Chapter 6- Did that just happen?!

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Kacchan's POV
I was sleeping soundly as I felt somone nudging me. Of course, it was fucking Deku. I got up so I was now resting on my elbows.
"Deku... why the fuck did you wake me up at 1 AM?" He was fidgeting with his fingers, until he finally looked at me. But the look he gave me... it was indescribable. There were so many emotions in that look. Fear, curiosity, confidence...
"K-Kacchan.... I... I know it's late to say this, but... I... I like you Kacchan! A lot! I liked you since the day you helped me with the creepy guy, a-and I know that the fact that we're sleeping together, and cuddling makes me look like I'm using you, but I swear Kacchan, I am not. I was so happy when you asked me for a second sleepover... and when you said we were friends, and when you helped me with my nightmares... I really am grateful! I know this is weird and you provably want to kick me out of your house right now, and I don't care, but I just... wanted you to know..." after he was done talking, I was dumbfounded. H-he likes me? He said he liked me, right? This isn't a dream, right? I kept gazing at him, until I noticed he had teary eyes.
"Please Kacchan... whatever's on your mind... please just say it.."
"I.. like you too Deku. Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were special. I know I've been an asshole, and I'm really sorry, but that was just my way of hiding my feelings. I hope you can forgive me." He looked at me shocked, but smiled. He wanted to say something, but before being able to, I cut him off with a kiss. You have no fucking clue how much I waited for this. His lips, were as soft as marshmallows, and so sweet, they made me high. At first the kiss was slow and passionate, but it didn't take long for it to becom rough and sloppy. I licked his bottom lip and bit it, earning a low moan from him. As he did, I slipped my tongue inside his mouth exploring every corner of it. He tried keeping up with me, trying to dominate me, which was a complete fail, obviously. Sorry Deku, but I ain't on the bottom. Ever. I smirked against his lips. My hands were on his waist, pulling him closer. As his hands made their way in my hair, gripping it, I let out a small grunt. Damn, that feels good. As if hearing my thoughts, he pulled my hair again. I grunted louder as I gripped his waist. As if trying to completely satisfy me, he bit my lip so hard it was almost bleeding. But I fucking loved it, as he could also guess through the loud moan that escaped my mouth. Our tongues tasted eachother once more, before we parted away, gasping for air. (What in the actual fuck did I just write. It was way too forced wasn't it? Well, I just wanted to see how well I could write a make-out scene and i realized... I succ at it) We stared at eachother, panting and with flushed faces and red lips.
"Fuck...I never thought you would bite me..." I told him smirking.
"You loved me biting you." He also smirked, blushing slightly harder than before.
"You damn right I did. But you also enjoyed it, so we're fair." I leaned on him, hand sliding under his shirt. "But what I'll do next, you'll enjoy even more." I said in a low, husky voice.
"Can't wait." He said seductively. Damn you Deku... I traced my hand down his abs, down to his V-line, him, shivering under my touch. I leaned in for a kiss, my hand prepared to go under his pants. As I felt the tip of his soft lips as I also felt a bi-
BEEP (you damn right I did this)
BEEP (I love teasing people and playing with their hearts)
BEEP (*evil laughs* I'm the devil, I know, sorry not sorry)
Huh? What the fuck? What the actual fuck? Was that whole thing just a fucking dream? I... Really???
I found myself sweating and panting in the bed, with Deku looking at me with the mosk fucking adorable worried face ever.
"Kacchan, are you okay?? I woke up and I saw you sweating and gripping the sheets. It was the second time the alarm turned off, and you still wouldn't wake up. Did you have a nightmare?" The exact opposite. It was the best dream I have ever had! But I can't tell him that, now can I?
"Uh-uh... just a shitty dream..." He stared at me very suspiciously, before smiling.
"If that's all, than I'm happy. But, you know... you can always tell me if there's somethin wrong, Kacchan. I'll never judge you." Crap. He's so... cute...
"Yeah... wait. The alarm... that means... Oi Deku! We have to go to school! And for the third time... Get your ass up, immediately!" I loudly screamed.
"Oh, god! You're right! I totally forgot!" He rushed and started changing in his uniform. Right in front of me. So I could see his muscles in all their glory.
"Kacchan, stop staring and start moving!" He said a light pink dusting his cheeks.
"Shit. Oh. Fuck. Ughhh... whatever!" I ran in the bathroom and quickly changed too. I was almost done as Deku barged in the bathroom with a green toothbrush in his hand. I was still in my boxers. Deku, you little... I growled at him, but he frowned at me.
"Kacchan, I couldn't care less if you were naked right now, hurry a little!" He half shouted as he put the toothpaste on his brush and started frantically brushing his teeth. Did he just say that? He actually said that.  And I let him? Wow. I've changed. I managed to put on my pants, and started to also brush my teeth.
"Till you're done, I'll just pack you backpack since I bet you didn't yesterday." Deku said sarcastically as he finished, and rushed back in my room. Tch. Why does he have to be right? When I was finally done, I ran in my room, only to find Deku on the floor, with two backpacks on his back, trying to get his shoes on. I just couldn't help but laugh.
"Holy shit Deku. Pfffttttt. How the fuck *snort* did you fall like that?" I said barely containing my laughter.
"Kacchan. Look at the time." He said in a very serious tone. Oh. It's only... CRAP. It's 7:58!
"Deku give me my damn backpack, and put your damned shoes on!" I shouted snatching my backpack from him and putting my shoes on. After he was also done putting his shoes on, he grabbed my collar from the back and pulled me out of the house.
"Deku! I have to fucking lock the door!"
"Hurryy!" He said impatiently, as I was fidgeting with the key. Since when can't I lock a door??? Ughhh. Go in the hole you little shit! (Well that didn't sound weird at all)"Oh my god, just give me the key!" He took the key and locked the door, grabbing my hand and running towards the school. Since when can he run so fast? Guess this is what being late makes him do...
We reached the school gates, and Deku kept dragging me in class, where Aizawa-sensei was giving us a questionable look, and the whole class, turned around staring at us. After three seconds they all started gasping. The fuck?
"What the fuck are you gasping at, extras?" I shouted across the class. I looked at Deku, who was just as confused as me.
"Bakugou... are you... are you actually fully and completely aware of the state your hand is in?" Shitty-hair cautiously asked.
"My han...d..." I looked at my hand. SHIT. Deku was still holding my hand from when he was dragging me through the hallway. We quickly let go of eachother, blushing madly and looking away from eachother. I went straight to my seat without saying anything, and heard Deku mumble a "Sorry for being late" before going to his seat.
No one said anything else, so the class kept going... "normally". As normal as it could be after seeing two guys, who pretty much hated eachother, being late together and holding hands as if it's no big deal. I could practically feel the stares. This was the worst class ever. I couldn't even pay attention properly.
This, my friend, is going to be a long day.

Did you like that first part? You better. It felt weird writing it. And I don't feel bad at all. But seriously now. It may seem like I don't care about you guys, but I do. It's just... I had that idea, since we had Deku's dream, so I was like "How 'bout I do Kacchan's dream too?" And then I thought "I wanna mess with my peeps." Soooo... I did. I'm still not sorry. 😂
Anyway, I'mma have to write about school in the next chapter, mainly Katsudeku tho...
And again this chapter is shorter than usual but longer than I planned it to be, so ye...
Word count: 1464.
That was all.

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