Chapter 5-I'm always here, aren't I,Deku?

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Deku's POV
"Let's finish this shit!" Kacchan said cracking his knuckles.
"Yeah!" I said with a determined smile on my face.
"So what we're gonna do, is print these pictures we found yesterday, stick them on the cardboard and and in between we write info, right?" He asked me quite sure of his plan.
"Sure. You can do the printing since you have a printer and you know how to use it, and I'll write, since... no offense, but your handwriting is awful."
"....none taken. Also, I'll make the arrangement for the pictures and some drawings. You write the things you found."
"You know how to draw?" I was surprised.
"Just cuz I don't have a good handwriting, doesn't mean I don't know how to draw." He said annoyed.
"Sorry! It was just... unexpected. You didn't seem like a guy that likes drawing."I shyly apologized. He stared at me for a while.
"Tch. Whatever, dumbass." He finaly said. Ahh.. how I missed his cursing.

Time skip (bcz it's summer break and I'm not thinking anymore about school)

"We-we're done... we are actually done..." I said exhausted. My hand hurt and it was 4 PM. Bags of snacks and empty cans of soda were on the floor.
"Yeah... if we don't get an A on this shit, I don't know what I'll do." He aggressively said.
I looked at it. It really was a hard-worked project. The pictures were perfectly positioned, my handwriting was straight (A/N unlike other stuff, or people, if you know what I mean~) and it looked almost typed (Kacchan threatened to kill me if it was uneven or something, so that was something to look foward to). We wrote (I mean I mostly did) almost everything we could find out about All Might; from his phisique to his favorite food (A/N was it hamburgers or cheese? Or neither?).  I even looked through some of Kacchan's comics to see if I could pick some more info from there. As to why we chose him.. I wrote (A/N I wrote Deku's opinion on All Might in chapter 2, without the depressing part, so... go check that out, since I'm too lazy to rewrite it all) and Kacchan wrote 'I like All Might because he can kick some serious ass, while wearing a smile, like it's no big deal and even though he is weakening he still fights villains to the point of almost dying, never giving up. Which is exactly what I would do if I had superpowers.'. It was a impressing for Kacchan to admire someone, which kind of shows me a new side of him. The only thing that bothered me was... HIS HANDWRITING. IT WAS AWFUL. And the thing is, I couldn't write it for him, since it's HIS opinion... Also he insisted writing it saying 'I don't have a fucking bad handwriting, okay?! I'm just writing too fast to give a crap about how it looks! Tch.' And he struggled. And I mean struggled to write somehow nicely. And... he did better than in class, that's for sure. The drawings on the other hand were really nice. They were tiny All Mights (SmAll Might:))) in different positions, in different corners of the cardboard. So he can draw.
"Yeah... so Kacchan... regarding our sleepover..." I slowly started.
"What about it?" He said in a annoyed, but slightly worried tone.
"Should I go home now or...?"
"Well you do want to sleep here again, right? You'll have to eat and stuff. Text me if you can come or not."
"Okay then." I got my shoes and left waving at Kacchan. He lazily waved back, slightly smiling.
Once I got home I came in, only to find my mother in the living room, watching TV.
"Hey mom! I'm back!"
"Hello, Izuku! I figured you'd be back by now. How was your sleepover?"
"It was great! And we managed to finish our project too!"
"Really? That's great! When are you supposed to turn it in?"
"After two weeks!" I announces proudly.
"Wow! You guys are done early!" She seemed surprised.
"Yup! So mom.... I'm kinda hungry.... what are we gonna eat?"
"Well... we have some soup if you want."
"Sure!" I excitedly said.
After we were done eating I wanted to ask my mom about the sleepover. But what if she won't let me? Why wouldn't she? I don't know.... because we haven't spent much time toghether anymore? She works a lot, and now when she's free, I can't spend time with her? Yeah, but you're growing. You're making friends... you're starting to drift away from your parents. I guess... even so... I feel kind of bad... How often do you have sleepovers Izuku? W-well.. see? Your mother will be happy you're starting to make friends. More, I mean. Stop worrying so much. Yeahh, you're right... rational me? You can call me that.
I went to my mother and mustered the courage to ask her.
"What is it Izuku?"
"Y-you see... today... my friend actually asked me... for another sleepover...."
"Oh. Sure. But only if you tell me exactly who this friend is. And don't lie to me." What does she mean?
"Well... he is one of my classmates... we had the project toghether and we got to know eachother so we started being friend after that, he is the smartest guy in the class, and also very good looking, he's taller than me, has spiky ash blond hair, crimson eyes, which are so beautiful to stare at, he's very hot tempered, but can be so cute at times, especially when he gets flustered and-" I stopped myself after realizing I started mumbling about Kacchan. My cheeks felt hot, as soon as I saw my mother staring at me shocked. Then she smiled.
"Ohhh Izuku, you could've just told me this is your crush we're talking about." She giggled.
"W-what do you mean, mom? Ehehe. Him, my crush? A boy? Hahaha, how could you think that?"
" know... I have no problem with you being gay... Actually, I support you fully and hope he might like you back!" She enthusiastically said.
"Definitely." She nodded with a serious face.
"I'm so glad!" I said hugging her. She hugged me back.
"Me too. Also, regarding your question, you can have another sleepover with him...him?"
"Katsuki. Bakugou Katsuki. Even though I call him Kacchan."
"Awww. That's so cute!" She squeaked. I slightly blushed. "Also, since you have school tomorrow, take you backpack with you too."
"O-okay mom. I'll text him!" I said as I ran in my room.

To Kacchan
Hey, Kacchan! I just wanted to tell you I can come.

From Kacchan
Okay, great. When are you coming? Oh. Good question.

"Hey mom! When should I leave?" I shouted.
"Well, it's 6 PM. Maybe you should leave now." She said as she entered my room.
"Ar-are you sure? We haven't spent much time together lately..."
"Oh, it's okay Izuku. Go have some fun! And maybe, you'll later introduce me to your boyfriend." She said winking. Is she my mom or Uraraka's?
"Okaaaaayy mom." I said as she exited my room.

To Kacchan
I can come now if you want.

Kacchan's POV
From Izuku(A/N he changed it, he changed it :)))
I can come now of you want.

Bruh. If it were how I wanted you wouldn't have left in the first place.

To Izuku

From Izuku
I'll take it as a yes. I'm omw. See you.

To Izuku
Yeah yeah.

I closed my phone and layed in my bed. He's coming over again. I asked the he to and he agreed. I even asked him to sleep in the same bed as me, like the idiot I am. And yet... he agreed.
My cheeks feel hot. And I feel weird. Like... super giddy and shit. Tch. It's his fault I'm acting so pathetic. Ever since this morning, when I full on admitted my feelings (not to him obviously), I felt like a weight has been lifted of my heart. It was beating so fast when I looked at him... at his emerald, sparkling eyes, at his adorable freckles, at his unruly but fluffy green hair.... and his lips... oh, god those lips. Full and red, they must be so soft... I wish I could taste them... bite them... lick them... I wish I could touch his silky white skin... and kiss-
Oh crap. My face heated up even more as I realized what I was thinking about. I quickly washed my face hoping my face would cool down, and not be so red, and opened the door. Deku was there with his backpack (oh, yeah. We have school tomorrow) and a bag with pijamas in it, I guess? He didn't bother to change, not like I mind it, that top really suits him.
"Come in, dumbass." I almost showted at him. Surprisingly enough, he didn't even flinch, and smiled at me. Have I softened up? Or is he somewhat used to me?
"Yeah, Kacchan." He simply said. As he entered he put his backpack next to the door. "It's okay if I leave it here, right?" I just nodded and we went in my room.
"So what do you wanna do?" I asked him.
"Well... how about we watch a movie?" Deku answered as he looked at my movie collection. I have an idea!
"All I have is horror and thriller." He froze as he was looking through my movies.
"A-all you have?" He turned at me with a shocked expression.
"Yup. What? Too chicken to watch, Deku?" I teased.
"YES! I am terrified of them!" He yelled, not caring if what I would say about it. I didn't think he would admit it...

"Well then... I'm always here, aren't I?" Omg. Did I just say that? I think I did. He blushed (?) a little and then quickly looked down at the ground thinking. Then he finally looked at me.

F-fine. But if I cling on to you, you have to swear not to laugh." Deku said with the most serious expression I've seen him have. I guess I can do that...
"Okay. I swear." He then sighed in relief.
"Then.... w-what are we watching?"
"Well.... I'mma do this favor for you and ask you... horror or thriller, Deku?" He smiled.
"You can choose Kacchan. I won't mind if it's thriller." Oh? Oooohhh? Then I can choose thriller? Should I? Naah... I won't kill the kid.
"I have the Annabelle thirlogy.(A/N it was a thrylogy, right?) In my opinion it's not too scary. Wanna watch?" He looked at me with a scared, but... determined (?) look, but then smirked.
"Let's watch it." I smirked too.
"Put a diaper (A/N is that how you spell it?) on 'cuz you're gonna shit your pants, fucker."

I think I'll start posting more often this week. Since I have a lot of free time rn. Maybe I'll even post every day. Who knows? Depends on me, and what comes to my mind. Since I write literally what I think 's gonna happen.
Also, regarding Annabelle I didn't actually watch it, since I'm such a scaredy cat, that couldn't even watch the trailer properly.
For whatever reason my chapters get longer and fuller of crap. Like... I have no more proper ideas. I mean... I actually do have something in my mind, but you'll have to wait a chapter or two :)), and that thing isn't really changing the story much either, 's just... something fun? I guess? I dunno.
Word count: 1831 (see? It's more)
That was kinda all....

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