13. Plant

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*time jump a week*
It was finally the weekend and that means that Peter and I could actually do something together without it being over the phone. Peter said he was coming over soon but he had to speak to Mr Stark about something first. I mean it didn't make too much of a difference to me but still. I hadn't seen him since it all happened, so it was great to finally be able to see him in person again.

I lay on my bed curled up in a little ball watching conspiracy videos about all the celebrities in the Illuminati, it was great. I told Iris to tell me when Peter got here and since I was living here now, Mr Stark connected Iris to the tower so she was everywhere with me.

"(Y/N) Peter has arrived." She says. I quickly shut my laptop and peer out my door to see him and Mr Stark talking, I can't help but smile when I see him grinning and his face turning red. I couldn't hold myself back any longer, I ran at him and jumped into his arms.

"PETERRRRRRRRR!!" I say wrapping my legs around his torso as he spins me around.

"(Y/NNNNNNNN)" He mocks.

I pull him tightly into me, still perched on top of his hips. I lift my head out of the crook of his neck and smile at him, he does the same back before dropping my back to the floor.

"Okay I'll leave you kids alone then." Mr Stark says leaving the room.

"So!" I say jumping over the couch and kicking my feet up.

"What are we going to do today?" I ask, looking back at him.

"I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie now and figure everything out later." He jumps over the back of the couch, and sits next to me.

"Sounds like a great idea to me." I smile up at him. We started watching 'The 15:17 to Paris'...

*A/N I recommend that movie its so good!!*

so I wiggled around and put my head on his lap. He didn't move or say anything but just played with my hair whilst we watched. God damn it felt good! After a while I get up and grab us both some food but then go right back to where we were.

"Hey (Y/N)?" he says quietly.

"Yes Peter?" I say rolling my head around in his lap to look up at him.

"I really like you." He says smiling.

"I thought we went through this last week." I laugh a little.

"Yeah I know but, I just really like you." he says blushing a little bit.

"Well that's a good thing because I do too." We smile at each other before we both turn back to watch the movie. He reaches over and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. I bring our hands up to my lips and kiss the back of his hand and smile back at him before finishing the rest of the movie.

"OH MY GOD PETER!" I yell jumping up

"What!? I'm awake! What's wrong!?" He says drowsily.

"I COMPLETELY FORGOT THAT I HAVE TRAINING TODAY! I TOLD TONY I WOULD AND ITS MY LAST SESSION BEFORE THE TEST." I say sprinting to my room and getting changed into some gym clothes.

"Can't this wait?" he moans.

"No, it can't. Get your ass up because I going to need you to help me." I say grabbing his wrist and pulling him off the couch.

"Ehhhhhhhh" he says sliding onto the ground.

"Fine but just at least let me do this." He says lifting me onto his back and pulling my legs around to cross at his waist.

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