Chapter 6.75 (?)- I can't stay mad I you, now can I?

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Deku's POV
"He likes you."
That. Was Uraraka. And she. Was talking about Kacchan. And I wanted to laugh so hard, but I don't think she was kidding. She had this really serious look on her face, a look she rarely uses. But still... I couldn't believe it... And I still can't.
"Uraraka... we talked about this already... He doesn't like me in any more than friends." I say defeatedly. I then heard a snap, only to find Uraraka with a broken fork in ther hand.
"Izuku. Midoriya. Do I really have to explain myself every time we have this conversation?" She said in a very, very pissed tone.
"I just don't get it!" I started whisper-shouting at her, so people wouldn't stare. "Why would any good-looking, smart guy look at a whimpy, dumb guy like me?"
"Because! You are kind, you are adorable and don't you dare tell me you aren't good looking. School's not your forte, so what? It's just.... you are so... likable." Am I really?
"But...but... I think... he already likes Kirishima..." I muttered, mostly to myself. Uraraka gave me a puzzled look after I said that, then started to chuckle. "What's so funny?" I asked her in an annoyed manner.
"It's funny to think you are jealous of Kirishima. Like... you know Kiri and Kaminari have, like... obvious crushes on eachother, right?" I stared at her in shock. Huh? They do? How come I didn't notice?
"But still... the way he laughs with him... smiles at him..."
"Izuku... silly little Izuku... You do those things with me too, right? And even more often. But that doesn't mean you have a crush on me." She... she does have a point...but...
"Okay... so let's say I believe you. What now?" As soon as I said that, she gave me a very unpleasant smirk.
"Well, of course... I'mma play Cupid. And I know exactly who to ask for help." She said laughing in an evil manner. Wait, what? That means...
"You can't tell anyone!" I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.
"I-zu-kun. You cannot interfere with my work. You want this to work right? Plus, I have very trustable ally, sweetie, you don't have to worry." She said patting my shoulder.
"Well...Ugh! Fine. But Kacchan better not find out!" I half-shouted. Lots of heads turned staring at me. Oh, crap.
"Find out what, exactly?" I hear the familiar deep voice behind me. I was silent, then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I froze at the contact. "Find, out, what?" He repeated, slower this time.
"I-I-I-I-I.... uhh... n-nothing. Really. I-I swear!" I managed to stutter out. His hand gripped my shoulder harder before letting go.
"Fine. If you don't wanna tell me, I'll just let you talk about me behind my back, friend." And with that he turned around and left. I was shocked, frozen. I was terrified. Terrified of him not wanting to be my friend anymore. I shouldn't have talked about him behind his back! This is not what friends do. I... I didn't mean it!
"W-wait!" I tried to grab him, but he just smacked my hand away.
"Don't touch me!" He growled. He was serious. Dead serious. I let him go. Why did I let you go? I felt like crying. Until I felt a hand around my shoulders.
"Uraraka... *sniff* *sniff* he... he's mad... I...I made him mad."
"It's okay Izu-kun. He's gonna get over it." My eyes were watery.
"B-but... I didn't... I just... if I tell him, he's gonna be even more mad and, and..."
"Shhh... it's gonna be okay. If he said you are friends, he will keep his word, right?" She said with a hopeful voice. I don't know... Doubt. Doubts. I've had so many about him. Why? Why do I doubt him so much? Or... why do I doubt myself so much...?
I wiped my tears "*sniff*yeah... guess you're right..." I smiled at her.
We left the lunchroom, noticing some people were still staring at us. Feels just like in class. I felt Uraraka's hand gripping on me a little harder. I looked at her seeing a supportive smile. I smiled back thinking They can stare all they want.
"Izuku..." She suddenly said.
"Go after him."
"Wha... why?"
"Do I actually have to explain it to you?" She looked at me in a 'are you seriously asking me that right now?' way.
".... you're right. I'll go." I smiled at her and ran after Kacchan.
I can't let you go. Not when I finally have you.

Kacchan's POV
I can't believe this. I mean. I may not be best when it comes to friendship, but even I know friends don't talk at eachother's backs. Did I... Did I do something wrong?

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