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Applejack and Rainbow sat next to each other, watching over Applebloom and Scootaloo play a video game together. They used to have a third player, but Sweetie Belle had already been picked up by Rarity.

"Hey, AJ?" Rainbow said, turning her head to face her girlfriend.

Applejack looked over. "What's up?"

"I have to go to Las Pegasus to see my sister...is it okay if you come with me?" Rainbow asked, fidgeting nervously.

"Of course Dashie," Applejack said. "But why do ya need me to come?"

Rainbow sighed. "Pastel always said that I would never fit in, let alone make any type of friend. She said that I'd never find someone who'd love me for who I am. But now, I can prove her wrong. I have awesome friends and an even better girlfriend." she said, smiling at Applejack.

Applejack laughed. "So basically, ya wanna brag 'bout me?"

Rainbow smirked. "Pretty much, yeah. She's never even had a boyfriend. She's gonna be so mad." Rainbow laughed quietly.

"I do have one question," Applejack said. "Didn't you say your sister died in a fire a long time ago?"

Rainbow looked down, "That wasn't Pastel. It was Water Color, she was worse. She tried drowning me when I was seven."

Applejacks eyes winded, "How old was she?"

"12. I'm the youngest, Pastel is 18 now, and I think Water Color would've been about 20." Rainbow said, thinking outloud.

"I wish Scootaloo were my little sister," Rainbow smiled, "She really is a good kid."

Applejack smiled, "I know. Havin' a little sister is so much fun. I bet if your sisters gave you a chance, they would've loved you."

"My brother gave me a chance.." She heard Rainbow mumble.

"Ya have a brother?" Applejack asked, shocked.

"Had." Rainbow corrected, "He also died in the fire."

Applejack felt bad for Rainbow Dash. Despite Rainbow always seeming so happy and hyper, she had been through a lot. If she didn't known better, Applejack would've never thought that she had such a rough past.

Applejack didn't know what to say. She carefully wrapped Rainbow in a hug, whispering "I love you, baby."

Rainbow smiled, saying "I love you too."

"Awwwwww!!" Rainbow and Applejacks heads shot up at the sudden noise coming from Scootaloo and Applebloom.

"You guys are so cute! Who knew Rainbow Danger Dash could act like a softie!" Scootaloo teased her idol.

"Scootaloo!!" Rainbow blushed.

Applejack laughed along with the two younger children, "Don't worry Dashie, I'm pretty sure that everyone knows that by now."

"Not everyone, Applejack." Rainbow stuck out her tongue.

Applejack laughed and looked over at the clock, "Okay, y'all. Let's all head to bed."

"But it's only 2 am!" Rainbow said, yawing soon after. Applejack shook her head, thinking 'That gals gonna collapse from exhaustion one day.'

Applebloom and Scootaloo were definitely not going to sleep, Applejack already heard them on FaceTime with Sweetie Belle as Applejack and Rainbow passed by Appleblooms bedroom.

Once in Applejacks bedroom, Applejack looked at Rainbow, "Are ya tired?"

Rainbow yawned, "Of course not, I'm wide awake."

Applejack smiled, "Alrighty then, Miss Sarcastic. Let's get ya to sleep."

The two got into Applejacks bed, Rainbow definitely more tired than Applejack. Rainbow snuggled closer to the earthling. Her eyes looked tired, but her eyes wouldn't close.

"Rainbow," Applejack said, "Ya have to sleep, okay?"

Rainbow tiredly looked at Applejack, "I'm trying.."

Applejack held Rainbow close, rocking her slowly.

'She is a big baby, so this might work.' Applejack thought, keeping her laugh inside. She looked down at Rainbows face, and her eyes were closed. Applejack sighed silently in relief.

'I hope her sisters gonna be a little nicer than before..'


Rainbow looked through her drawers grabbing stuff to pack for the trip to Las Pegasus. It was supposed to be very cold there. It was early March, so Rainbow could see that. She packed a bunch of leggings. Since she really only owned tank tops, she just packed two hoodies. One being Applejacks, which she most definitely "did not steal".

Rainbow couldn't take her turtle, which made her a little bummed. She walked over the Tanks cage.

"Don't worry, Tank. Fluttershy and Sunset'll come everyday to feed you." Rainbow smiled.

Rainbow decided before she left to put on something besides pajamas. She settled for a random pair shorts and a random tank top.

"Let's get the trip over with." Rainbow huffed before leaving to go meet Applejack at the Apple Mansion.


"Hey, AJ." Rainbow said s she made it to the front gate.

"Hey, Dash." Applejack opened the gate and walked out, keys in hand, "Ready?"

Rainbow smiled, "Yep. Scared, though."

Applejack held Rainbows hand as they walked over to a limousine, "Don't worry your pretty lil' head. Everythin' will be alright."

Rainbow nodded. The two sat down in what Rainbow declared was 'the most luxurious car she had ever stepped in', and headed off to Las Pegasus.


Short one lol whoops

Also quick lil thing: my best friend is co-editing this and has given me tons of chapter ideas so shoutout to you whenever u read this u know who u r lol.

So ye:D

I start school again so soon and I'm like yes finally took to long.

Although I had one of the best summers ever :)

- Mal

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