Chapter 38

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It was the week that all dancers loved to dread. It was the week of costumes, late night rehearsals and stress upon the finest details for each dance performed. But it would all be worth it when the dancers did their final bowes before the curtains are pulled for the year. 

Too bad Lucy also had to take up the lead of the ballet during this week as well. 

"No pressure or anything but aren't there supposed to be five dances with you in it, not four," Alice asked hesitantly next to Lucy on Monday afternoon. They three girls sat around their lunch table with half eaten plates of food. But all that was forgotten now as the two sat around Lucy who was writing down all the dances she had to have down for the performance. At the mention from Alice, Lucy looked her way with worry.

"Really? What am I missing?"

"The tear's dance." Jade stated matter-a-factly. Lucy turned to her dark shadowed friend gloomy as she seemed to be the only one at the table acting normal for once, eating a fruit cup casually while looking over Lucy's shoulder.

"How did you manage to stay stress free as Clara?" Lucy asked mournfully. Jade eyed Lucy for a moment before shrugging and biting down on another grapefruit slice.

"I just did as I was told. Used Satine as a pin cushion for my sorrows and burned a few books in the back to let my anxiety out.. Worked like a charm." While Lucy considered doing these things, Alice went after Jade, starting by asking the very simple question "How are you normal?" where Jade replied quickly with "I'm not".

Just then the three were interrupted by Sam and Ben who immeaditly sat down on Lucy and Jade's side.

"You seem stressed," Ben stated rather obnoxiously, causing Jade to poke him in the arm with her fork. Sam on the other hand took the list of dances from Lucy and read through them.

"That's not that many dances to learn, Luce"

"That's because that's only the dances for the first act," Lucy muttered as she peered over his shoulder.

"Wait, so because you're dating Lucy now, you are just automatically allowed to sit with us? When did this rule come into play?" Alice asked, looking between the twins. Ben shrugged but Sam wasn't paying attention. Instead he muttering in Lucy's ear who smiled wistfully before nudging him off.

"There's never been a rule, Alice."

"There should be," Jade muttered, turning to glare at Ben who had at that moment attempted to take a grapefruit chunk from her fruit cup. 

"Fine. We'll go," Sam stated, turning to his little sister with displeasure. She returned the look before flickering her other brother off the seat. 

"Text me about how it goes tomorrow, yeah?" Sam asked, turning back to Lucy who smiled before nodding. 

The moment the boys left, Lucy returned to her original state of gloom and penciled in Tears Dance to her list of dances to learn. 

On their usual trip to the studio, the girls didn't think they could have any other surprises waiting for them in the studio. They all thought they had this week planned out and how it would all be horrible and stressful. No fun involved until the shows started.

What they did not expect was to enter their studio to find Ms. Olive talking to Rosie and Elle, both dressed up in leotards and sweatpants  with their pointe shoes laced up, ready to go.

When the two saw their daughters enter, the pair of them waved their way happily, their smiles big and wide. Jade and Lucy halted in the doorway, causing Alice to crash into Lucy.

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