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"They've got Spike!!" Twilight Sparkle shouted as she was just crowned Fall Formal Princess.

Twilight and her friends began the first part of their battle. They ran through the hallways quickly to retrieve Spike.

Once hey had made it outside, there stood Sunset Shimmer, a very powerful magical. Nobody really wanted anything to do with her.

"That's close enough!" Sunset screamed as she brought a hammer up to the portal that could take Twilight home.

"Give her Spike back, Sunset!" Rainbow growled. She would have already been up there fighting Sunset if it weren't for Applejack, who was holding her back.

"Give me the crown, Twilight. Than your portal will be safe." Sunset grinned.

"No." Twilight said.

"Okay then," Sunset looked at Snips and Snails, the two who kidnapped Spike, "Get the crown!"

Running. Shouts. Falls.

Sunset seemed to have won.

A big ray of red and black smoke rose around Sunset Shimmer, her formation into the magical being she wanted to be. She arose from the dark clouds as a demon, that only wished for power at the time.

(U can see the pic now)
The girls gasped, and Rainbow was terrified. Applejack held out her arm protectively in front of Rainbow Dash, looking at the magical demon before them all.

"You now have nothing Twilight Sparkle, I have magic, and you have nothing!" Sunset laughed devilishly.

Rainbow took many steps forward, this was the most confident she has ever been, "She has us!"

Her friends stood behind her, and Twilight looked back at Sunset, Who was about to blast her with magic. She gasped as she ducked, unknowing of her new friends who had rushed over and guarded her with their arms.

Nothing happened.

A light purple ray of magic surrounded the girls.

"The crown may be upon your head Sunset Shimmer," Twilight looked up at her, "But you do not obtain in your heart the most powerful magic of all!"

All of the girls became a more powerful version of their original selfs, each given a special quality from Princess Twilight.






And Magic.


"And then Rainbow Dash was all like 'No way! She has us!!' And then we were all like 'Oh yeah she does'!!" Pinkie was remembering the defeat.

Sunset rolled her eyes playfully, "I can't take offense anymore."

All of the girls laughed. Pinkie and Fluttershy were standing up playing hand shake games, and telling stories. Rarity and Sunset sat down listening to Pinkie Pie, and sometimes glancing over at Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Rainbow was held on Applejacks lap. Rainbows head next to Applejacks. Everyone thought they were the cutest couple in the world.

Rainbow was asleep. Everyone was so confused on how she could be sleeping again. Rainbow Dash could never sleep during the night, but always was asleep during the day.

Applejack had even began calling her 'Lil Owl'.

"Applejack," Rarity pointed at Rainbow Dash, "She's very pale."

Applejack shifted Rainbow in her arms a bit and looked at her face. Rarity was right, righter then right itself. Rainbow was as white as snow.

"Holy crap.." Applejack whispered. The earthling slowly moved Rainbows bangs out of her face and felt her head.

"She's pretty hot to me," Applejack sighed, "Hey, Fluttershy? Can you tell what a temperature is by touch?"

Fluttershy nodded, "I've known for a little while ever since I had a sick pet at my animal shelter."

"Can ya check Dash? She sees kinda hit to me." Applejack looked down at the peaceful girl she loved.

"Of course," Fluttershy walked over and knelt down to Rainbows level. She pressed her hand softly against her paled cyan skin and gasped, "109°, that's really bad."

Everyone else gasped.

"I know someone whose ya a fever that bad before," Sunset began, "He went crazy."

"Let's get her some medicine, let's head to my place." Sunset suggested. The girls nodded. Applejack picked Rainbow up gently, doing her best not to wake the sick girl.

You better be alright Rainbow Dash.. Applejack thought.


Thought I'd get one shorter one out :)


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