7. Date?

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*A/N (Y/N.L/N) is your instagram handle*

*(Y/N)'s POV*

Peter hadn't been at school since when he left this morning, it was really starting to scare me because I'd messaged him 10 times and he still hadn't seen them. It was taking my attention away from school work, which according to him I needed to be doing less of, but I also couldn't stop thinking about going out with him tonight. He hadn't said it was a date but I couldn't help but to think of it as one, I mean I don't know how he didn't have a girlfriend. He is so sweet and kind and cute, I know he isn't the most outspoken but I still don't know how he's single. The teacher woke me from my day dream.

"(Y/N)! Do you know what Sickle cell anaemia is?"

"It's a mutant haemoglobin protein, normally the gene carries the GAG, glutamic acid, gene but when mutated it carries the GUG, valine, gene instead." He looks at me impressed.

"Wow, we haven't even learnt that yet. Well done Miss (L/N)." He smiles at me and I put my head back down onto my book.


Peter still wasn't back and Ned was out sick today so I just sat by myself where i'd usually sit and messaged Peter again.

Peter still wasn't back and Ned was out sick today so I just sat by myself where i'd usually sit and messaged Peter again

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I put my phone down and hold my head in my hands. Then I hear a familiar voice.

"(Y/N)!" Everly runs behind me and gives me a hug.

"Hey Everly." I say with a smile.

"Oh! This is Alora. She's my best friend" She gives me a little wave and they both sit down across from me.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I say pulling my books off the table and into my bag.

"So where's Peter?" Everly asks leaning her head on her hand and raising her eyebrows.

"I'm not quite sure, I messaged him just before but he hasn't answered." Her smile drops.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, he's probably just gone home." She pulls something out of her bag.

"Can I have your number? We can make a group chat with us girls and I reckon it would be amazing!! We can have sleepovers and stuff" I put my number into her phone and the bell rings.

"Hey, thanks for sitting with me but I should really get to class now." I say pulling my bag out from under the table

"No problem" they both say, I quickly go to my next class.

*Time Jump to being home*

I get to the apartments and decide to knock on Peter's door to see if he's home since he still hadn't messaged me back. I knock and the door opens, but it's not Peter. May stands there smiling.

"Hey hun, How are you?"

"I'm good thanks. A-ah is Peter home?" I ask

"No not yet but he should be soon, do you want me to send him across to you when he's back?" she smiles.

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