17. Flower

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I roll over and feel my hand hit something hard, the leather book Spidey had given me was laying next to me and a pencil next to it. I smile knowing that the book had been a place I could write about how I felt. Like a person that had no mouth, would keep my secrets and not be able to spread them in any way. I clench the book to my chest and grin, thinking about the boy whose words spoke louder then his expressions. How I'd began to like the guy who I'd spent thinking about for the last day. Although I couldn't stop thinking about him, my feelings for Peter were still there. I couldn't hurt him like this, not over some one that I don't know the name of. I stretch out my arms and bend backwards, feeling the muscles and bones in my back crack and release leaving me feeling loose. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and put the book on the night stand, a piece of paper falls out onto the floor. I reach over and hold it up to my adjusting eyes. It had a number on it, followed by a note.

"Hey (Y/N), this is Mr Stark. Everyone is out for the day so if you need something I won't be able to help so just call this number. It's Spidey's number, he'll be around if you need anything."

I smile to myself a little, knowing that I just got handed the guy I like's number. I quickly open up my phone and punch the number into my contacts with his name and question mark next to it. I drop my phone back down on the bed and make my way out to the kitchen.

I pour myself a bowl of cereal and turn on the TV. At first it starts some random kids show, which I don't know who would've been watching it, maybe Clint's kids, then flick it to the news. I jump up onto the counter top and put a spoonful in my mouth, leaning on one of my arms. Suddenly the screen switches to breaking news, lighting up the room with bright red.

"Just in now we have reports that there is an armed robbery in a grocery store on 43rd. Currently we are unable to tell if anyone is harmed but there is a known number of at least 6 hostages in the building, including 4 children. We are waiting for the police to arrive now." She nods before the broadcast switches back to the normal program. I shrug to myself before running to get my suit on then running to the scene.

As soon as I get there someone runs up to me.

"Please, please! Can you help me! My child is in there! Please." She cries into me.

"Ma'am I'm going to try and get everyone out but you need to stay calm, the police are almost here. I saw them on the way, as soon as they get here go and talk to them, alright?" I say to her.

"Yep, thank you so much. Please do it quickly." She says as I run off towards the building. I walk up to the window of the store as all the police arrive, I give them a thumbs up before walking through the doors to hear the familiar sound of the door bell ringing. I hold both my hands up and keep walking in.

"You know, it's not very nice to keep people in here against their will" I say, walking through the aisle until I can clearly see the guy. There was 8 people on the ground, one looked to be in pain and the others looked fine, a little shaken at the most. As I count the people I stop when my eyes see them, it was Peter and Brier tucked away in the corner of the room. Peter was sat in front of 2 younger kids, maybe 7, trying to calm them down and make them stop crying by holding their hands behind his back. I walk up to the guy slower now.

"Stop moving! STOP MOVING!" He yelled at me.

"Listen I'm just coming out of the aisle so you can see me. I just want to show you I have nothing on me." I say walking towards him slower.

"Okay, okay, okay." he repeats to himself pointing his knife at me and ushering me forwards. As soon as I got into the open I spin around showing him that I had no weapons.

"Listen, keeping everyone here is not the way to do things. I don't know what you want but trust me this is not the way." I say keeping my arms up as I creep forwards more.

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