Chapter 1

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I knew this was a bad idea the moment I walked through the door. The huge 3 story house was filled with people. There were drunk couples making out in every corner and empty beer cans littered the hardwood floor.

"Andrea!" I heard someone yell. I turn my head to see a girl with long brown hair walking over toward me with a bottle of liquor in her hand.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" She said, pulling me into a tight hug. As soon as we pulled away, she lifted the bottle to her lips and tilted her head back. "You want some?" She asked, pushing the white bottle toward me. Eh, one drink won't hurt. I tilted my head back and let the cold liquid run down my throat, burning it in the process.

I tried to not to cough as I handed it back to her while saying thank you. "You know, I miss hanging out with you!" She said as she almost lost her balance. She gripped the counter for support and brought the bottle back up to her lips.

How much could that girl drink? Shawna really has changed since we were friends. During Freshman year, we were inseparable. We literally did everything together. But when she got a boyfriend, she changed for the worse. She ignored all my calls and texts and wouldn't even talk to me in person.

It's Senior year now and she finally ended things with him and now she's drunk trying to talk to me. "Yeah, you too." I said while smiling. I actually meant that but I know she'll forget ever talking to me tomorrow. I grabbed a beer that was on the counter next to me just as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and saw that it was a text from Luke.

From: Luke 😋👫

Hey, are you here yet?

I quickly respond back with a yes and looked up to see that she was already gone. Cleaning up her house tomorrow is gonna be horrible.

I walk out into the living room and try to make my way through all the sweaty kids grinding on each other.

I look through the crowd for a few minutes and finally spot who I've been looking for. I see a guy standing over by the stairs wearing dark black skinny jeans, black Vans, and a ripped band tshirt. His blonde hair was pulled up in a quiff and he was gently bitting his lip ring, something he did all the time out of habit.

I start to walk over and his friend, which I can now recognize as Ashton, points toward me which causes Luke to turn around.

"Andrea!" he yells, walking over to me and wrapping one arm around my waist, trying not to spill the drink he was holding in his other hand.

"Luke!" I yell back, causing him to smile widely and remove his hand.

"Hey Ashton!" I say and walk over to him and give him a hug. He grabs my arms and pulls me into him causing me to laugh as he squeezes me.

"Hey!" He replies, finally letting go.

Ashton had dark brown hair and always wore a bandana. He had on a black ripped tank top, black skinny jeans with a flannel tried around his waist, and white converse.

Saying he was attractive was an understatement. He was drop dead hot. Not only that, but he had one of the best personalities. But I've been friends with Ashton since 6th grade so we were really close. As for Luke, he was just as attractive if not more than Ashton.

I've been best friends with Luke since 3rd grade and I still never get used to his bright blue eyes.

"So are we just gonna stand around here like losers or actually go socialize?" Ashton asked smiling, while fixing his bandana.

"Okay okay let's go" I said, leading the way up the stairs. I know this house as well as my own since I used to be here almost everyday.

"Luke, Ashton, Andrea!" Shawna yelled, running over to us, almost tripping in the process.

"Hey!" Luke and Ashton said at the same time.

"Having fun?" She asked, casually walking over to us, but standing a little closer than necessary to Luke.

"Yeah! Thanks for inviting us." Luke said, looking down at her. I mean, he is 6ft tall..

"No problem." She said, resting her head agains his side. Luke tensed up a little bit and I noticed that he probably wanted me to get her away from him.

I couldn't help but feel something as she did that. I didn't like it for some reason and I found myself getting kind of angry.

Okay Andrea, maybe it's the alcohol hitting you.

"Hey, what're you guys doing over there?" I asked Shawna while pointing to a group of people sitting in a circle.

That caused her to take her head off his side and turn around. Luke gave me thankful smile and I returned it.

"Oh we were about to play spin the bottle. Come play with us!"


Okay, I know the first chapter is boring, but it's just because I had to introduce you to the main characters! I promise it gets more interesting!

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