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(don't mind the language)

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(don't mind the language)

HOLY SHIT. Like... holy. Shit. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH GUYS! Like... like... I'm so happy right now! Why would people read this story? Idk,and I don't care, but... but... I just can't anymore.... I just.... *starts sobbing* I just never thought people would read my shitty book... and I just want to hug you all!

Special thanks to The-Fairy-Tail-Otaku who was here from the very first day, supporting me with nice, motivational comments (which convinced me not to give up), votes, ideas. I might have given up if you weren't there in the beginning 😅😅

Thank you so much everyone else, who commented, voted, or even just read, because each one of you pushes me foward.

Thank you for bearing with my "amazing" writing, which makes almost no sense to me and for bearing with my laziness and never knowing when I'll update.

I love you guys so much, and I'll finish this damned book.

That... *sniff* *sniff* was all.

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