Chapter 5.5-I'm always here, remeber?

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This gonna be all Deku's POV

Deku's POV
"Put a diaper on, 'cuz you're gonna shit your pants, fucker!" Kacchan said in a way that erased the smirk I had earlier.
"I-is it really th-that scary?" I managed to somehow ask.
"I told you already. I didn't find it too scary. Now I can't say the same thing about you." He smirked teasingly. I froze when he said that. I'm so dead. "It's okay, Deku. As I said. I'll always be here. And I even promised not to laugh, so you've got nothing to worry about." He said in a reassuring tone.
"O-okay..." He put the first movie in the DVD player (DVDs... ikrrr?). This is going to be a long night.... I looked terrified at the tv. Then I felt a warm hand on my head. It was Kacchan.
"Are you sure you wanna watch, Deku?" He looked at me concerned. "I don't think I want you fuckin' fainting right now. It's okay if you don't feel like it. We can do something else." I am not a scaredy cat.
"No! I can watch!" He gave me a questioning look. "Really! Please, Kacchan..." I looked down. My eyes felt teary. He thinks I'm too scared, doesn't he?
"O-oi! D-don't cry, Deku! I... I just didn't want you to do something you didn't want... " He tried calming me down.
"You think I'm a coward, right? Too scared, right?" I spat looking at him in the eyes. Those eyes....
"No! Of course not! The fact that you got out of your comfort zone for me, is already enough proof that you ain't a fucking coward." He looked at me dead serious.
"R-really?" He smirked.
"Have I ever lied to you?"
"I don't know." I said smiling.
"Well, I didn't."
"It's okay. I believe you." I reassured him with a smile. "Now let's watch the movies!"
The first movie went "smoothly" I'd like to say.... I only clinged to Kacchan when the jumpscares popped up. He did keep his promise, and didn't laugh.
"How was the first movie?" He asked me when the credits appeared. Scaryyyy. Would be the truth. But no way I'm making myself look like a fool.
"Eh... not as scary as I imagined it." I say crossing my arms.
"You are so bluffing." He poked me in the ribs. I giggled.
"No I'm not!" I pouted. He saw right through me...
"You totally are." He poked me again. I giggled harder. "Oh? Ticklish are we?" He had an evil smirk on. Uh-oh. I'm so dead. We had a tickle war. And when I say we, it means Kacchan was tickling me to death.
"K-Kacchan! Pfthahahahahaha! S-sthaaaappp! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! P-please, have m-mer-Hahahahaha!" He was tickling my underarms.
"Nope." He simply said, continuing his tickling.
"P-please..." I managed to breath out.
"Mmm... no." He has no mercy. He then flipped me so I was under him.
"Hahahahahahhahaha! Kacchaaaannn! Stooo...op." I just realized the position we were in, and I think he did too, cuz he stopped and stared at me. A second later and he was as red as a tomato and so was I. He quickly got off me.
"S-sorry..." he said with his face turned away from me scratching his neck.
"I-It's fine... you didn't mean to do that." Right?
"Y-yeah. Let's just watch the second movie."
"Okay!" I said smiling. He put the second DVD in. And sat next to me. He was looking at the screen while saying: "You were still bluffing." I pouted. "But I appreciate it." Huh? Why?
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... you watched a scary movie, which I suppose is you least favorite genre, for me. Thanks." He looked at me and smiled.
"No prob. We're friends, right? Sometimes we do things that aren't quite 'us'." I smiled back. "Plus... I wouldn't have done it if it weren't you asking me to..." I very very quietly mumbled.
"What was the last part?"
"What last part?" I 'unknowingly' say.
"Guess it's just me." He said, even though he way still looking at me suspiciously. "Oh. It started." He added as the movie finally started.
If the first movie went "smoothly" this one.... well no. I not only clinged on Kacchan's arm for the whole movie, but I was also screaming the most girly screams ever heard at the creepy moments. How does Kacchan not even flinch?
"Okay Deku. The last movie is the one which gave me fucking chills. Are you 100% sure you wanna watch?"
"Yeah. I can do it." I said not letting go of his arm.
"You still clinging onto my arm, doesn't really convince me." He looked at me. He thinks I can't do it.
"F-fine. I bet I can watch the whole third movie without clinging onto you." I said determined, crossing my arms and letting a small 'hmph' escape my lips.
"O-oi. Are you sure?" He had this worried look. I didn't like it.
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Whatever you say..." he kinda shrugged it off putting the final movie in.
As it started, it didn't seen too bad. I can totally watch this without Kacchan. Then... later on... I found myself yelping at every little thing that I found creepy. I could see Kacchan also flinching slightly. And even later on... that's where I messed up. I was trembling and on the verge of crying because of fear. How did things escalate so quickly? As another jumpscare popped on the TV, I loudly screamed and closed my eyes, trembling harder than before and cying freely. And then... I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my body.
"Shh... it's okay Deku... I'm always here, remember?" I almost instantly calmed down hearing the soothing voice, that was muffled by my hair. Letting out a small whimper, I leaned more in the embrace. "Why didn't you tell me to help you?" The same voice asked me worryingly.
"I-I.... I thought I could...*sob* *sob*" I just started crying. I thought I could do it on my own... I thought I wasn't a crybaby, but I am. I'm a coward. Nothing more. I can't do anything by myself... As if hearing my thoughts, the two arms squeezed me more. "You are not a coward, goddammit. It's okay to be scared. Heck, even I was scared right now... How about we do something else, okay?" I nodded. He wanted to let go, but I kept holding him.
"Please... don't let go yet..." I slowly whispered. Without complaining he hugged me again, turning me so I faced him. He was slowly petting my head holding it in the crook of his neck.
"You're comfy... and you smell nice." I whispered giggling slowly. Oh crap. Did I just make things weird?
"Thanks... you're comfy too..."
We stayed like that 2 more minutes, until I decided to break the the hug.
"Kacchan... what time is it?"
"10 PM. Why?"
"I don't wanna go to sleep yet..." I said looking in his eyes. He smirked.
"Yeah. Me neither. What do you feel like doing?"
"I'm not sure... should we try watching another movie or something?" He nodded. We sat in the bed, leaning on the wall, his arm wrapped around my shoulders. There was almost no space between us. I really wish there was none. My face was heating up. Maybe...but it's risky... but he's right there........ whatever. I slowly got closer to Kacchan, till our shoulders and hips touched. He tensed up for a second, then relaxed again. Yes! I did it. And weirly enough, he didn't push me away, or did anything ankward. Huh...
We were able to find a sad romance movie,which made me cry my eyes out at the end.
"Sh-she died. They.. they couldn't be together. *sob* *sob*" I looked up at Kacchan who wasn't crying, but had teary eyes. "Awww, Kacchan! You're almost crying too!" I said elbowing him.
"I am not! I just need to fucking go to sleep!" He shouted in his defense. I giggled.
"It's okay Kacchan, I don't judge you."
"Tch. I told you I wasn't crying!"
"Sure you weren't. Hehe..." I looked up at him once more, and he looked down at me. I continued staring in his eyes, as I realized our noses started touching. I froze, and my cheeks got hot. I quickly turned away hiding my face in my hands. I tried looking at Kacchan with the corner of my eye, and say him turned away from me with his hand on his mouth.
"W-would you look at the t-time! We h-have school tomorrow, l-let's go to sleep, okay?" I managed to stutter my words out.
"Listen... are... are we still sleeping in my bed?" He mumbled.
"W-well if you want..."
"I was the one who asked, dumbass. Of course I do." Of c-course? I got even redder than I already was. He stared at me for a second, before becoming red too. " I-I mean, of course I do if you do." He quickly corrected himself.
"W-well, I do..."
"FUCK!" He suddenly shouted.
"What was that for? Didn't you want to sleep with me?" As I said it I realized how it sounded. "I-I-I mean just sleep."
"That's not it, goddammit! Why the fuck are we so awkward? We discussed this shit earlier today!" He's right... why are we ankward? We didn't do anything weir...d.... our noses... our noses touched.... sh-should I tell him? If I do, things are going to be even more ankward. I'll just keep my mouth shut.
"I don't know..."
"Ughhhhh! Let's just fuckimg go to sleep. I'll change in the bathroom." He went in the bathroom, and I quickly changed in my pijamas. Not a little later he got out, as topless as ever, with his pijama sweats on. I can never get enought of his body. Ugh that was perverted!
"Uhh... are we getting in bed, or.... do you wanna fucking keep staring." He said annoyed, as blush crept up his face. Wait, blush? Why would he blush?
"Yeah... let's go to bed." I got in the sheets and he followed me.
As we covered ourselves I felt his bare hand go aroung my waist and pulling me closer.
"I-I'm only doing this so you don't have nightmares because of the movies, okay, shithead?" He angrily mumbled in my hair.
"Yeah, yeah..." oh... I didn't care why he did it, thought. As long as I have him close, I don't care...
And just like that I fell asleep.

Iz dis gud? R u gaiz happy? I'm not. But whatevs. I'm only doing this for you guys. I love you and all...
Oh... also...
Since tomorrow it's supposed to be school day, should i skip it, or... write about it. I'm asking bcz I don't really feel like writing about school in summer time, but if you people want me to... I shall.
Oh. And another tiny note. I'm actually working on a new fanfic BakuTodo, since I can't really find many of those, so... yeah.
That was all.

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