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The title for the next chapter suggests smut (and i'm thinking to change it) but it's not. Like I said. I won't write smut (fluff, yes. Make out scenes, I'm not good at those, but I'll try). Not now, not in this story, I won't. Hope you get it. Plus even if I did write smut... Kacchan doesn't have feelings for Deku yet. And I honestly am still trying to figure put how to make him fall for Deku but it will all happen eventually. When I started writing this story I didn't (and still don't) honestly have a plan, a plot or whatever. Rn i'm just going with the flow so let's just see where that gets me. Also I don't know if I should get Todoroki to have a crush on Deku cuz that happens so often it just became cliché. Kirishima too... but somehow I have to make a plot twist otherwise it'll be boring, right? Oor I could just write their relationship only with no other people envolved. Idk you guys tell me in the comments. How would you like the story plot to go?

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