Chapter 9- Did I make things ankward?

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So guys, since school started (that little shit) I will only be able to update in the weekend, cuz I can't use my phone during school time. That sucks, right?

Kacchan's POV
I woke up on a moving, talking sofa. What the fuck? I slowly looked up, only to see Deku's peacefull face, mumbling something in his sleep. I'm. On top him. I mean, of course I am, but...
"Kacchan... Don't let go yet... Hehe... your hugs are so warm..."
Is he... draming of hugging me? It's kind of weird considering the fact that he had a fucking nightmare about me too. Oh well. Now I know he likes my hugs. Which supports the fact that he might like me. Or, he just likes hugs. But he doesn't jug Round-face. Well... that would mean he likes her or something... and Gotta-go-fast isn't the hug type either. Ughhhh! I hate love. Now... I would have sat to look at his pretty face some more (it's not fucking creepy), but we have to go to school...
I got up, so he wouldn't know I was sitting on top of him, who knows waht he may think, and started shaking him.
"Dekuuu. Wake you shitty ass up already!"
"Mmmnngh... Kacchan? What time is it?..." He asked with a sleepy and confused face. He's so fucking cute.
"Oh... ok..." he slowly got up, heading to the kitchen, before turning around. "Oh, yeah. You are coming to school today, right?"
"I did wake you up, didn't I?"
"Yeah... wait. Why were you next to me? No... Why was I sleeping on the couch?" He looked emarassed as fuck. Shit. The fuck am I supposed to tell him now? He ain't gonna be mad that we slept together without him knowing, right? I... Fuck it. We slept together before.
"We slept together. Last night we watched a movie, remember?" His face lost his previous redness, before turning into a sweet smile.
"Oh. Okay." Then he casually went back into the kitchen. After a while I followed him, and found him eating some of my poptarts. (Cuz that is what I call a healthy breakfast) That little adorable fuck was now munchin on my 'Tarts.
"Are you... eating my Poptarts?" I growled at him.
"Kacchan! I-I... uh... I thought..." He tried to say with a Poptart still in his mouth. You little... I leaned down and bit the other end of the poptart, snapping it in half. That's what you get you little.... it only took me Deku's flushed face to realize what I had done. My cheeks started feeling hot, as I quickly turned away from Deku.
"W-whatever. I'll-I'll go change." Deku snapped from his trance.
"R-right." He stuttered slowly. I quickly went upstairs and changed into my uniform and went into the bathroom to wash. After I was done I saw Deku fidgeting at the bathroom door.
"The fuck were you waiting for?" I scowled at him looking directly in his eyes.
"I..." He started blushing again. Oh. Oohhh.
"L-look. I'm sorry for what I did... I don't know why I did it. I just-" I rubbed the back of my head.
"No, no! It's okay!" He quickly said grabbing my hand. After he realized what he did, he let go of my hand. "I mean... I didn't mind it." He shyly continued. "I mean-!"
"I got it. That still doesn't explain why you were waiting there instead of just, y'know."
"Ah! That was... I was just a little... embarrassed. That's all."
"I see... well then wash, and let's go already." His face lit up as he nodded.
After 10 minutes, he exited the bathroom, as I kept tapping my foot on the floor. I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the house.
"Shitty Deku. The fuck took you so long?" I nagged him as I locked the door.
"Sorry!" He said from behind.
"Yeah, yeah!" I yanked him by his hand, fast walking to school.
As we got to the school gates I let go of him. At that moment it was either my imagination or Deku just looked dissapointed. And as much as I would like it to be the second option, I don't think it was that.
"We don't want the accident from last time happening again." I said, as I noticed his face brighten up a little.
"Ooohhh! Right!" He said smiling slightly.
We barely got in class in time, but frankly the only thing we got, was a warning and a sarcastic comment from Aizawa-sensei.
After a while... "Oi! Bakugou!" I could hear Shitty-hair whisper-shout from his seat. (Let's just say their seats are close to eachother) ...this guy is really pissing me off.
"What the fuck do you want, Hair-for-brains?" I whisper-shouted back.
"That's a new one..." he muttered. "Anyway, you're kinda making this 'we were late together' a habit. Aaaand... lets's just say, it gives the wrong impression."
"Mind your own fucking business!" I almost shouted, glaring at him.
"I'm just trying to help!" Shit. He kinda is. Trying. Not actually helping.
"Tch... I'll tell you at lunch." He smiled and nodded.

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