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"You. Did. WHAT?!" Pinkie shrieked. Spring break had ended, and the girls were all back in school. Applejack just told Pinkie and Rarity about the fight that had occurred with Rainbow Dash over the break.

"Applejack, darling. You are such an idiot sometimes." Rarity sighed, "No offense, dear."

Applejack nodded, "I am. I really am. I need to quit it. She's sensitive.. guess what her sister said to me, just got into my head, ya know?"

Pinkie shrugged, "Did you let Dashie explain herself?"

Applejack shook her head, "I am kinda mad at her though, I've never seen such an evil side to her. I'm glad I went."

"Darling, you can't be mad at her. Whatever she's done in the past shouldn't effect who she is now." Rarity calmly stated. Applejack shrugged.

"I'm going to see her at lunch today then!!" Pinkie Pie declared, biting into a sugar cookie.

"She's not at school, dear. I have her in art class, first block, and she was announced absent." Rarity explained the Pinkie Pie.

"After school it is!" Pinkie smiled, finishing the small baked good.

Applejack sighed. She didn't know what she even felt towards Rainbow right now. She loved her, but hated her.

"Hello, girls." Fluttershy smiled softly as she sat down next to Rarity, and immediately questioned the unusual behavior at the table.

"Why is Pinkie not being loud, why isn't Rarity trying to talk about anything including fashion, why is Applejack not looking happy, and where's Rainbow Das- not again." Fluttershy face palmed at the end, "Are you two arguing..?"

Applejack nodded sadly.

"Oh, how wonderful." Fluttershy sarcastically mumbled.

A long ring from the loud speaker, the halls became quiet.

"Hello, students. This is Vice Principal Luna. This is an announcement that school is over early. So you may leave to go home soon. The senior party planning committee will be decorating the gymnasium for our upcoming Spring Dance. More information on that will be coming soon, school is dismissed. Thank you, students." Vice Principal Luna's voice explained through the loud speaker.

"It's such a bummer I can't be on the part planning committee until senior year!" Pinkie complained, but then suddenly remembered something, "Ooh! I get to go visit Dashie early!! I'll make sure she's okay!"

"I think I'll join you, Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy grabbing her bag, "If that's okay with you, that is."

"Okie dokie lokie!! Let's go, Flutters!" Pinkie Pie said. The two pink haired friends walked out of the front doors of Canterlot High School. Rarity stayed with Applejack.

"Applejack, darling. Are you okay?" Rarity questioned her close friend, a caring tone in her voice.

"I don't quite know, Rarity," Applejack sighed, "Do I keep messin' this up? I keep hurtin' the love of my life, and one day she's just goin' to have enough of it.."

Rarity shook her head, "Now, Applejack. Rainbow is to blame too, you aren't the only one."

"But I should know better! She's so depressed already as it is, and I might just be addin' to it.. what if.." Applejack felt tears rise, "What if we ain't meant to be?"

"Oh, heavens no!!" Rarity said, louder than her previous statements, "You and Rainbow Dash are perfect together, I couldn't see you with anyone else, Applejack. I've known you since grade school, and nobody you've ever crushed on, or anybody who liked you, they couldn't compare to you with Rainbow."

Applejack whipped a tear away from her face, Rarity was right. Very right. Rainbow had given Applejack so much more to live for. Applejack had never loved anyone so much. Rainbow Dash has everything Applejack ever dreamed in a person to be with, and she couldn't loose her.

"I truly believe you and Rainbow Dash can grow up, graduate, get married, and even have kids. Grow old, and die together. Even though you're having issues now, you have to realize this is high school," Rarity said calmly, "Everyone fights, and if you and Rainbow really are going to be together forever, this fight is going to be nothing."

Applejack couldn't help it anymore. She couldn't cry. She hasn't cried in forever. Yet, she couldn't hold in tears.

"Oh, darling. Don't cry, Applejack." Rarity hugged her friend, "Everything will be okay as soon as you know it, trust me."

Applejack nodded, and boy did she hope Rarity was right.

Pinkie skipped up to Rainbows apartment, Fluttershy silently walked behind the bubbly girl.

Pinkie Pie waited for Fluttershy to get to the door, and then knocked on Rainbow Dash's door, "Dashie! It's me!! Pinkie Pie!!"

"And Fluttershy..!" Fluttershy quietly shouted.

A couple minutes passed, and then the door began to open to reveal a certain rainbow haired girl.

"What?" Rainbow Dash said emotionlessly.

Pinkie smiled.

"Hi, Dashie! We just came to see how you were," Pinkie said, "AJ told us you guys are having a big fight, and we just wanted to come talk to you!"

"If.. that's okay, that is." Fluttershy chimed in.

Rainbow sighed.

"Okay, come in." Rainbow let them in. Pinkie and Fluttershy sat down next to Rainbow on the couch.

"So," Fluttershy spoke up, "Can you let us know what happened?"

"We were fighting about something stupid," Rainbow sadly laughed, "Like always.."

"We heard about your past, Dashie. I am not going to judge you for it, you were so little! You didn't know any better. It shouldn't effect you now, okay?" Pinkie Pie smiled. Rainbow shrugged.

"Hm.." Fluttershy thought, "Is the fight the reason you didn't come to school today?"

"Yes, and no," Rainbow sniffed, "Feel really sick and gross and bleh."

"Oh my!" Fluttershy exclaimed, "Do you need anything?"

"I need Applejack.." Rainbow quietly said, thought both her friend heard her.

"Don't you worry, Rainbow! You and Jackie will be the best of girlfriends in no time! Trust us!!" Pinkie Pie encouraged Rainbow.

"Of course," Fluttershy added, "You two are going to be just fine, okay?"

Rainbow shrugged.


Rarity had gone home after Applejack left.

She began to think of different ways she could get Applejack and Rainbow Dash to talk.

Rarity walked through a room, Sweetie Belle always locked herself in her room whenever she was watching TV, she just liked not being interrupted.

"Aha!!" Rarity squealed, "I'll lock them up in a room!"

Though it was a pretty odd, and weird idea, Rarity had texted Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy the whole plan.

All they had to do now, was hope it would work.



hi ppl how r u :)

- M

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