Chapter 1-The Project

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Warning. This was written by my 13 y/o self. Fully expect it to be cringy, confusing and have grammar issues. If you can live with that then go on ig? Also a lot of ppl seem to be confused with... everything, but basically this all happens in a quirkless AU where Deku and Bakugo don't know eachother and UA is just a somewhat regular school. And, yes Midoriya is dumb. Hopefully that will clear up at least some stuff up.

No one's POV
The break was almost over, but everyone was still chatting as loudly as usual, except for a certain someone who was just looking for some peace and quiet.

Kacchan's POV
I swear to god. These idiots are so damn loud. Like... what do they even talk about so much? I'm just trying to study for a stupid test but I seriously can't. Ugh...


Ah crap. The break's already over... whatever... everyone went to their seat. Wow... They are actually quiet. Mr. Aizawa came in with the same "i was forced to be here today" face just like always.
"Yeah so... I don't feel like giving you the test today. And not because I don't like to see your faces full of pain, but because I don't feel like checking every single paper. So for your next grade you'll have a 2 person group project which you will present in front of the class. It has to be about your favorite... hero." Hero? That's so lame. Everyone cheered. Loosers.
"I'll also be choosing the pairs so don't get too excited." I hate when he chooses pairs. Please be someone decent, please be someone decent.

No one's POV
Aizawa started to name the pairs which most of the students were okay with as they all got along anyway.
"... and Sero, Kirishima and Tsuyu, Kaminari and Momo, Uraraka and Mineta (sorry for y'all XDD) aaand.. Bakugou and Midorya. You have 2 weeks to to finish it. I'll just go to sleep now. Do whatever you want, but be quiet. "

Kacchan's POV
"Bla bla bla aaand Bakugou and Midorya." Huh? Mydorya? You mean Izuku Mydorya? THE Izuku Mydorya? I wanted someone DECENT and THIS is what I get? This is the worst day of my life! He's almost the last kid in class when it comes to studying. How could he pair me, the top student, with, with.... with HIM???? It's the worst duo EVER. I would start shoutin about how intrigued I am right now, but I'm better that that.*sigh* I have to calm my ass down... it must be a misunderstanding... Yeah, yeah, it's all just a big misunderstanding.


It's finally over...

"Hey Katsuki!" Eh? I look up only to find a freckled broccoli looking at me with a smiling face.
"What?" I answer coldly, even though he doesn't get the message and keeps happily smiling.
"Well... uh... I was wondering when you would want to start the project. We have like 2 weeks, but I just wanted to know." So it wasn't a misunderstanding. What am I supposed to say now? Ugh... socializing is a pain in the ass.
"The faster we finish the better. So I guess if today's Friday we can start this weekend."
"Oh. Okay! Can you give me your number so we can talk about it later?" Oh god... First live conversation, now phone conversation? Geez.. I give him my number and excuse myself to go eat lunch. As I'm heading towards the exit the class I see his group of "friends", which was composed of the cheerleading club leader, Ochaco I think? And the one and only student of this class which I consider smart, Iida, waiting for him.
"Hey Kacchan! Do you want to eat lunch with us?" Wait. Wait. What. The. Hell. Did. He. Just. Say? Kacchan? Kacchan??? Since when were we friends so he can call me that?
"Kacchan? What's with that? I would gladly prefer for you to call me Katsuki if you're not gonna call me Bakugou."
"O-Oh.. sorry. It just slipped, hehe..." He seamed disappointed. Not like I care. "Anyway, Kastuki, do you want to eat lunch with us?"
"Yeah... no. I've got something to do." It was clearly a lie, but then again, I'm not eating with them.
"O-Okay then. Bye Kacchan! I mean Katsuki!!" He said running to his friends. It's gonna be such a pain to work with him...

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