Chapter 11- Confession (for real tho)

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Idk why, but I'm so excited to write this!

Kacchan's POV
"Midoriya... I...I like you.

He... was confessing to... Deku. My Deku. He will accept it. He has to accept. He will. And he will be happy, and they will hold hands and will... kiss. After seeing him smile and laugh like that, it's impossible for him to refuse, right? I... should already have known this. I should've known and should've gotten used to the idea. So why? Why does it hurt? Why... why am I crying? My tears... I could feel them run on my face then fall in the grass. And after they get together Deku will probably have sleepovers at his place and will stop caring about me... completely. I knew it. I shouldn't have gotten used to him. I shouldn't have helped him. I shouldn't have... cared.
I didn't want to hear anymore. I couldn't. I didn't care if he accepted. I just wanted to go home. So I wiped my tears and started running. But it wasn't long until I heard footsteps following me. Fuck. Fuck! Why is he following me? Shouldn't he be with his boyfriend? He was right behind me.
"Kacchan! Kacchan, stop!" He just said Kacchan. Dammit, you little shit! Stop crying! I wanted to stop, but at the same time, I knew I shouldn't. So I didn't. I kept running until I felt a hand grab me. I turned at him, snatching my hand away.
"Let me fucking go, Deku!" He looked a little hurt as I said that, but I was hurt too.
"Kacchan, what's wrong?" He asked quietly looking directly into my eyes.
"Stop fucking staring at me!" I shouted, making him flinch a little. "Why do you care what's wrong? Didn't you say you didn't give a fuck about me?!" He looked at me frozen, guilt spread all over his face.
"Kacchan, I-"
"Kacchan what?! You fucking slept at my place so many times, never stopped trying to hang out with me, took care of me when my shitty ass was sick, you've dealt with my shit every single time, so why!?" Stop. "Why would you do this if you didn't care!?" I started shouting looking down, my tears never failing to leave my eyes. Stop! "What could you possibly achieve?..." Why don't you stop? He doesn't need to know this. He doesn't need to know just how much you care. "Is... seeing me cry so much fun to you?" You've done it now... I finally looked up at Deku. His expression was mixed with guilt, sadness, surprise... anger. Why the fuck should ge be angry?... "Is it?..."
He just kept looking at me with the same expression, not saying anything. I looked down once again, my voice coming out like a shaking skreech. "DEKU ANSWER ME!"
"K-Kacchan... How could you possibly think that?!" His anger finally flowing out of him. "I always tried hanging out with you, took care of you, dealt with you, because I care! Why would anyone do that much for someone if they don't care?"
"That's my question, Deku... I wanna know why." I said, finally making my tears stop.
"You wanna know why? I also want to know why you would want to hang out with me, have sleepovers with me, make me food, pretty much letting me live with you, treat me so much better than anyone else, when I'm such a crybaby, failure, a whimp!"
"Deku, you are not-"
"I am! Otherwise you wouldn't call me Deku!" I never knew he hated that nickname. "I know why I do all these things, Kacchan. Because, I fucking love you, you asshole! So why do you do it?!" Huh? Did... he just say... Like?
"A-and Todoroki?" I grumbled.
"Huh?" Now he was crying.
"Isn't he your boyfriend?...."
"I refused him..." But somehow, he still looked angry. Deku... all I make you feel is anger, but I want to make it up to you somehow. I have to. After those three magic words I grabbed Deku's chin close, him immediately freezing at my touch, and looked at his plump lips, running my fingers over them.
"You don't know how much I waited for this Deku..." I then leaned in and kissed him. It took him a second to process what was going on but he started kissing back.
It went slowly, our lips moving in sync, tasting eachother, my hand on his chin, and waist, his, around my shoulders. I was selfish, so I licked his lips, which tasted like honey, so sweet, and felt like soft marshmallows, trying to get to taste him some more. He immediately opened his mouth, letting me go through every inch of his mouth. He wanted me just as much as I did. He slowly moaned as our tongues twisted with eachother. Our hands started to touch more and more of our bodies. My hand went down to his ass, groping him hard enough for him to moan loudly. Sorry Deku, but you're just so... (this last part was so unnecessary, wasn't it? XDD)
We slowly parted away, faces flushed, panting. I then suddenly hugged him, making sure he wasn't just a dream.
"That's my answer Deku...Now answer me this... Would you go out with me?"
"Kacchan...Yes... Yes!" He got on his tiptoes and pecked my cheek. "I'm so happy..." He said smiling a blinding smile.
"Really? I couldn't really tell. This morning you were so mad an-"
"Oh my god! I'm sorry! I'm so so.... sorry, Kacchan. It's because of me that you were crying a-and..." He buried his head in my shoulder.
"It's okay, Deku. I'm fine now. I'm actually pretty happy." I said grinning. He looked up at me and blushed.
"Haha! Let's go home..." I turned around and grabbed his hand. He looked at our hand and smiled.
"Oh! I forgot to tell you..."
"I fucking love you too,.... Izuku."
"I-Izu-Izuku?" He stuttered out slowly.
"Yeah... I figured you hated it, even tought... it can also mean 'you can do it' if you think about it." (So, like I never knew why it sounded like you can do it, but recently, I found out it sounded like 'Dekiru' (is it spelled right?) So yeah)
"I... never thought about it that way... I will keep Deku then, Kacchan!" He said excitedly.
"Even thought... I will call you babe most of the time." I smirked at him.
"K-Kacchan!" He blushed again.
"You are cute when you blush, you know that?" He looked away pouting. "Aww... c'mon. You know I love you, babe." I said jokingly.
I could hear him mumble something which sounded very much like 'Fuck you, Kacchan'. Pfftt... he just gave me another fuck...
As we exited the school gates, I looked behind me and saw the Half-and-half bastard, smiling showing me a thumbs-up. Tch... That bastard. I'mma have to thank him....

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