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Applejacks eyes opened slowly and got used to the morning light. She began sitting up, until she remembered who laid cuddled up next to her.


Applejack smiled at the skyling, she couldn't wish for anything but this.

Then it hit her.

I have a girlfriend. Applejack thought What the heck am I gonna tell my family? I'm in another relationship with another skyling. Will they just think about the last skyling I dated? But, then again, Fluttershy has changed a lot. Oh shoot..

Applejack looked back down at Rainbow Dash. Applejack smiled instantly.

No.. Applejack thought She's different. She's everything I could have ever asked for, and more.

Applejack kissed Rainbows forehead gently, "I love you, Dashie.."

Applejack felt Rainbow snuggle closer to her, "Ifh lufe yuch tco.."

Applejack smiled. She knew Rainbow meant 'I love you too'.

Applejack looked at the time, it was only 6 in the morning. She decided to sleep a little longer, or at least until Rainbow Dash woke up and schemed to prank her.

She held her new girlfriend close, and let her eyes shut. The two teens lay there, asleep and filled with happiness.


"You're together?!!" Rarity began to squeal. Pinkie Pie was already jumping off the walls in pure excitement, Fluttershy on the other hand, was attempting to get Pinkie to stop bouncing off the walls.

"I'm so happy for you girls! But, um. Some help Pinkie would be a little helpful." Fluttershy laughed. The party girl skidded to a stop from her excitement attack.


Everyone stared oddly at Pinkie.

"I'm with Pinkie here. What's everyone doing like, not reacting like Pinkie Pie." Rainbow walked over to Pinkie, shrugged, and joined Pinkie who was jumping up and down excitedly.

"This better not mess up my hair..!" rarity walked over to the two other girls who were having a random dance party now, and joined in. So did Fluttershy.

"Jackie! Common!!!" Rainbow pulled her girlfriend over to her, and basically forced her to join. Applejack smiled.

What could possibly be bad in her life now?

A beautiful girlfriend.

A great group of friends.

No more drama.

A happy home.

A perfect education.

What could possibly go wrong?


"Hey, Dash, c'mere!" Applejack called to her girlfriend. Rainbow walked over to Applejack who was checking something on her laptop.

"Ooh! Can I play Minecraft?!" Rainbow smiled. Applejack shook her head.

"I was just gonna ask ya if you'd bring the softball team to my bake sale, ya know, for more people to come and stuff?" Applejack asked.

"Of course! I'll totally get them in, when is it?" Rainbow asked.

"It's this Saturday." Applejack responded.

Rainbow shot a thumbs up, "I'll text Spit Fire to tell the others. I don't have everyone's number."

"Okay, thanks babe." Applejack smiled, "And now you can play Minecraft."

"Yes!!" Rainbow sat on AJ's lap as they played Minecraft together. Applejack has no clue what it was, or what the purpose of it was, but she loved it when Rainbow Dash was happy.

That's all that mattered.


It was now Saturday, and Rainbow Dash was playing softball with her teammates.

During break, she looked at her phone to happily see a text from Applejack.

Applejack- Hey, Rainbow Dash. Just letting you know that the bake sale is actually tomorrow. Sorry I messed up the date! xx

Rainbow- Oh it's cool! I'll let the team know, we'll be there tomorrow :)

Rainbow shoved her phone back into her pocket to go and let the team know the change of plans.


Applejack was setting up the bake sale on the same beautiful Saturday. She was expecting Rainbow Dash and her friends to come, but they were already an hour late.

And from hour, it became three hours, than five.

No sign of her, or the softball team.

"Uh. You said that the softball team was going to be here." Scoffed many people who attended the bake sale.

"Stupid, Rainbow. She made a liar outta me!" Applejack kicked at the floor.


Sunday came along, and Rainbow and the softball team walked to where the bake sale was going to take place.

"Huh?!" Rainbow said when she saw nothing.

"You sure this is the place, RD?" Spit Fire asked her.

"Yeah! But where is she?" Rainbow wondered.

"Well gosh, Dash. Thanks for wasting our time. We had other stuff to do ya know!" Soarin rolled his eyes.

"Guys, I-"

"Let's get outta gear, cya Crash." Spit Fire sighed as they all left.

Rainbow watched them, wide eyed and her jaw dropped.

"Stupid, Applejack! She made my friends hate me!" Rainbow sighed.

Both Rainbow and Applejack were mad, and the anger wasn't going away soon..


Hey everyone:)

Sorry I have been getting slow on writing..

I've had a really really bad day.

Today is the 3rd anniversary of my Pa's death, so my mom is in the worst mood ever and she's just been yelling at me at anything I do all day and it has really been hurting my feelings how she's so nice to my cousin and grandma and aunt and everyone else but me. I feel really bad for her, yes, but I cannot wish I could be more appreciated.

I'm going to get another chapter out tonight, I'm pretty sure I can.

If you read this stuff, thanks.. I just had to get it off my chest..

Mal ~

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