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"If she's going, we're going with her!" The cyan Pegasus shouted confidentially, her friends by her side.

Princess Twilight gave a warm smile to her five best friends.

Then Luna ruined everything.

"I'm afraid you cannot go along with her." Princess Luna said.

"WHAT?! WHY NOT?" Rainbow glared, luckily, Applejack was there to make sure Rainbow didn't go completely beast mode.

"It May cause the balance between our two worlds to have complications," Luna explained, "Twilight must go on this adventure alone."

None of the girls liked this, especially Spike.

"Okay, then." Twilight looked at her fellow alicorns, and then at the ponies who turned her world upside down into an amazing adventure.

"I'll get my crown from Sunset Shimmer, and I'll be back." Twilight smiled at her friends.

The mane 6 gathered into a group hug.

"Stay safe!"

"Wear nice things!"

"Don't forget me!"

"Come back soon!!"


Twilight looked into the mirror, and walked in.

So did Spike.


Twilight Sparkle had met four other girls; Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity. They all reminded her of her best friends back in Equestria. She learned all about the skylings, earthlings, and magicals.  Everyone was confused onto why Twilight was both a magical and a skyling, because usually it was only the smartest of adults who had both. But, nobody questioned it.

Twilight was with the four other girls, who had began to argue.

"Stop," Twilight shouted, "You Guys were friends once! See."

Twilight opened a yearbook from the first year of high school.

"The freshman fair," Applejack smiled, "Y'all remember?"

The three girls nodded.

"See, you guys were friends! And I think I know who caused you to separate," Twilight said, "Sunset Shimmer."

Rarity sighed, "Its a nice theory, dear, but Sunset Shimmer had nothing to do with it."

"Yeah," Fluttershy spoke up, "Sunset Shimmer wasn't the one to ruin my silent auction at the animal shelter with a loud party! That's what Pinkie Pie did, and she ruined it!"

"What are you talking about," Pinkie scoffed, "You sent me an text saying you didn't want a silent auction, you wanted a big party!"

"I never sent you any texts.." Fluttershy calmed down.

"You don't think Sunset was the one who sent me all of those emails do you? Every time I offered to help with school events, Pinkie would text me back saying she had enough volunteers. And then I'd figure out she did everything all by herself!" Rarity exclaimed.

Applejack then felt an instant rush of guilt go through her.

"Ya don't think she was also the reason Rainbow Dash didn't show up for my bake sale, do ya?" Applejack sighed.

"Did you even ask Rainbow why she didn't show up?" Twilight asked.

Applejack sighed, "I guess I kinda stopped talking to her after that."

"You two were so close. I was so sad to see you two break up." Rarity frowned.

"Me too," Pinkie said, "AppleDash was my favorite!"

"Maybe," Twilight said, "You Should talk to her now."

Twilight smiled at Applejack, and Applejack knew she would have to talk to her ex-girlfriend.

"Today's actually our meet-a-versary.." Applejack trailed off s the five friends started walking down the halls, going towards the field entrance.

"I miss her.." Applejack whispered, but all the girls heard it.


Rainbow ran around the field, kicking her soccer ball harshly. She was all alone, and didn't like it.

She was already sick of crying that day, but couldn't help but allow tears to fall down her face as she played, trying to trick her mind into believing it was just sweat. But it wasn't.

Rainbow grabbed a couple more soccer balls and lined them up for practice.

She ran from a distance and kicked the ball soaring up through the sky, it landed perfectly into the net, like it always did.

Rainbow was just about to kicked the next ball when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around.

"Applejack..?" Rainbow slowly said.

"Hey.." Applejack said, "Look, this is probably so sudden and so out of the blue.. but why haven't we talked at all 'bout what happened?"

"I dunno.. I didn't wanna bother you. You just always seemed so mad at me.." Rainbow looked up a little.

"Listen," Applejack said, "I wanna Ask ya why you didn't show up for the bake sale?"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, "I came. I was there on Sunday, but you were a no-show. The team was mad at me, and they all still hate me for wasting their time."

"Rainbow, the bake sale was on Saturday!" Applejack put her hands on her hips.

Rainbow shook her head, "Uhm. No. You texted me and said that there was a change of plans and it was on Sunday."

"Just like how Pinkie and Fluttershy started a fight.." Applejack whispered, "Sunset Shimmer did this, not me or you."

"How do you know?"

"That gal over there, the one with purple hair, she figured out that the reason we all spilt apart was because Sunset Shimmer sent fake texts, fake emails, and other stuff to us that made us not be friends anymore." Applejack explained.

"So, this was all a misunderstanding?" Rainbow questioned. Applejack nodded.

"I've been suffering this whole time thinking you betrayed me, and really this was all that happened?!" Rainbow kicked at the floor.

"Yup." Applejack said.

"I-I'm so sorry..." Rainbow finally looked at Applejack completely.

"No, I'm sorry.. this shouldn't have even happened." Applejack sighed.

"I've cried every night since we were officially not together anymore, I was just so hurt.. but you must've been the same way.." Rainbow's raspy voice was low.

"I felt awful.. I missed ya everyday.. I'm just not complete without you.." Applejack took Rainbow's hands.

"But, if ya'd like to, we can be together again.. make things right." Applejack looked into her eyes, and emerald met magenta.

"Yeah. Please. I can't bare this anymore.. my face doesn't have tears for everyday." Rainbow smiled.

"I missed you, Dash.." Applejack smiled.

"I missed you too, Jackie.." Rainbow wrapped her arms around Applejack, and they both hugged in the middle of the field. Their friends going crazy on the bleachers.

I have my angel back.. was all Applejack could think.


Omg, I'm so sorry I didn't get this out earlier.

I had my first day of VBS, and I had to prepare and stuff.

I'm a freaking teacher now omg.
But ye!

I have ya a good chapter!:))

I was going to leave it in a cliffhanger, but I was nic:)


Angel - AppleDashWhere stories live. Discover now