Chapter 10- Confession

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Kacchan's POV
This fucking kid did it again. Like... first he kisses me on the forehead in my sleep, then he hugs and kisses me on the cheek when I'm fully fucking aware. I wouldn't be suprised if he kissed me on my damn mouth next time. Well... I mean, I would be, but... ARGHHH! I feel so freaking fuzzy! Gross. This fucking feeling that appears each time I think of the shithead! It's gross!... right? I-it feels gross! It's just like fucking candy. It's grossly sweet, but you still want freaking more.
I rolled around, facing the wall. Fucking Deku. Why am I thinking about your lips again?...

Time skip~Morning

*yawn* I guess I still managed to go to sleep. I went downstairs in the kitchen, at took myself 2 Poptarts. I started eating them cold. (I like 'em that way too. This has nothing to do with the story, but like, I have to say it. I don't live in America, so when I first visited, and I bought a Poptart box, I had no idea how to use it. And so, like the smart little fuck I am, I put the damned poptart in the microwave with the foil still on, because I didn't see the fucking obvious sign that said "Do not put with the foil on" that was on the fucking foil and on the box. The second I turned on the microwave, a blue lighting like  thing came over my Poptart, and y'know... I turned the microwave off and all. But like... THAT'S HOW FREAKING SMART I AM. I CAN'T EVEN MAKE POPTARTS. P.S. Still ate the Poptart.) Then...
*BAM* (#bestandmostdramaticfallever)
What the fuck? I went over to the place where I heard the noise. I almost dropped my poptart as I saw Deku on the floor, so I assumed he fell down the stairs. He fell in such a stupid way, but... His abs were showing. Nice... I almost got a nosebleed, but before that happened I started laughing.
"Pffttt. Hahahahaha! What the fuck did you do?!" He just shot me this look.
"Ughhh..." Groaning he got up slowly. "As you can clearly see, Kacchan, I fell down the damned stairs." He said with a sassy voice, and a look that said 'Bitch. Come on. Really?'. Also...
"Holy shit, you swore!" I said dumbfounded.
"I did. So what?" He gave me a glare.
"The Izuku I knew and first met wouldn't even say 'crap' out loud. I can just imagine your mom being all like: 'My baby, Izuku! Who taught you such a foul language?" I said mimicking what would be a mommy voice.
"You are an asshole, you know that? " he said a frown covering his face.
"Awwww. Don't get mad! I'm just waiting for the day you're going to say 'fuck'."
"Ffffff...." he slowly started. Oohh? "...orget it."
"Hahaha! You ain't got the guts?"
"I actually do, Kacchan. I could give you a 'fu..' but you need to deserve it. And right now. You don't." (I love Sassy Deku) He said in a calm tone, while going to the kitchen. That little shit just said he doesn't give a fuck about me... I could hear him mutter something else too. "Never... guts...whimp." Shit.
"What did you say?" I shouted at him.
"None of your business! I may not have the guts to be able to tell you, just like usual!" He shouted back from the kitchen. He... thinks I think he's a whimp. I decided not to shout back.
"Well fuck you too..." I muttered to myself, just noticing the fallen poptart. (The Fallen Poptart. XDD could be the title of a story. Sadness. Drama. Horror. XD)

The walk to school was awkardly quiet. We never had an awkward quiet time. He really is mad...shit... how do I make up to him?...
"D-Deku, I-"
"Save it, Kacchan." He just cut me off, not even turning to look at me. I looked down, not pressing him any more.

We got to class, where Half-and-half bastard immediately went up to Deku, who instantly smiled at him. First time Deku smiled this morning. Just by seeing him.That bastard's getting too close to him. Way. Too close. Shitty-hair and Dunce-face were chatting at my desk. I went up to them, slamming my hand on the desk.
"Get the fuck out of my desk!" I growled at them.
"H-Hey Bakubro! What's... What's got you in such a good mood?" Shitty-hair said cautiously. Idiots. It there any use to lying to them? Like... they've seen me blush. BLUSH. What could be more embarrassing? Nothing, I tell you.
"I made Deku mad and that Half-and-half bastard's getting all close to him... made the damned broccoli smile too."
They looked at me for two seconds before smiling. Creepy?
"The fuck you smiling for?"
"Well... we just realised... you guys kinda act like boyfriends." Dunce-face added. What?
"First off, you guys practically live together, you even slept together. When one of you is mad, he gives the other the silent treatment, and you... you are jealous."
"Me? Jealous? I... I'm not even in a relationship with him. It's just... I am mad at myself, for making him mad, 'cuz of the shotty personality I have. And that asshole, just comes up to him, and it's like he wasn't even mad. It's like... The only thing I made him experience was sadness, and anger, and... And I just want to punch that shit of a bastartd, getting a close, and making him all giggly and taking all his time away from me! If he wouldn't be here, I could hang out with him for a bit, and actually make him fall for me!" After I stopped I looked at Shitty-hair and Dunce-face who had the most surprised look the human face could make. Then... I realised what I just said. I covered my face with a one hand and looked away from them.
"Bro...." They finally said. "If that ain't jealousy, then, I don't know what is." ...I am jealous. So what? I am so jealous of that Canadian flag boy, I could just smash my fist into his face. I am so jealous, if I had exploding powers, I would just explode him. I'll make Deku mine. Just you wait and see. Before I could say anything Aizawa-sensei entered the classroom.
"Everybody sit down and stop socializing so much. It's annoying."
Class went by... unusually slowly. After it was over, I went up to Deku, to check if he was still mad. (That's what I usually do, when there's someone mad at me.)
"Hey, Deku! You wanna-"
"Can't. I need to help Todo-kun." He said, still avoidin eye contact. To-Todo-kun? What the fuck is with that?
"Todo...kun?" I repeated.
"Yes, Ka...Bakugou. Todo-kun. Is there a problem?" He said in a monotone voice. I stayed silent. He just called me Bakugou. He's... not calling me Kacchan anymore. He's calling me... Bakugou. This isn't right. This fells... wrong coming from him. He...Is he going to forgive me? What if?... Why the fuck do I feel like crying? "Well then. See you at home,... Bakugou." He said intensifying the 'Bakugou' as if rubbing it in my face even more. Why? Am I such an asshole? I just... I ran to the bathroom (this is becoming a habit, Kacchan -.-), making sure there was no one there and smashed my fist into one of the stall doors. FUCK ME! FUCK THIS SHIT. FUCK LOVE, AND EVERYTHING LIKE IT! FUCK IT! FUCK IT, FUCK IT, FUCK IT! I stopped smashing the door, and looked into one of the mirrors. Who is going to be here to hug me, when I'm crying if you leave me, Deku? Who... is going to care. I wiped my eyes and washed my face. I have to make it up to him. I have to.
I went back right when the bell rung. Shitty-hair saw my face and gave me a concerned look.
"Bakubro... are you okay?"
"Wanna... wanna talk about it?"
"Lunch." I told him simply. He just nodded and turned his face back to the chalkboard.

Time skip - lunch
"You really seemed off, bro. Not trying to answer once? Even the teacher looked surprised." Kirishima stated.
"He... he called me... Bakugou. And then, he called the Half-and-half bastard 'Todo-kun'." I said in a monotone voice and an expressionless face, as I looked at him. Dunce-face finally appeared too.
"What are you guys talking... a...bout... Bakugou? What is wrong with you?" Dunce-face suddenly stopped as he saw Bakugou's expression.
"He called me Bakugou as if he never talked to me." I said with the same intense stare. "Instead of that stupid, adorable, 'Kacchan' it was... Bakugou."
"B-Bro... you are mad just 'cuz of a name?" As soon as he finished it felt as something snapped in me.
"You don't get it. He's called me Kacchan since the very first time we talked! Even when I specifically told him to stop, he never... he never listened... and now, I'm Bakugou. Not Kacchan, not Katsuki, but Bakugou. I..." I said looking down. I want to cry.
"STOP SAYING MY NAME!" I hust realuzed how scared Shitty-hair was. "Sorry..."
"It's okay." He said snapping out of his trance.
"He just... likes that bastard more than me. It's just that simple. I... I'm an asshole. 'Course he wouldn't like me the way I do." It really was simple.
"Bro. You are so lame." Shitty-hair suddenly said.
"What the fuck?"
"Like... I never saw you as a 'give up it it doesn't work from the first time' type of guy. Really. At first, I even thought you might force him to be with you. You kind of dissapointed me, Bakugou." He said with a serious expression. I looked at him shocked. No one ever called me lame before. But, he is right. I shouldn't just give up like that. That really is lame!
"I'mma... I'mma deal with him today." I said with a smirk.

After that, we went to class and I couldn't help but hear a "Midoriya, can you meet with me after school?" And a "Sure Todo-kun!". What the fuck is that bastartd planning? Don't tell me!... I won't let him!

After classes ended I quickly got up to follow Deku. But, of-fucking-course the teacher had to give me a job to do since 'I'm such a nice kid and all'. I got the papers to the principal's office and ran outside. Shit! Where did he go? I looked in both directions, and just took it right. I started running around the school, until I heard two familiar voices.
"Midoriya... I... I like you."

Todoroki was confessing to Deku.

Woo-hoo! I updated earlier! Yaayy.... Hope ye like it~ it's okay... I know some of you want to kill me, but I just had to put in the title. I promise if the title says confession, then it's going to be a real confession. Ye trust yer author, right? (Sorry for that bit of cringiness)
I may or may not update tomorrow. Let's see how I feel. And if this sucks, then it's 'cuz of my stupid cold, kay?
Word count: 1629
That was all!

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