Chapter 8- This week's gonna be great.

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Well I'm fucking sorry for being a lazy fucc. Like... yesterday, I was like, "how 'bout I write this chapter today" I ended up reading stories on Wattpad and watching anime instead. Cuz yea. And today, I'm still a lazy little shit, so if the chapter succs... It's all my fault, k? I just ain't as motivated I guess. I mean... when I had that like... 3 chapter streak, it was pretty much 'cuz I barely had any internet to do anything beside writing, so... plus, the reads for the latest chapters are kind of crappy compared to the first one, which is sort of understandable, but not really. So I decided to update this chapter today, since I'll start school this monday, and I wanna keep my 1 week deadline.
Uh.... enjoy this, I guess?

Kacchan's POV
I feel so much better than yesterday. I could definitely go to school today. That is... if I wasn't fucking exhausted! I. Could not sleep. No matter what I was thinking about, my mind kept going back to that kiss, a fucking kiss on the forehead. Forehead! Like... It's not that big of a deal, right? It's not like it was on the mouth, or on the cheek. I kissed him on the forehead too, right? But I did it, because he was asleep, and because I like him. Wait... because I like him. Could he...? That would explain why he would be jealous on Kirishima and why he would kiss me! But then again... there is still a chance he doesn't like me like that and it was like a... 'get better' kiss. UGGHHH. I fucking hate love. It's so fucking complicated!
I suddenly heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I can't deal with him right now!
"*yawn* Mornin' Kacchan..." Deku said rubbing his eyes. He is so damn adorable! I was so red, it was embarrassing.
"M-morning." I said not facing him.
"How are you feeling, Kacchan? Is your head still hurting?" He said with a concerned voice. He's acting as if he didn't kiss me yesterday. But what if he didn't? Maybe it was all just a dream... but it felt so real... UGHHH.
"Thank goodness... wait a second." I heard footsteps until I saw him before me. Crap. Don't look at me. I hid my face into the blanket.
"Kacchan can you, uh... take your head out of the blanket?" He said practically petting my head. I slowly looked at him, and he started leaning in again. Oh, god. This again. It's the forehead. Just the forehead. After touching my forehead, he got up, with a bright smile plastered across his face.
"Your fever is gone too! You think you can come to school?" If you want to bring me a pillow too, since I'll most likely sleep all day.
"I, uhhh... I don't want to pass on my cold." That's a shitty excuse, but it'll have to do. I heard him giggle.
"Wow, Kacchan. I never figured you cared about our classmates."
"Haha. You are so funny. Since I've never had a cold at school, I never thought about it. It's not like I don't have a heart." I pouted.
"N-no! It's not like that! I just... you never seem to be concerned about anyone really." I wanted to say something, but he stopped me. "Anyone, but me, that is." Way to embarass me shit-head.
"Tch. Whatever. Just go to school already, It's 7:15." I said in a fake pissed tone.
"R-right!" He quickly went into my room. I pulled the blanket over myself again. Ugh... I would definitely go to school if I would've fucking slept. It's going to be so boring... maybe I can play some video games. Or maybe I can watch some of the new horror movies I bought... Or maybe I could just go to sleep. Yeah... that might be best.
"Kacchan! I'm leaving. Do not. And I mean, do not, eat crap."
"Yeah, yeah."
"Just... do you have some... I dunno, instant soup?"
"Of course I do."
"Good. Make some of that whenever you're hungry. Also, don't go outside. It's kinda cold."
"Okay, okay! I know. Geez... You can leave. I'm not 6, and I won't screw it up like yesterday." Not because I care, but because I don't want to see angry Deku. He. Is. Terrifying. 
"Fine... I'll take my leave then. Bye!"
"Yeah, bye." This is going to be a long day...

Deku's POV 
Can he really take care of himself? After how I found him yesterday, I find that very hard to believe... Well, he said he will take care of himself, so I'll try to believe him. And if  he doesn't, then... that's a different story.
After a while, I reached my class, I opened the doors and found Uraraka at her desk. I guess she really was late yesterday. 
"Uraraka! Morning!" She turned at me and immediately jumped out of her seat.
"Izu-kun! Good morning!" We started talking and soon after Todoroki joined us too.
"Hey, Todoroki-kun!"
"Hello, Midoriya." He said in a less monotone voice than usual. I wonder what's got him in such a good mood. "Midoriya, I need some help with math. Would you mind explaining this to me?" He said showing me an exercise. Did Todoroki just ask for my help? The top student? Doesn't he know I suck at math? And pretty much everything else really?
"I'm sorry Todoroki-kun, but I'm no good at math... The only thing thing that I might be able to help you with is English..." (Since he watches a lot of All Might movies, which, for the sake of this fanfic, aren't translated in Japanese too often)
"Oh... well, I do have a question. I just wondered if-"
"Okay everybodaaayyy! Everyone back to their seats!" Mic-sensei shouted across the class.
"Oh, sorry Todoroki-kun... I will help you with anything I can at lunch break, 'kay?" I said, heading towards my desk.
At the end of the class Todoroki-kun came up to me with his notebook in his hand.
"So, Midorya..." 
"Yup! Let's go to the lunch room." I practically dragged him out of the classroom. "Uraraka! I'm going to eat with Todoroki. I have to help him with something." I shouted back to uraraka who looked back at me and waved.
We sat at Todoroki's usual table. 
"Midoriya? How come?" I heard Shoji's voice.
"Oh, well Todoroki-kun needed some help with an english lesson and he asked me to help. Do you need any help?" He was now staring at Todoroki with a suspicious look. After he realize I asked him something, he quickly looked at me.
"A-ah, no, thank you!"
"Oh... Well, whenever you need help, with english that is, I'm here." I said smiling at him. "So Todoroki-kun. What you have to do is..."
The whole lunch Todoroki-kun asked me questions, which I happily answered.
"Thank you Midoriya." He said at the end, giving me a little smile.
"No problem." I smiled back.
"Oi. Todoroki. Can you come with me for a second?" Shoji suddenly asked, with a serious expression.
"Uh..." Todoroki-kun looked puzzled at me and Shoji.
"O-oh! You guys can talk, I'll go back in class." I said running in class.
As soon as I entered the classroom, Uraraka jumped in front of me.
"Izu-kun? Where is Todoroki?"
"Oh, he had to talk to Shoji about something."
"I see..."

Kacchan's POV (two hours later than Deku's lunch break)
I was laying on the couch with my legs on the floor I'm so fucking bored... what should I do? Sleeping sure doesn't work... Playing video games? I already did... Maybe the movies? Yeah, I could totally watch a movie right now. But a movie's no damn fun without snacks, and Deku specifically told me not to eat those... ahh fuck it. It's just freaking popcorn. I ain't gonna die.
I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen to make myself some popcorn. Where the fuck is it... I know I had some. Popcorn, popcorn... Tch. Must've finished it when me and Deku were watching movies. I should go buy some... Even though... Deku did tell me to not go outside since its cold and shit. Well... the store is not that far, and if I get a coat or some shit on... Plus, I'll be back before he is. I can definitely go. (You can just feel how bad of an idea this is) oh crap... and the soup? Ugh... I'mma eat after I come back.
I got changed, and took a jacket on. On the way to the store I saw some kids with their backpacks. Aww shit. I have to hurry. Should I buy salted popcorn? Or maybe buttered? Cheese sounds good too... I'll take salted. That way Deku can't nag me too much about it. I reached the store and bought the popcorn. Can't wait to watch that new movie.
I finally got home, and realized the door was unlocked. Pretty sure I locked it when I left. Wait... Could he? I opened the door widely, only to find a cross-armed Deku sitting in front of me. I could just feel the anger oozing out of him. I fucked up. Real bad.
"D-Deku! How was school?" I asked innocently.
"...Kacchan. You freaking said you won't go out! I trusted you!" He pulled me inside, slamming the door closed. "What the hell have you been thinking?"
"I-I just... I had to buy something..."
"What? What was so important that you couldn't wait for me to get home? That you couldn't wait to get better?"
"Well..." I showed him the popcorn. "I wanted to watch a movie and... I needed snacks." I simply shrugged it off.
"Are you serious? Like... are you for real? After I specifically told you not to eat crap and not to go outside... you do both!? Oh, my god! You went outside for popcorn. Popcorn! If it was something vital or something, I dunno, medicine, I would've understood! But... popcorn? I can't even anymore..." He was on the couch with his face in his hands.
"Oh, come the fuck on. I was wearing this jacket, okay? Plus... It's not like they are that unhealthy. It's just salt."
"Just salt? Just salt?... I...I...*sigh* I give up. I cannot with you. I just can't. Just... sit down. I'll make you an instant soup, and we'll watch the movie after that." I looked at him with wide eyes.
"Are...are you sure?" I asked for the first time in my life.
"Yeah, yeah..." he said going in the kitchen.
After a while he came up to me with a boul of soup.
"Thanks..." I muttered. He smiled.
"No problem!"
I started slowly eating as he went back into the kitchen. I don't know how this works... but I usually find this soup gross... but this time, I actually like it... I heard popping sounds from the kitchen.
"Deku? Tha fuck are you doing?" I skeptically asked.
"Popcorn." He answered coming back with another bowl, full of popcorn. "What movie are we watching?" He finally asked, sitting down.
"The newest movie I bought. A horror movie that is." I said smugly. He flinched as soon as I said horror. "Are you okay with that?"
"Yeah... you're here for me, aren't you?" I smirked at him.
"Of course I am."
After I finished the soup I put it on the table next to the popcorn. Deku wanted to get up, presumably to wash it, but I pulled him down on the couch, very close to me.
"Later." I simply said.
I started the movie and took the popcorn in my lap, then I took the blanket and covered both of us. Deku looked at me puzzled with bright cheeks. Cute...
"It's warm. Plus. I'mma be closer to you."
"R-right." I started the movie, and felt deku coming even closer to me. Scaredy cat.
Later into the movie I felt something heavy on my shoulder. I looked over, only to find Deku asleep. Oh, well. This is way better than the movie. Guess I should go to sleep too. I turned off the tv and put the popcorn bowl, which was empty, on the table. Putting my head on top of Deku's I slowly dozed off. Best way to fall asleep and wake up is next to him. This week's gonna be great. I thought smirking to myself.

I pretty much explained myself at the beginning of this chapter... I have nothing else to say...
Word count: 1968
That was all.

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