Chapter 2

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"I can't believe you actually did that!" I said, laughing so hard I could barely breathe. "Me neither!" Ashton replied, rolling on his side laughing even harder. I think the alcohol was finally getting to us.

A boy with long brown hair leaned in and spun the bottle. Shit. Of course it landed on me.

"Truth or Dare?" He asked. I was about to say truth but I knew that was no fun and the alcohol running through my system made me feel a lot braver than I really was.


"Okay, I dare you to go in the closet with Luke for 10 minutes." Everyone laughed and clapped their hands in amusement except for Luke and I.

"What? No. Pick something else."

"Nope, you picked dare so you have to do it" Ashton said, nudging me with his elbow. I looked over at Luke and saw that he was walking over to me. I quickly grabbed a shot and drank it.

"C'mon" He said grabbing my hands, pulling me up and walking over to the closet.

"I wonder if they'll makeout.." I heard someone whisper. "I would if I was her, he's fucking hot." I heard another girl say.

Those girls should keep their thoughts to themselves.

Luke gently pushed me into the closet and shut the door behind me.

"It's so dark in here." I nervously say, looking around for a light switch. Why do I feel nervous? It's just Luke.

"I kinda like it dark, though."


"I don't know, it's comforting."

I don't find it comforting at all. It's actually kind of awkward.

"Woah there" He says laughing as he holds my arm. "Don't hurt yourself, clumsy"

I didn't even realize I was falling.. I must be more drunk than I thought.

"Sorry" I say, laughing.

"How much did you have to drink?" he asks, moving closer.

"Only like 4 beers and a few shots" I say, walking closer to him. Our chests were almost touching but I couldn't bring myself to back up. The crack in the doorway allowed some light to shine through so I could see his face.

"That's a lot for you.. You get drunk after like half a beer" He says, trying not to laugh.

"I do not!" I say, laughing and stumbling a little.

"Okay, whatever you say." He says rolling his eyes playfully.

I don't know what came over me, but what happened next even shocked me.

I leaned up and pressed my lips against his.

The second I did that, I pulled back and leaned against the wall. Luke was staring at me, probably wondering what happened.

Why in the hell did I do that? Oh my God I probably ruined our friendship forever.

"Um, I'm just gonna go now" I said while walking to the door. I need to get out of here as fast as I can.

Luke walks over to me, and pushes my body gently against the wall with his own and leans down next to my ear.

"Please stay." he whispers, his cool breath sending chills down my spine.

I stay still has he brings his lips centimeters from mine. "I wanna kiss you so fucking bad." He says, looking from my lips up to my eyes.

"Then why don't you?"

That's all it took for his lips to come crashing down on mine. Our lips moved in synch as I wrapped my arms around his neck, tugging at his hair.

"Andrea" He moaned, lifting my legs around his waist so I was straddling him. I felt his tongue on my bottom lip and opened my mouth to give him access. He took it and found my tongue quickly.

"Okay, times up!" Someone yelled on the other side of the door.

I dropped my legs and we pulled apart. We just stood there staring at each other out of breath.

"Woah." Luke whispered.

I just turned around and opened the door, acting like I didn't hear him.

Everyone was staring at us, just waiting for us to tell them what happened.

"What?" I asked, laughing nervously.

"Did you guys do anything?" A girl asked.

I looked over at Luke and saw that he was staring at the ground.

"Of course not." I lied.

The girls looked pleased with my answer, probably because they wanted Luke for themselves.

I look at the corner of my eye and see that Luke has no expression on his face.

"Okay, let's continue!" The boy with brown hair says clapping his hands together. A younger girl with light blonde hair leans in and spins the bottle.

"Luke, truth or dare?" she asks.

"Uhh Dare."

"I dare you to.. make out with Shawna."

WHAT. NO. He better say no.

"Okay" He says, getting up and walking across to Shawna.

Is he really gonna do it?

Next thing I know, his lips are on hers.

I don't even want to watch.

"I had fun guys, but I have to go." I say, standing up quickly and walk toward the stairs.

"Why?" Luke asks, standing up.

"Because." I say, turning around and start walking down the stairs. I hear Luke call my name but I walk even faster.

I start to make my way down the street. I only live about 5 houses down so it's not a far walk at all.

I walk up the stairs and straight to my room. I look at the clock and see that it's 1 am. My mom won't be home for another few hours.

I take off my clothes and only put on a big tshirt. I flop down on my bed and try to take in what just happened. I don't know if I'm more shocked that he kissed me or Shawna.

That pisses me off so much! Like who does he think he is? You can't just makeout with your best friend in a closet and then go out and do the same with another girl!

I throw my head down on the pillow and scream. I stop for a second and think about it. We're not even dating..

What right do I have to say that he can't kiss her? He can kiss whoever he wants. I need to stop overreacting.

"Andrea, can I come in?" I hear someone say on the other side of the door. I smile lightly to myself.

"Since when do you have to ask?"

The door opens and Luke comes in. He shuts the door behind him and walks over and sits next to me.



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