. Get to know her and whatever, I'm going to find out some way to bring her here and we can work from there." He puts his arm around my neck and we start walking again.

"Okay Mr. Stark. I won't let you down."

"Good. I'll get Happy to take you back to school." He says walking us over to the door.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark." I turn to face him.

"I didn't think Gods existed though." I say.

"You and me both son."

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