Chapter 3- Sweet dreams, Deku

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Is it weird to make fluff when they're not a couple? Lol no. I bet that as long as it's KatsuDeku it doesn't matter what they are. 😂😂

Deku's POV
Beep Beep Beep
Nghhh... it's morning already? I looked at the time. 9:00... huh...
"Good morning Kacchan!"
No response... maybe he's in the kitchen already.
As I got in the kitchen I saw Kacchan cooking something.
"Morning Kacchan!" I said cheerfully.
"Huh? HUH? Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my house and why are you wearing my clothes, you creep?!" He shouted, as he took the knife in his hands.
"H-huh? What do you mean Kacchan?" What's wrong with him? "We had a sleepover? Remember?"
"Sleepover? As if I'd ever let anyone sleep in my house."
"B-but you did. Last night you lend me some pijamad and we played videogames." Is he playing dumb with me?
"Listen. I don't know who the fuck you are, and how you got inside my house, or what you're talking about, but if you don't leave right now I'll stab you right in the neck." He's.. He's scaring me.
"K-Kacchan.... w-what's wrong with you? We had the school project together remember??"
"You're not even in my class, you asshole." He said frowning at me.
"What do you mean?? I'm Deku! Izuku?" His expresion only got angrier.
"Deku? Doesn't ring a bell. Now can we please skip the chit-chat?" He started approaching me with hin knife. "Leave."
"K-Kacchan! Didn't you say we were friends? Didn't you help me yesterday? What's wrong with you?!" I hopelessly screamed.
"I have no fucking clue what you're talking about and I don't really care either, so you better leave before my fucking boyfriend comes back home and thinks I'm cheating on him with a scum like... you!"
"B-boyfriend? W-who?" I took a step foward. I can feel my eyes watering.
"Stay back you freak! Why do I need to tell you?" He lifted the knife higher .
"You don't need to..." and another step foward.
"One more step and you're dead!" And... another step."Stay back!"
"Kacchan... this isn't you..." and another one...
"I'm pissed. You asked me who my boyfriend is, right? Okay...I'll tell you. It's not like you can do something with that info after your dead."he started dashing towards me with his knife. I couldn't move. I couldn't... "His name is..." I faintly heard the name as he slit my throat, not even feeling the pain "Kirishima" (A/N cuz it's the only other person i ship with Kacchan)... then everything went black...
Am I dead? I don't think it matters anyway. Haha. Kacchan? It it true? Do you love Kirishima? Do you really love him? I actually got my hopes up a little that you might like me... stupid me I guess. Now that I think about it, you guys actually get along much better than me and you. I can see you always laughing when you're with him, you usually look happy around him. He... he's better than me for you... What's this? O-oh... haha... I'm crying... that's strange.. Kacchan... even if you don't love me... even if you hate me... don't forget that I will always love you...(I exagerated a little... a little too much... sorryy)
Who's calling me?
"Deku, you bastart wake up!" Then I saw them. It was dark but I saw them. Two crimson eyes filled with worry and maybe, just maybe, tears, who couldn't fall yet, looking at me.
"Kacchan?" What... happened....
"Deku, what the fuck? I woke up when I heard something and I freaking saw you crying! What in the world were you dreaming about?!" A d-dream? Of course...Kacchan wouldn't have said those things... I should've known....I doubted his words and now, I woke him up..
"I-I.. just had a nightmare, haha. I'm so childish." I say rubbing the back of my head.
"No shit Sherlock, I can tell it was a nightmare, but what the fuck was it about? You were crying and saying my name."
"N-nothing important..." then he hugged me.
"I was freaking worried you know? I tried waking you up, but you would just keep crying." He said tightening the grip.
"W-worried? About me?" He was... worried? That's...
"I..." he stopped for a second, then looked away from me... "I said we were friends you dumbass... Friends worry about eachother." He remembers? I'm so happy. I finally hugged him back.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, Kacchan." I said smiling. He then let go.
"...O-oi Deku. It's still 3 AM... we're going back to sleep right?"
"Haha. Right." He went back in his bed.
"N-nee... Deku..." he said facing the wall.
"I'll say this only once. If you think you might have nightmares again..."is he going to say what I think he's going to say?
"H-huh?" I was... shocked.
"I said I'll only say it once!" But I heard exactly what you said, you tsundere.
"With... with you, you mean?" He flinched at my question and covered himself with the blanket some more, but I am 100% sure I heard him mumble a "yeah".
So I got up, but he didn't move.
"Kacchan, if you're gonna invite me in your bed you gotta move over." I smiled. He hesitated, but he did move over. As I covered myself with the sheets, I felt him turn so he faced my back and put his hand around my waist, pulling me closer, closing the gap between us. I felt the blood boiling in my cheeks, but I can bet he felt the same.(A/N this escalated so quickly, I can't even anymore)
"N-night again, dumbass..." he muffled in my hair.
"Night again Kacchan..." I said as I gripped his hand. And that night, I didn't have any nightmares anymore.

Kacchan's POV
What the fuck? What the actual fuck? Like... there are so many things going through my head right now... First... Why was Deku having a nightmare about me? It's not like I tormented and bullied him, ever. I mean, yeah, I have been mean to him in the beginning, but now we're supposed to be friends, right? It actually hurt. For whatever fucking reason it hurt. When I saw him say my name and cry, it just.... it felt as if he stabbed me right in my heart. I was on the verge of crying, but I kinda managed to played it "cool" I'd like to say, so he wouldn't question me, but that hug sure didn't help me... I am happy he hugged me back, I really am. Second... WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE, WHY THE FUCK IS HE IN MY BED, AND WHY THE FUCK ARE WE SPOONING? It was my idea, yes. I knew I was going to somehow sleep in bed with him. I fucking KNEW it. I mean... it's not like I don't like it, but why have I done it??? I did it just to confort him, I swear. No hidden reasons. I was just worried he might have nightmares again, so... Yeah.. just worried... Like the friend I am. Yeah... friend... A-and i didn't know what else to do to confort him so... that was the only thing I could think of! Ugh... It seems though as if he wouldn't mind it, even more, he might actually enjoy it. I mean... why else would he grip my hand as if his dear life depended on it?
As I kept having those thoughts in my head, I opened my eyes noticing the green fluff in front of me. His hair! I'm so close to him! Shit. It smells nice tho. It really does... like ocean breeze with mint. I really wouldn't mind sleeping like this every night... well... might as well enjoy this while it lasts, so i just closed my eyes, slowly breathing in and out the fresh smell. (A/N it's not gross if it smells nice, ok??) But theen, he just had to freaking turn around, to face me. He was sleeping so that's good. At least he wouldn't notice my red face, as dark as it was in the room. He was sleeping do peacefully... Also, his face was really close to me, so fucking close I could count his freckles. I really need to go to sleep! But his face was right there! It was right there. I just couldn't help myself, so I pulled him closer and pecked his forehead. I seriously must be as freaking red as my eyes. Then instead of counting sheep... I started counting his freckles. One, two, three, four... I don't know how far I've counted.  All i know is that I soon fell asleep.

Hiiiiii thereee.
Nothing interesting, really. Just contemplating that I reaaaaally reaaaaally moved things too quickly. Well I did tell you this was my first story, ever. So i really hope you didn't have high expectations, cuz I for sure didn't.
Anywaaay. I know fluff contains kisses and huuugs and "I love you"s but they are not together (yet), so they can't.
Also, Deku's dream was stupid. Just plain stupid. I know, but i won't change it, cuz I don't have anymore ideas for nightmares with Kacchan. Or I do, but.... I am waaaayyy to lazy to rewrite it all.
1484 words y'all! Is much more than I expected. I wanted this to be shorter, with only Deku's dream, but... yeaaaahhh, that changed.
So...That was all.

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