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School was over, and Rainbow Dash was relived. She could leave.

Rainbow was holding a lot of stuff, mainly her new books, her guitar, and at the same time holding her hood closer to her head.

"Ya want some help?" Rainbow jumped a little at the sudden voice.

"O-Oh.. I got it.. really, I do." Rainbow stumbled in place, slipping on a step, luckily she was able to catch her balance.

"Are you sure, sugar cube? I can help you at least get it home." Applejack smiled at her friend.

"But what about you..? Don't you have to go home?" Rainbow asked.

"Yup," Applejack said, "I live in the Apple Mansion."

Rainbow was shocked, "And you're this nice to m-me? You could probably have anything you wanted, and you choose being nice to me?"

Applejack nodded, "Wealth comes with a change of personality, but not for me. I always wanna be humble and kind to people. Everyone deserves to be happy."

Rainbow smiled, she hadn't even noticed herself walked with only her hood to hold, her guitar, and two of the books. Applejack help two other books, and Rainbows backpack for her.

"I wish people in CloudsDale were like you," Rainbow said, "You're either the best, or you're nothing to anyone."

"The best at what?" Applejack asked.

"Graceful flying techniques. Sure, I can fly.. but what's the fun in it when you can't go fast without someone telling you you're not good enough." Rainbow tucked her wings tightly, tighter then it needs to be.

"What was school like in CloudsDale?" Applejack asked again, she liked getting to know Rainbow.

"Torture.." Rainbow trailed off, "Again, if you weren't the best, you were nothing to everyone. I was the biggest outcast ever. I started to fly slower and then gained people's attention. I became this cocky, attention seeking jerk.."

Applejack noticed the sadness in the skylings eyes, "Hey, it's okay if ya don't wanna talk 'bout it. I understand."

Rainbow shook her head, "I don't know who I was.. I don't know why I had a thirst for attention.. I just never got any."

"Well, you deserved attention. Everyone has bad moments, even I do," Applejack tried changing the subject, "Did you have good friends there?"

Rainbow shook her head, "Not until you, Rarity, and Pinkie said something to me have I ever.. trusted anyone I guess."

"Why did ya trust us?" Applejack questioned.

"You just has this look in your eyes that said 'Yo, I know we kinda are creepy trying to track you down and stuff, but like, we won't hurt you.'." Rainbow said.

Applejack laughed, "You're hilarious."

"N-No I'm not..!" Rainbow blushed slightly with a smile on her face.

"Mhm. Sure," Applejack said, "Anyway, where do ya live?"

"I live alone with my pet turtle in the apartments on Sombra Road." Rainbow answered.

"Sombra Road? Isn't that really dangerous?" Applejack was wide eyed.

"Yeah, but it's not so bad. Just decline anyone who asks you anything, and don't eat the powdered donuts on the street." Rainbow said.

"And you live alone?!" Applejack was still shook.

"No, I have my turtle."

"No, I mean, where's ya ma and pa?" Applejack asked as she pressed the cross road button.

"Oh.. uhm.." Rainbow looked down. Applejack looked at Rainbow, a tear fell from her eye and hit the ground.

"Oh.. Rainbow, I'm so sorry." Applejack kneeled down to look at the girls face. Applejack whipped tears off her cyan skin.

"It's okay, sugar, it's okay. C'mon, be happy." Applejack smiled warmly at Rainbow.

"I've been happier since they.. you know.. actually.." Rainbow said quietly as they began walking again.

"Rainbow! How could ya say that?" Applejack raised her tone of voice a little.

"Relax! Trust me.. they didn't love me." Rainbow sighed. She looked up at her apartment.

"Wanna meet my turtle?!" Rainbow jumped up. Applejack laughed.

"Sure, I'd love to." Applejack said happily at the perky Rainbow, it was the first time she had ever seen Rainbow Dash be excited.

"Come on!" Rainbow started walking up the stairs, at a quick pace, with Applejack behind.

After Rainbow unlocked the door, she let Applejack in. Applejack looked around at what she could see. The walls didn't look finished, but they were being painted a dark blue. The ceiling was blank, however. There wasn't much furniture either, but Applejack loved the idea of bean bags instead of living room chairs.

"Sorry it's a little messy right now.. I'm trying to make it look nice. It's just a lot to do, I guess." Rainbow said kicking an empty paint bucket into a nearby trash bin.

"That's quite alright, Rainbow. I bet it's gonna look great." Applejack looked back at Rainbow, who had taken off her hoodie revealing her black shirt.

"Oh! Lemme go get Tank!" Rainbow ran into the room over to grab Tank, and was quickly back with a little turtle.

"Aww," Applejack Said, "He's adorable!"

"I got him about a month ago, nobody wanted him because he was different."  Rainbow said, "I got him because I know how he must feel."

"Honestly, Rainbow, you're the sweetest thing ever." Applejack laughed.

"I'm not much, but I have a heart." Rainbow aid setting Tank down.

"Do ya have a cell?" Applejack asked Rainbow. She nodded.

"Want my number?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure do, how else will I keep in touch with my new friend out of school?" Applejack smiled.

"We're friends?" Rainbow smiled shyly.

"Of course we are." Applejack said.

"Really?! That's awesome!!" Rainbow squealed.

"S-Sorry..." Rainbow slouched her shoulders a bit.

"For what? Gettin' excited? There ain't nothin' wrong with that." Applejack smiled. Rainbow returned it.

"I gotta get goin, I'll text ya!" Applejack said walking to the door, but stopped as she felt rainbow hug her from behind.

"Thank you.. your my first real friend.." Rainbow said.

Applejack smiled, "It's nothin', Dash. I'll see ya tomorrow."

Rainbow waved to Applejack as she left. She looked down at Tank.

"Holy moly I have a friend."


Okie dokie lokie, thats chapter two!
Just saying, I'm not going to rush them to become a couple, I'm going through have everything rlly works, friends, best friends, crushes, etc.

Comment whatever! Baii:)

💗 - Mal

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