Chapter 7.5- He just...

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^^I know this has nothing with Bnha but just check that shit out if you didn't already. That shit good. Also... do not mind the drawing. That... yeah....

Kacchan's POV
"Kacchan~. Since you definitely dont know how to take care of yourself, let me take care of you now, okay?" Holy shit. Deku was terrifying. Who knew such a cinnamon roll could do that. I mean... why should he do that? I can take perfect care of myself.
He threw the garbage off the couch and pointed at it.
"Sit." He said with the same scary look.
"I'm not a dog." I said frowning at him and cfossing my arms. Gripping my arm, he smiled.
"Ka-cchan. don't make this harder then it already is."
Tch. You lucky I fucking love you. I went and layed on the couch, noticing a blanket in his arms.
"Huh? Nuh-uh. No way. It's waaaay too hot. I don't want it!" I kept kicking the blanket as he was trying to put it on. He stopped, giving me a concerned look before leaning down. H-huh? Wh-what?
"D-Deku, w-what are you doing?" Why do I keep stuttering when I'm with him?
"Shut up Kacchan...."
What do I do? Does he want to kiss me? Do I want to kiss him like this? His lips are right there. His lips... After our foreheads touched, he got up, before I could do something. My face felt hot and I don't know if it was me blushing or my fever. That's what he wanted to do? Oh. Oh god. I feel so stupid! Arghhh, Deku!
"Kacchan! You have a fever! What the heck?! Don't you know how to take care of yourself?!" He shouted in my face.
"Pfttt. As if I have a-" He gave me a look. A look. Oh god.
"Don't you dare say 'As if I could have a fever.'. You aren't some miracle child, ok?" He started pointing at my chest. "You are just a normal teenager who can get sick just like everyone else! And you should know how to take care of yourself! Or at least you should not eat all kinds of crap! You could've at least stayed in bed, covered with a blanket and with a-" I jolted out of bed.
"Well I'm sorry I don't have a mother who can teach me these things!" (I just killed Mitsuki. I'm so sorry.) I shouted at him. Why? Why do I feel like crying?...
"Y-you... don't?" His angry expression quickly turned into shock.
I lowered my head so he wouldn't see the teary eyes I had, but I guess, since he's such a crybaby, he knew I was crying. "" He lifted my head, cupping my cheek, whipping the tears with his thumb.
"Kacchan... It's okay to cry..." Then I felt two arms embracing me. So this is how he feels when I hug him... so... calm, and safe... After he said that, I let my tears flow freely, gripping his t-shirt and burying my head in his chest not caring how pathetic I might have looked. He's too carrying. Too sweet. He doesn't care when I call him names... he's just... like the old hag....
"Kacchan... please listen to me... just when you're sick. I know you don't want to, but... it's for your own good..." (momma Deku in action XDD) Just like her. Haha... I guess he won't give up anyway...
"....Fine." I layed back in bed, and let him put the blanket on me. It's so hoooot... He quickly went in the kitchen and brought a wet cold towel, putting it on my forehead. It feels good. But it's not like I'm telling him that.
"Let me see if I have any fever medicine..." he kept looking in his bag before looking at me worryingly. "I have to go to the pharmacy."
"Wait. I think I have some. Not sure though. It's in the kitchen in the second drawer under the counter."
"Oh. I'll go check." I waited for him for five minutes, and he's still there. I'll go check on him. "Do not move from the couch!" I heard him shouting. Shit. Ugh.... "I found it! And luckily enough, it's still usable." He smiled. He's so cute... I'll definitely make him mine. "Open your mouth Kacchan." Don't say that Deku. Sounds wrong. After he gave me the medicine I almost spit it out.
"Ewww... it's gross. Bitter." Tastes like shit.
"Kacchan, you are not a 4 year-old. You can bare with it." He said giving me a 'grow up' look.
"Well you can... go to sleep or something. Since you can't get up. You have to sit under the blanket so you get better." Ughhh... I'll faint from how hot this iiiiss.
"Tch... what time is it?"
"5 PM." He said plainly.
"Like hell I'm going to sleep this early."
"Well.. you wanna talk?"
"About?" I have a feeling I already know.
"About you... me... y'know... we are friends, but we don't know that much about eachother..."
"Wanna start with me?"
"Yeah..." he said defeated.
"Ask." I simply said.
"So... what happened with your parents? I-It's okay if you don't wanna answer! I just... you know..."
"Hahaha... I know. Well... My mom died because of a heart disease. We didn't know she had it until it was too late (I'm making shit up. Don't expect me to actually know what I'm talking about XD). Next thing you know, she was dead in the living room. And dad... he was depressed after mom's death and... committed suicide... I didn't see it. And now that I think about it, it may be for the better. I had to live with my aunt, until I got in high school, when I wanted to move out. As for money, she sends me enough for expenses, food, and some extra, for whatever else I would need. Anything else?" I looked at him. He was dumbfounded and had tears in the corner of his eyes. When he saw I was looking at him he snapped out of his trance and wiped them.
"I-I... uhh... yeah... How... How were your parents?"
"Well... My mom was pretty much like... me... and you, I guess? I mean... even though she was hot-headed like me, she was caring, she was funny, and never actually got mad when I calldmed her 'old hag'. Just like you don't get mad when I call you Deku. Even thought she always got mad when I didn't listen to her, or did stupid shit, she always forgave me... Deku."
"Y-yes?" He jumped a little.
"You have no idea how much you remind me of her."
"R-really?" I chuckled.
"Yes, really. Anyway. My father... he was the total opposite of my mother. He was calm. Haha. I don't know where his calmness is in me, but... y'know. When me and my mom were having a fight, he was the one to calm us down. You know what Deku? You're pretty much like both of my parents." He smiled. "Anything else?"
"Not really..."
"Okay then. How about you?"
"Well, my parents divorced. I live with my mom. They divorced 'cuz... well... he was abusive." I wanted to get up, but he held me. "It's okay Kacchan. He left. Now, he's in jail. For life."
"What... did he do to you?" His face froze before turning back into a smile.
"Beat me. Cut me. Call me names. Only physical and mental abuse." My hands formed into fists. No one. Will ever hurt him again.
"Oi Deku."
"...Did the nightmare that you had have something to do with that? The fact that you were abused." His eyes locked with mine for a little before answering.
"M-maybe...I think so..." he said scratching the back of his head.
"Tell me."
"Huh? Tell you what?"
"What was the nighmare about."
"O-oh... trust me, it's no biggie."
"You just said it had something to do with abuse. Plus.... I heard you scream my name..." I said mumbling the last part.
"O-oh..." I took my hand from under the covers, before he could say anything, and put it on his. He looked at me with wide eyes. I didn't look at your eyes properly in such a long time, I almost forgot how beautifully green they are. Almost.
"You can tell me. I won't get mad or anything, okay?" He nodded and took a deep breath, looking down.
"It was about you...I-I 'woke up' and I didn't find you in the room. When I found you in the kitchen and greeted you, you took a knife in your hand, saying you had no idea who I was... th-then... you threatened to kill me if I didn't leave, especially because you didn't want your boyfriend to see you with me." He stopped for a second. Boyfriend? "A-and then I asked who it was, approaching you, and then..."I heard sniffles. I slowly lifted his chin, seeing tears falling.
"We sure cried a lot today, didn't we, Deku?" I said chuckling.
He wiped his tears and looked at me. "Yeah, we did."
We stood in silence for a little while before I asked. "So... what happened next?..."
"O-oh yeah. Then you... sprinted with the knife in your hand and cut my neck while whispering his name..."
"What was his name?"
"Please don't get mad. It was..." it waaaass?? "...shima." I heard a faint whisper.
"Kirishima, okay?! It was Kirishima..." His eye were angry. Is he... jealous? Why the fuck would he be jealous? (I wonder too, Kacchan)
"Kiri? Why the fuck would it be Kiri? Jeez. We're like... 'friends' as much as I hate admitting it. Plus. The guy has like... the most fucking obvious crush on Dunce-face."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry."
"You don't have what to be sorry for, goddammit."
Ding (lol mood killer)
"W-wait. Let me check my phone."

Deku's POV
From mom
Hey Izuku! I'm going to have a business trip this week, and since you're already at Katsuki's can you ask his parents if he could have you over? (Best. Mom. Ever.) Parents...(Also... this is like... their third sleepover. The fucc?)

"My mom wants me to sleep here since she's going for a business trip. And she figured we're good friends so-"
"Okay." He cut me of before I could start rambling.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm fucking sure." He said annoyed.

To mom
Are you sure mom? They said I can.

From mom
Well I'm not against it. And since you know... you like him... Maybe you'll tell me something when I come back. Just... don't do anything reckless. (Again. Best. Mom. Ever. I need her.)

To mom
MOM. Anyway. When are you leaving?

From mom
Tonight at 8 PM.

To mom
I'll come get my stuff. Bye!

From mom
Bye, sweetie.

"Kacchan. I'll go home to get some stuff." He huffed.
While exiting I looked at Kacchan once more.
"And Kacchan. Don't get up." He didn'tsay anything. "Please."
"Fine..." He said annoyed.
"Thanks." I said closing the door.

This is the third sleepover I have with Kacchan. I can't believe mom told me to sleep here the whole week! This won't even be a sleepover anymore. I'm literally going to love with him for a week! This definitely doesn't sound bad... and it didn't seem to bother him either. Also... I ALMOST TOLD HIM I LIKED HIM. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? (I actually sorta kinda wanted him to confess now, but... I have other plans :))))) *sigh* Well.. at least he told me he doesn't like Kirishima that way, which really is reassuring. I trust him, right?
[I just got lazy (again), so I'mma write the last part super shortly or that's what I'd like to say if i didn't have a conscience.]
I just reached my place and opened the door.
"Izuku!" I heard her shout back. I went in the kitchen? Finding her preparing her stuff. "Izuku? I hope you'll behave this week, okay? And can you come one or twice to clean the house a little?" He asked slowly.
"Of course!"
"And don't forget to do your homework!"
"I know that already!" I may not me to fond of homework, and i may not know how to solve it, but I still do it...
"Okay... Izuku, it's 7 PM, I'll go. Take care of yourself, okay?" She said giving me a small smile.
"I will." I said hugging her. She hugged me back and pecked my cheek. We let go of eachother and she took her baggage.
"See you in a week Izuku!" She said at the door, waving at me.
"Bye, mom!" She smiled then left.
After that, I also prepared my stuff, which pretty much means pijamas, a toothbrush, the uniform and spare clothes. I left locking the door, with a bag full of things.
As I reached Kacchan's I slowly opened the door, only to find him on the couch sleeping, I think. "Kacchan?" No answer. He is definitely sleeping. Since I cant sleep on the couch, I guess I'll sleep in his bed. "I can't believe we're going to spend a week together." I whispered aproaching the couch. I leaned down, looking at his peacefull face and... pecked his forehead. As soon as I did I jolted back up. Why did I do that?!?! I quickly grabbed my thing and went in Kacchan's room.

No one's POV
Little did Izuku know, that as soon as he left the couch, the other's crimson eyes opened, dumbfounded, with red cheeks. He just kissed me... He thought. (IDC IF IT WAS ON HIS FOREHEAD, OKAY?)

.... I wrote so much. Just to make it up to you, guys.
Word count: 2292
Yes. I wrote.... GAAAAH. I'm pretty proud tho.... Idk what to say. So... yeah..........
Oh, yeah... should I put in the media sum fanart? Y'all tell me
That was all.

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