Chapter 4-"His hero"

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Holy shit. Like... I wanted to continue writing this chapter and when I opened the story, there were only 3 chapters. I literally had a heart atack. Well... it's ok now. It's just my shitty phone.
Also, title succs.

Deku's POV
Beep Beep Beep
Beep Beep Beep
Huh? Is it morning already? I slept so well tonight! Wait... why... why is a bare chest in front of me? Oh god.... Oh my god! I completely forgot I slept with Kacchan tonight! Should I get out of bed? He holding me and I don't wanna wake him up... he looks so... peacefull like that. W-well it's not like I mind it and I totally don't wanna bother Kacchan's sleep, so... I'll just stay like this............ HE'S SO HOT, I CAN'T EVEN. No Deku... you can't think like that. Not anymore...*mental sigh* Now that I think about it... How come the alarm didn't wake him up? Or maybe... MAYBE HE IS AWAKE. Oh my god! What do I do? What if he isn't asleep and he's waiting for me to get up? Or what if he IS asleep and I'll wake him up? I don't wanna mess with a grumpy Kacchan this soon... I don't know what to do....
"...Deku? Are you up?" I barely heard a whisper. So he is up.
"O-oh. Morning Kacchan. I just woke up."
"Just woke up? I'm pretty sure I could hear your thoughts for quite some time." I could feel the smirk in his tone.
"Y-you heard me???"
"Uhhh... yeah? Like... how you were thinking about waking me up or not, or how 'peacefull' I look while I'm sleeping and how you didn't mind sleeping with me... Oh! And when I saw you blush, assuming it was because of how ho-"
"Okay, okay! You can stop! Ugh... I'm so embarrassed... b-but it's not like you woke me up or something! You just let me sleep while holding me, so even if I did want to get up I couldn't." He blushed at my words.
"W-well...I-I... Fine!" Then he just let me go and got up. I am not moving. "Move Deku! I thought you didn't like me holding you!" Now I'm annoyed.
"I did not say that! I only said it because you were making fun of me! Hmpf!" I got out of his way so he could get out of bed. "And just FYI I actually liked sleeping with you. A lot." He stopped right before exiting the room. ...wait...what... what did I just say? Oh no... Oh no! He's so gonna be weirded out by this! What if he wont want to talk to me anymore? I couldn't accept that! Oh god... oh goood....
He stood there for a good minute before talking again "...r-really?..." He quietly asked me. Huh? I was NOT expecting that... What should I say? I shouldn't lie. I can't lie. I don't know how to. He's gonna know if I lie... And then he's gonna be mad if I do... But if I tell him the truth... I don't know....I...I... No. I already doubted him once. I know he means it when he sais we're friends. Even if he finds it weird he won't be mad.
"Y-yeah...I did..." I shyly said. He turned around with a... very hard to read expression. A mixture of surprise, happiness, relief and... no... it can't be...
"Then..." he stopped for a second and turned his face away from me "Let's have a sleepover tonight too. And maybe... you wanna sleep in my bed again?" I was dumbfounded. M-m-me??? To sleep in the same bed as Kacchan? Again??? I could see his ears were just as red as mine. Looking at me once more he smiled and and said "Sorry for surprising you like that, hehe... Forget I asked, it's okay!" But it's not... I could see sadness on his face as he said that...
"I would like to..." I whispered, but I bet he heard me, because he was now looking at me shocked, trying to say something.
"H-huh? I-I-I-I-I....UHHHH.... I HAVE T-TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" He said as he rushed to the bathroom with a red face. He isn't mad, is he?

Kacchan's POV
I rushed in the bathroom and slammed the door shut. As I leaned on it I let myself slide on the floor, covering my face with my hand. HOLY. SHIT. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO AGAIN? THIS STUPID FEELING WAS SUPPOSED TO DISAPPEAR TODAY. THIS STUPID GIDDY, FUZZY FEELING WAS SUPPOSED TO DISAPPEAR AND I WAS SUPPOSED TO HATE HIM AGAIN! UGHHHH! Ugh... Calm down.... just... calm... down... Why can't I hate him? What happened in literally 1 day? Since when do I help people with their problems? Since when do I invite people to sleepovers? Since when do I CUDDLE with people IN MY BED? No... it's not people... I wouldn't do it with anyone else... It's just Deku... Since when does my heart shatter when I see Deku cry? Since when do I... CARE about him?
Knock Knock "Kacchan... are you... are you okay?" I heard a low whisper from behind the door. Fucking.... Deku... "I-I'll come in." He opened the door, only to find me curled up into a ball. "Oh, Kacchan...." Then... then, the little motherfucker hugged me from behind.
I know since this shit all started...

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