Chapter 7- Let me take care of you, okay?

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Gaizzzz. Gaiz. For ze very first teim, I actually hev a ze plot. (Well that wasn't cringy at all) Well, not really a plot, but.... I HAVE SOMTHING PLANNED OKAY?
Also I've noticed... Iida barely exist. I'm sorry Iida fans.

Deku's POV
Ahhh.... home sweet home. It feels a little weird to finally wake up at home (even though I know only two days passed) not feeling the warmth of two strong, bare arms embracing you, the sweet scent of wood fire, invading my nose... (did this sound weird? It sounded weird. Really. Weird.) I kinda actually miss it. It would be so nice to be able to wake up like that every day... *sigh* who am I kidding... I should stop fantasizing so much. It's not like it will ever happ-
"Izuku! Are you up? You have to go to school!" My mom shouted from the kitchen. I smiled. At least we can see eachother at school.
"I'll be right there!" I jumped out of bed, and headed in the kitchen. As I entered, a delicious smell of pancakes hit me right in the face.
"Mom, you didn't!" She giggled at my reaction, putting a plate of pancakes on the table.
"Yes I did!" I almost jumped on the table and started eating my pancakes.
"They're so goooood~" I said smiling.
"Glad you like them."

Time skip to when he's done, brought to you by... Deku's pancakes.

"Bye mom!" I said as I was leaving.
"Bye Izuku!"
I wonder if I could hang out with Kacchan today... But he hangs out with Kirishima... and since they're such good friends, I don't think he'll wanna hang out with me... with a now saddened look on my face I reached the school gates. When I got in the classroom, I noticed only Tokoyami, Kouda, Sato, Shoji and Jirou were there. Kacchan wasn't... Maybe he's late... but he always gets to school before me. But then again... we were late yesterday, so I bet it's nothing. Also, Uraraka is late too. What's with all the people I usually talk to, being all late today?
"Izu-kun! Good morning!" I heard the just mentioned girl scream from behind me.
"Oh! Good morning Uraraka! I was actually wondering why you weren't here before me, hehe." I shyly said.
"Uhhh.... I just... uhh...woke up late!" She never wakes up late... she also was stuttering a lot while saying that... Is she hiding something from me?
"Oh. Ok!" I said not wanting to push her. Well, I can't force her to tell me something she doesn't want to.

Uraraka's POV (ooohhhh new peps)
"...I was actually wondering why you weren't here before me." Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap. Think of an excuse! Think of a damn excuse!
"Uhhh... I just... uhh... woke up late!" He so didn't buy it. I'm sorry for having to lie to you Izuku... THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!
"Oh. Ok!" Phew...At least he didn't ask me anything else...

"He isn't here yet, huh... please don't let Izu-kun come before him!" I sat in my desk, whispering to myself. Just a while later the doors opened revealing the guy I waited for.
"Uraraka. Good morning. You needed me here earlier than usual. May I ask why?"
"Well... First can we go somewhere else? I don't want Izuku to find us."
"Sure." We left the classroom, and went behind the school. "So? What did you want to talk about?"
"Well... Izuku... has... a crush on Bakugou..." I said slowly.
"Oh? And I guess you want to make them a couple?" How did?... well... at least I don't have to say it myself.
"Yes..." He looked at me and smiled.
"Well... they would look so good together, so... sure. I'll help. How come you asked me, though?"
"Thanks so much! And, well... I know how much you like shipping people, I figured, you would like helping ships come true too." A quiet giggle escaped his mouth.
"I see..." He had a thoughtful look, then looked at me. "So what's the plan?" I smiled, and started explaining him.

~End of flashback~

Deku's POV
Me and Uraraka were chatting at my desk, until I saw Todoroki and Momo entering the class.
"Hey Todoroki-kun! Hello Momo-san!" I cheerfully greeted them. They look cute together. They should definitely become a couple.
"Hello Midoriya." They said, Todoroki showing me a small, almost unnoticeable smile.
Soon after that, pretty much all the other kids poured in the class. Except for.... Kacchan... Okay. Now I'm worried. He should have definitely come by now. Maybe he's sick...sick.... Right! He must have caught a cold from yesterday! Even thought I never saw him get a cold... not even in winter... I'll check on him after school.
"Everybody sit down, and stop talking and laughing so much. I can't stand it." That was Aizawa-sensei. Didn't even notice him entering the class.
I couldn't concentrate the whole period. All I was thinking about was Kacchan. Is he okay? What if he won't want to treat himself, because of how stubborn he is? Or... or what if he doesn't know how? What if he fainted right now, and he is all alone? Arghhhhh! Stop thinking about him! He knows how to take care of himself, right? At least, that's what I'd like to believe...
"Midoriya. Stop mumbling and pay attention." Aizawa-sensei grumbled.
"Y-yes, sensei!" I could feel some stares pointed directly at me. Why does this scenario keep repeating?...

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