Chapter. 17

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Cameron aka dumbass POV

I slumped over my seat at the mall, texting my dad, ' He is so cute. ' I heard from behind, turning i saw four girl, about fourteen, staring at me.

' I wanna see more, if you know what i mean. ' One Asian girl purred. I groaned and focused on my food. I looked up and saw Casey, an old friend.

But he wasn't alone.

I saw some blonde chick and a tattooed guy who was talking to some girl with braids and, ' Lennox. ' I semi whispered. I slouched even more.

I looked down at her stomach. There was a tiny bump but not really noticeable, ' Wanna split a pretzel? ' Blonde chick said to Lennox. Casey eyes ranked the crowd until they landed on mines.

' Cameron, my bitch. ' Lennox choked on her pretzel, while Casey made his way over to me, ' Hey. ' I said, awkwardly, ' Sup. Wanna tag along? ' Before i answered, he grabbed my arm.

' Thanks, the girls talk about babies and so is my friend Flynn. ' Casey said, getting a glare from ' Flynn '. Flynn walked next to blonde chick and Lennox stared at the ground.

' This is Flynn, April, Royal, my sexy, thick, black beauty, tight - ' Lennox smacked his head, causing me to laugh but stopped when she looked at me.

I waved awkwardly, ' Don't get shy. ' Lennox scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest pushing them up, ' His is always shy accept on Friday. ' Everyone stared at her.

' You too know each other? ' Royal asked, looking back and forth, ' Just briefly. ' She bumped into, walking away, ' We used to date. ' April glared at me and bumped into, on purpose, walking away.


' I feel awkward. ' Casey said, in a kids voice. Flynn smacked his head. I laughed while Royal glared at me, she did the same thing April did.  

' Come on. ' I said, frustrated.  Casey looked at me, ' Tell me what happen. ' I groaned and sat on the stool next to me.

I told him the story.

Casey walked up to me and smacked my head, ' Dude, it isn't her fault. She was crying when you walked in on her get sucked by your brother. '
I recalled the memory then groaned, ' Any idea where they went? ' Flynn and Casey shared a look, ' Build - a - bear. ' Casey said, sighing.

Getting up to my seat, i ran to build a whatever. I saw Lennox holding onto April while she held Royals hand, crying, ' I should have told him. ' She said, in between breath.

Royal looked up once she saw i was close, ' What the fuck do you want? ' I sighed, stuffing my hands in my pocket, ' Lennox can we talk? ' She wiped the stray tears.

' Hell fucking no. ' She walked away, leaving me an idea as the intercom went on. I asked a security guard where the intercom/ camera  room is, after giving him a few hundreds.

Greedy ass.

Hopefully this works. I sighed and walked in, seeing guards. I threw some money down and they left. Lennox please forgive me.


Lennox POV

' Don't go fast and get your heartbroken okay. ' I told some six year olds who ran away. The intercom went, but i didn't pay much attention.

' Lennox, soon to be, Lennox Dallas. Please forgive me. What i did was unacceptable. I should have listen, like you are right now. Wait, are you listening. '

I looked at the nearest camera and nodded my head smiling, ' I love you so please be my girlfriend? ' he asked, sounding scared. I smiled nodding my head.

' Fuck yes. Whoo. That is how you do it, hey you guard person i got my girl back. Wait is this thing on, ah crap ' I laughed at his silliness. I walked to the camera/ intercom room, only to bump into a chest.

' Sorry i wasn't - ' The person smashed their lips to mine, ' Cameron. You almost got stabbed. ' I slapped him with my free hand because my other one held a knife.

' Sorry. ' he mumbled, he placed his face in the crook of my neck, ' I wuv you. ' I smiled at his baby voice, ' And i'm not giving you pussy. ' He shot up almost getting whiplash.

' Please. ' He begged. I shook my head, i patted his chest, ' Nope. And i get to have your food for the next, wait no. From this week to when i have this baby. '

His face went pale, ' Are you serious bruh. ' I kissed his lips, holding onto his hands, which tried to snake down somewhere. April jumped on Cameron's back while Royal punched his stomach.

' Stay away from Lennox. ' April yelled punching his head, ' Girls we made up. Didn't you here the intercom. ' They shook their heads, ' I went with April who was puking. '

Flynn and Casey congratulated Cameron who had this fucking smirk on his face, i kissed his jaw line, earning a soft groan, ' I'm might break the first rule. '

He whispered, holding my hand, ' I might break your fucking fingers. ' He removed his hands, while i let out a harm warming laugh.

My life is half complete until this baby comes.

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