Chapter 2-Thanks Kacchan! (part 1)

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Decided to change the title from my original idea. It gave the wrong impression so yea...

Kacchan's POV
It's freaking Saturday now. Great. I got up and took a shower. My hair looks gorgeous I swear to God. My hair looked literally like an explosion. I tried brushing it, but trying is all that I could do. After I brushed my teeth I looked around the house. It's so messy... Tsk... Now I have to actually clean up and shit cuz that bastard's coming over. I cleaned my room up and the living room.
It's still 10 o'clock thought... I grabbed a book having nothing else better to do and started reading.

Deku's POV
Oh my god. I'm going Kacchan's place! I can't wait! I was looking in my closet for something to wear, but... I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO WEAR! *sigh* And mom's not home either... There's only one person who can help me now... I look for my phone and dial the number.
"Hey Uraraka!"
"What's up Izu-kun? You don't usually call so suddenly."
"W-well you s-see... remember today i have to go to Kacchan's, right?"
"Yeah... what about it? You don't wanna go anymore? You know you can't. I mean... it's a school project so you'll have to see eachother sometime. You know Izuku, you shouldn't run away from your problems anymore. You should face them face foward and beat them to a pulp!" She said screaming in the mic.
"Okay Uraraka thanks for your motivational speech and all, but what I wanted to actually ask was-"
"Oohhh... I get it... YOU NEED SOME FLIRTATION LESSONS! You just gotta go with the flow Izuku.. touch his hand once in a while "by accident" and tell him how soft they are. And if you feel daring you can be like "I bet you lips are softer though" or... to playfully kiss his cheek or..." Omg.. Uraraka why are you doing this to me....
"Uraraka, I need help with something else..."
"Uraraka what are thinking about???"
"Well... don't you wanna... do the do?"
"...what.... URARAKA NO."
"Then.... oohhhhh sorry... I'm so oblivious. You just want my advice on how to kiss him!"
"Well Izuku. First it's not how, but when. It must be..."
"And then you put your hands around his neck o-"
"I just wanted to ask you how should I get dressed..."
"That's all? Then why did you let me ramble like that? I swear Izuku sometimes I just don't get you."
"Yeah yeah... Now can you help me?"
"Okay... but I can't help you over the phone. I'll be right there! Bye Izuku!" She said as she hung up.
"Bye..." Not even a minute later I hear a ring at the door. I open up to see a sweaty, and exhausted Uraraka holding onto the door frame.
"Hey *huff* Izuku! I *huff* came as fast as I could*huff*."
"Oh god Uraraka you shouldn't have ran like that! Come on in!"
After Uraraka calmed down a little we went to my room. She threw everythimg out of my closet and started throwing my clothes across the room.
"Uraraka, what are you doing!?"
"No, no, no, maybe, what is this? Cosplay? No, no, hmm...yup. This works!" She said as she threw me a gray tank top which sorta revealed my muscles a little. "And now for some pants...No, no, no, DEFINITELY NOT, no, hm.... maybee?, no... well... I guess these are fine" she said giving me a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans. "Okay. Now get dressed" she said with a smile.
After I got dressed I got out of the room just to see a gleaming Uraraka almost screaming.
"Omg DEKUUU. You are so hot right now!!!"she excitedly said as if that was what she was waiting for.
"U-um.... Uraraka... I think this is a little to much..." I tried to say before she started screaming again.
"It's not Dekuuuuu! He's so gonna fall for you today when he sees youuu!!"
"F-f-f-f-fall for me? Uraraka! Plus.... I don't want him to fall for me just because of my looks..." I said shyly..
"It's gonna be fiiiine Deku! First you fall for looks then for personality! That's how it works."
"Oh god Deku! Look at the time! Hurryyy!" I looked at the time. It was 11:50.
"CRAP! Uraraka, I'm gonna go now! Can you please lock the door for me when you leave? Leave it under the front mat! Byeeee!"
"Ok! Knock him dead Dekuuuuu!" Good lord Uraraka.... Anyway I have to hury! Where did ge live... let's see.... I opened my phone Oh... it's not that far. It took me 5 minutes to get there. Oh good... only 11:57... I knocked at the door hoping it was the right address....
Nothing... Maybe it's the wrong place... I wanted to leave only to hear a door opening.
"Oi, Izuku! The hell you think you're going?"

Kacchan's POV
Ughh.. who the hell is it...  I looked at the time Oh shit! It's almost twelve! I must've fallen asleep.
I got up and opened the door as I saw him leaving.
"Oi, Izuku! The hell you think you're going?"
"S-s-sorry Katsuki! I-I just thought ot was the wrong address!"
"To me it seems like the damn right address." I say pointing at the sign.
"Y-yeah...sorry..." he stood there awkwardly.
"So are you gonna come in orrrr we're gonna work at the project outside?"
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Tch. Finally. I was actually wondering when we were gonna go inside. As we went to my room I noticed the outfit the shithead was wearing... Damn... He's actually kinda hot with that top.... WAIT WHAT. THE HELL? And the skinny jeans... you can definitely see he's got one nice ass.... huh? OMG what's WRONG with me?! Right now I think I was as red as a tomato.
"U-um Kacchan? Are you okay?" I gave him a frown. "S-s-s-sorry! I keep forgetting!"
"'Kacchan' this,'Kacchan' that Tch..... You know what? I won't even bother anymore. Call me whatever the fuck you want. I don't care anymore." Wait... I DO care! Why did I let him call me that??? You're so stupid Katsuki! But you like it don't you? NO I DON'T!
"R-really?" His eyes are gleaming just from that? Wow...
"I said I don't care anymore!" I shouted. He flinched a little.... Yeah Katsuki. Scare that little fuck. But then...
"Thanks Kacchan!" He said smiling, his freckles becoming more obvious on his face. Huuh?? Since when do I notice freckles??? Actually... now that I look more carefully.... they look cute on him... THE FUCK? Did I just say a guy was cute???? I think I didn't wake up properly.
"S-s-o... who are we gonna write about? I personally like All Might. He's so brave, and every time he saves someone he does it with a smile. He seems fearless. I wish I could be like him... to be able to smile when in fear, to be able to save people you care about, to have people depend on you a little... I'm just a coward... so many people got hurt and I could've saved them, but I didn't... because I was afraid. And even now...I'm afraid even you hate me for being the stupid kid I am and having to spend time with me and, and.." he started crying... I never knew how... useless he felt... I'm gonna help him. Why? It feels right that I do. But you hate him right? I... don't know. But you hated him when he came, so what happened? It's... different now. Then help him. But how? He probably hates me too. There are ways only you can help people with. My ways... all I do is be an asshole... I know!
"Oi Deku! Stop mumbling and crying goddammit. If you feel sorry for your ass, nothing's gonna change, you idiot."
"D-Deku?" He said sniffling looking at me with teary eyes. Eyes which are so... pretty....  GAAAAHH! I have to stop these stupid thoughts!
"Yeah. It means 'useless'. If you call me 'Kacchan' I get to call you something too. And I won't change your nickname untill you stop being useless. Which means you should start having some guts." Maybe he'll answer properly.
"Sorry Kacchan... there is no way a coward like me will ever have guts" he said defeated. THAT'S not what I wanted.
"We'll see about that. Also stop apologizing to everything. Ugh... Whatever. We'll talk sbout that later. Now let's start the fucking project. You're lucky I like All Might too, Deku." I said emphasizing on Deku.
"O-okay!" He wiped his tears showing me a... determined(?) smile.
"And stop stuttering. It makes you look weak."
"I'll try Kacchan! And... Thank you!" Huh?
"For what?"
"For helping me! Obviously!" Then he started laughing. Such an innocent laugh... Behind which hides such a sad story...

This is a little shorter than the last one cuz I had to make it a 2 part chapter, otherwise it would be too long.... sorry for that.
Also, yes. I know shit just escalated way too quickly, but yeah... wasn't really paying attention to that when I wrote it.
That's all.
Bye mah beby llamaaas!

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