Chapter 6.5-Did that just happen?!

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I guess I forgot to mention it, but in the fanfic, it's like the end of November or so. I don't really know how American or Japanese High-schools work, but where I live, It starts in September,  so... they had crushes on eachother for like... three months. And no. They were hurrying and couldn't think about jackets anymore.

Deku's POV
Oh god. Oh my god. We held hands! Well, not really, it was just me dragging him to class, but we were late, and we were holding hands. Like... who wouldn't get wrong idea? The whole class was staring at me and Kacchan. I tried ignoring them, burying my face in my notebook, but it felt like pokes in my back. I glanced at Kacchan, who I bet was feeling just like me, since his eyebrow was twitching, and his fist almost breaking the pencil he was holding. It's my fault he's being embarrassed right now... If only I wouldn't have dragged him to class... If only I would have tried harder to wake him up. If only we would have went to sleep earlier! If only I wouldn't have been so stubborn to watch a scary movie! It's all my fault! I felt so guilty... I felt my eyes watery...
I wiped my eyes. At leats it's over for now... or that's what I thought.
"I-zu-kun... you have some explaining to do..." said someone behind me. I turned aroung only to find Uraraka, smiling... smiling... but... that was no ordinary smile. It felt as if an evil, dark aura was around her. She. Will. Kill. Me. I gulped. She grabbed my sleeve and pulled me in the hallway. As she was dragging me, I saw Kirishima and Kaminari around Bakugou. Wonder what they're asking him. Uraraka slammed me against a wall and put a hand on it, while giving me the same grin.
"Uraraka-chaan. What do you mean?" I tried playing it off innocently. She so didn't buy it.
"Don't you 'Uraraka-chaan' me, Izuku. You just came in class ten minutes late, holding hands with Bakugou, and you are asking me what I mean?"
"Uraraka I swear it's not-"
"You shush Izuku! So you guys are dating? And you couldn't text me when it happened? I'm your best friend, for God's sake! I should know this before your mother! I supported you! I can't believe it! And why were you late?? Did you have a make-out session this whole morning?" I started sweating and blushing as she said the last part.
"Shuuush! You will tell me here and now. When you confessed to eachother, when he asked you out, when you kissed for the first time, how long and how rough it was, and why were you late this morning."
"Uraraka! We aren't dating! We haven't even confessed! I just... had a sleepover at Kacchan this weekend and...." I slowly mumbled.
"Aaaannd????" She asked impatiently.
"... and he-"
Thank you god!
"Izuku... we'll talk about this at lunch." She warned me. I am not escaping without telling her, am I? We went in class and we both sat in our seats, waiting for the teacher to come.

Kacchan's POV
Oh thank god it's over. I looked over at Deku, who had puffy eyes. Did the staring bother him that much? He may be a crybaby, but not even he would cry for that. Or maybe... he was embarrassed because of me?
"Bakugou. We gotta talk." Shitty-hair and Dunce-face came up to me with serious faces. The fuck do they want?
"Uhh... no, we don't."
"Uhh... yes, we do. Since when were you gay, man? Why didn't you tell us? We're your best friends!" Shitty-hair stated. Uh.. No. You aren't. "And since when are you with Mydorya? I thought you hated his guts." Dunce-face added.
"Ok. Listen here Shitty-hair. First, Deku ain't my boyfriend, and even if he was, I don't see a reason why I should fucking tell you about it." I said crossing my arms. After I said that, I saw a bit of dissapointed in his eyes, before seeing surprise all over his face.
"So you are not with him, but you did NOT deny you're gay." Crap. "And you said 'that even if he was your boyfriend'... so that means... HOLY SHIT. DO YOU LIKE MY-" I quickly cut him of with my hand,  before he could shit my life more than he did.
"Okay, Shitty-hair. One more word and I'll rip your tongue out." He slowly nodded before I let him go.
"Man... maaaannnn... I would have never known Bakugou could have a crush. On a boy." Dunce-face whispered.
"I did NOT say I liked him!" I hopelessly tried defending myself.
"But, you didn't deny it either." He smirked, with an know-it-all face. Fuck. Me. He's right. Ugh. What even is the point of hiding anymore? I can't deny it anymore, so.. What's the point?
"Okay. Fine. I like him. So what are you gonna do about it?" I said in a sassy tone.
"Uhh.. duuuuhhh. We're gonna help you, you idiot." They're gonna what?!
"Uh-uh... and how do you think of doing that?"
"Don't you worry your little spiky, hot headed, head, with non-sense like this, because we shall find a way." He said in a triumphant way.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT MY HEAD, SHITTY HAIR?" I got up slamming my palm to the desk.
"See? What did i tell you." He looked at Dunce-face pointing at me. I clenched my fists. When he's done helping me, I'm so killing him.
"Tch. Whatever." I said calming myself down.
"Now can you go back to your seats and leave me alone?" They leave smirking at me.
I see Deku, coming inside with round-face behind him. For whatever reason she gave of a very... nasty aura... wonder what they talked about. Not long after, Midnight-sensei came in.
Second period also went pretty smoothly. The staring sure wasn't as often and intense, so I was fine, but Deku... he buried his head in his notebook again for the whole class, trembling slightly. Something is completely off with him. I don't get it. Why is he so embarrassed? Or maybe he is upset? I suck (s u c c) at reading emotions.
Well, class was now fucking over, and I could see Deku being dragged by round-face in the lunchroom, I think. Tch. Wonder what they're talking about. Should I go eavesdrop?.... Deku would hate that... Ugh. It's their private conversation. I don't care what they talk about. I went to the lunch room, and say at my usual table, listening to Shitty-hair, Dunce-face Pinky and their other friends chit-chat, surprisingly, without bothering me.

Deku's POV
As the bell rung I was immediately
dragged out the door by Uraraka who was still scaring me. We got to our usual lunch table as she sat down patting the seat next to her with a creepy smile on, as if saying 'You are goin to sit down, or I'll make you.' I slowly sat down next to her.
"So, I-zu-ku. You will now start to tell me everything that happened this weekend, not missing one detail, okay sweetie?" I started sweating. Might as well tel her everything.
So I did. I started telling her from the point where Kacchan invited me to a sleepover, how he agreed to be my friend, how I had a nightmare and how he hugged me, comforting me, and then asking me to sleep with him, so I didn't have anymore nightmares. Then about how I woke up in his bed and how I had that little fight with Kacchan, how it was my turn to finally comfort him, after which he ended up asking for another sleepover. As I kept telling Uraraka the events, he eyes started sparkling more and more. I didn't even notice when Iida-kun joined our table.
I got to the horror movies part, when I decided to watch the movie without Kacchan's help, how I had a panic atack and how he hugged me, being concerned about me, and how he didn't complain when I asked him to stay. The I finished my story with telling her that he had a nightmare which didn't let him wake up properly, and how literally dragged him to school. She then put her hand under her chin nodding. After I finished my story, I couldn't help but wonder... what if he does like me? Then I looked around, and found him at his table with Kirishima and the others. Oh, right. Kirishima... I could see Kacchan smile once in while. I wish i could make you smile like that...
"Yes, yes. This is quite valuable information you gave me, Izuku." Uraraka finally said.
"What do you mean?" I asked her legitimately confused. She thought some more, before finally looking at me.
"Izuku. I have finally reached my conclusion." She said in a determined tone.
"Conclusion?" What is she talking about?
"He. Most definitely. 100% surely..." surely what.
"He likes you."

Hey guysss. I just wanted to apologize for writing this chapter which contained school in it. I just felt like it for now...
Kiri is ruining Deku's confidence. I'm so sorry. But he doesn't know Kiri is actually 'wingman undercover' *wink* *wink*.
Is this getting boring and short? I thought so too. Don't worry, I think I got something up my sleeve. Not sure tho.
Also, when I usually write the word count I don't include the A/N at the end.
Word count: 1485 words. (So short T^T)
Omg. In three chapters I went from 200 reads to 700+ THANK YOU SO MUCH. IMMA GO CRY IN A CORNER I'M SO HAPPY.
That was all.

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