Chapter. 28

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Lennox POV

i watched painfully as the doctor stabbed Max with a needle, ' Why did you do that? ' I asked, feeling in raged. Cameron tighten the gripped of my hand.

' He was quite annoying. ' Cameron stood up and punched him straight in the face, knocking him out. I groaned feeling weak.

' Now who is gonna deliver this baby. ' Cameron's face froze before he fainting just like when i gave birth to Max.


I held my sleeping baby girl, Love. I named her Love because i loved every feature about her. Her bright blue eyes, blonde soft hair and dimples. She smiled at me.

My heart melted at the sight, ' You did good. ' Cameron said, kissing my temple, ' You didn't do good you fainted. ' I said, rolling my tongue.

' Whatever, she is awake. ' I looked down at Love who was yawning while crying. The nurse took her from my hands harshly, ' Uh uh you better treat her like a queen. '

' Yeah. ' Someone said, turning i saw this beautiful Mexican girl, ' I swear if someone took my baby like that oh wee. ' She said, rolling her eyes.

' Hi, i'm Lennox. ' I said, reaching over to shake her hand, ' I'm Amy. Your baby is adorable. ' Amy said, giving me a dimpled smile, ' Thanks gets it from me. '

I said, flipping my hair. Amy smiled, ' I just had my baby. Speak of the devil. ' A nurse handed her a cute baby.

The baby had big doe eyes and soft brown hair and a slight tan, ' Ah. ' I crashed my hand on my heart. Max awake from Cameron's arm, ' Where is the baby. '

' Some bitch, i mean, mean lady took her. ' The nurse reappeared placing the baby in my lap. Max kicked her leg, ' Meanie. ' I laughed as Cameron grabbed Max and placed him on his lap.

' She is so cute. ' Max said, holding the babies hand. Cameron reached in his pocket looking flustered. I looked away looking at Love and Max.

They were playing with each other.

A/N Omfg i am so dirty minded

' What is her name? ' Amy asked, holding her sleeping daughter, ' Love. ' I answered, watching Cameron get more flustered.

' I don't know what to name her. ' I looked around the room for a name but found none, ' Maybe, hmm. What about Everest? ' I said, as Cameron blushed.

' Everest sounds good. ' I did a manly squeal. Cameron grabbed Max and placed him on the bed next to me. He got on one knee, i gasped sharply.

' If you are alone, i will be in your shadows. If you want to cry, i will be your shoulder. If you are not happy, i will be your smile. If you want me, i will be there. Lennox, every since you walked into my life. I felt full. You were there for me, hell, you are here for me now. Especially if girls wanna flirt with me and stuff. But, besides the point, i love when you are on our knees. Know its my turn. '

He revealed a beautiful diamond ring, ' Will you marry me? ' Tears blurred my vision, ' Of course. ' He slid the finger on my ring finger and kissed me passionately.

This one was different.

This isn't Cameron.

ITS DIGiorno

Just kidding.

Max slapped Cameron's hand, ' My mommy. ' Cameron grabbed Max and pulled him into a hug, ' I love you so much. ' I cried and so did Love but not in the cutesy cutesy way.

' Mommy? ' Max said, hugging Cameron's face, ' Yes baby? ' I answered, as Love was sound asleep, ' Where do babies com from? ' Cameron choked trying to keep his laugh in.

' Love. ' I answer. Cameron held onto my hand as we looked into each others eyes, ' I love you so much. ' He said, ' And so do i. ' We kissed, sending waves of love.

' I said, my mommy. ' Max said, slapping Cameron's hand, ' Fine, its your mommy. But my pus- ' ' Cameron can we not talk about that. '

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