Chapter 2.5- Thanks Kacchan! (part 2)

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Deku's POV
Oh nooo.... I started mumbling and I just cried in front of Kacchan. He most probably think I'm just a big crybaby... even though... he helped me a little... I wonder why he would even bother to help a Deku like me... he's right when he says I'm useless.
"Oi, Deku! Are we starting or what?" He asks impatiently. "The heck are you thinking about?"
He said to atop apologizing. He said I shouldn't stutter. *sigh* "I was thinking maybe we should just look for information, find pictures and think of an arrangement  today, and tomorrow we could put it all together." I didn't stutter!
"Hmmm...I guess it's fine." He said approvingly.
We spent all day researching about All Might. It was 8 PM and we weren't done yet.
"Say Kacchan...."
"It's getting a little late... I think I should go home."

Kacchan's POV
"It's getting a little late... I think I should go home." Huh? Go home? ...I have a felling I'll end up saying something very fucked up...
"Kacchan?" He looked worried...
"Tch. Fine. Whatever. Tomorrow at my place at the same time as today." I wonder if he wants to stay over...
"Okay Kacchan! See you tomorrow!" I should ask him... but... I can't open my mouth... c'mon Katsuki. *sigh* And you were talking about having guts earlier... you know what? Fuck it.
"O-oi Deku!" Stutteting? Great start,  Katsuki. Great start.
"Doyouwannasleepatmyplacetonight?" Aw crap. He looks... shocked? Terrified?  I can't even tell anymore....

Deku's POV
"Doyouwannasleepatmyplacetonight? "
Did I just hear right? H-he want me to.. SLEEP AT HIS PLACE??!?! It must be a dreaaaam.
"What you heard. Do you wanna have a sleepover tonight at my place?"
So it wasn't a dream, huh... AAGAGAHAHA I THINK I'LL HAVE A HEART ATACK. HOLY SHIT! Ok.... calm.... down...
"A-a-are you sure?"
"I wouldn't ask if I wouldn't be." Waaahhh!
"Ok then! Just let me ask my mom first!"

Hey mom! Can I have a sleepover at my friend's house?

Uhh... who is this friend? Is she a girl? How old is she? Is she your girlfriend?Do her parents know? Why are you there in the first place?

It's a classmate. No, he's not a girl. Oh crap. Now that I think about us... Kacchan hasn't told me where his parents are... well... I guess if he says it's okay.. Yeah they know. I had a school project with him.

Ohhh.. I see. Then it's ok. But... do you have any pyjamas?

Crap! I totally forgot!
"What?" Tch... He's acting as if I'm the one who asked if I could sleep over.
"Do you perhaps have some pyjamas I could borrow?"
"Hmmm...I think I do. Wait." He said as he started looking in some drawers. "There." He threw me an over-sized t-shirt  and a pair of shorts. "That's all I have left if you want it."
"U-ummm... thanks!" Gosh I'm pretty much gonna be half naked. But... *sigh*it's better that nothing.

I borrowed from my friend.

Ok then sweetie. Have fun!

Bye mom!

Kacchan's POV
"All done!" He's so happy about this. While I have no idea what the hell I put myself into.
"Oi Deku. I'mma go take a shower. You can do... pretty much anything. Just don't go hunting in my fridge."
As I entered the shower the hot water began pouring on my body (A/N which was now very wet) I began thinking about just what the fuck have I done today.
So right now I'm having a sleepover with the guy I pretty much hated, because I invited him to. I stared at his muscles and at his ass. I helped him with his emotional shit, or at least, I'm trying. I said he has pretty eyes and cute freckles.... my stupid freaking heart won't stop fluttering when he smiles.... do I fucking like him? But I  hated him earlier this morning... Now what? Am I gonna tell him to sleep in my bed with me? Oh shit... I think i will... JUST WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? Am I gay for this bastard? There is no fucking way. You can't just go from hate to love in ONE day. Ughhh.... maybe tomorrow I will get rid of this shit.
I just got out of the shower and put on some sweats to find Deku in his "pyjamas" reding some All Might comics that were laying aroung.
"Omg Kacchan I didn't know you ha-a-a-ad! K-KACHAN YOU'RE HALF NAKED!" He said blushing. So... freaking... cute.
"First off. So are you. Second. That's how I sleep. Got a problem with that?"
"N-n-n-no! It's just y-you surprised me!" Surprised huh?
"Whatever. Wanna play some video games?"

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