A Winter Breeze

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Cold, more than just the touch of the bed beneath me, but my entire body, as if no source of warmth anywhere. Fingertips graze at the side of my legs, nails digging into the fabric as my fingertips become tingly. Memories come back to haunt me, my stiff hands moving up to my face, feeling the exact location between my eyebrows, as if expecting some sort of wound. Throat sore and eyes still shut tight, I find it hard to breath suddenly.

Gasping for air, my lungs sting, every intake of breath I try and take only causing a sharp pain to the chest as my eyes fly open. The darkness allows my eyes to adjust easily, looking to my body to see no weight on my chest to make breathing so difficult. Throat turning dry, I try and take in any air I can, gasping for any air as I can feel myself choking on nothing. Just as I turn myself onto my side, my body collides with a hard floor, pain erupting through my left shoulder as I groan out in pain, swallowing a breath of air as I find myself trying to relax.

As I roll myself back onto my back, I shut my eyes softly, taking in a deep breath as my eyes water. To think waking up could be that miserable. Waking up from what? Some sleep that left me to rot on a block of stone in the middle of a darkened room does not sound normal. But what it normal? Nothing here seems familiar to me with what I would expect to be a warm world only cold like a winter breeze. Looking to the ceiling of the room, no light escapes into the room, as if kept out for reasons that would not help me feel safe. I feel unfamiliar, as if I am out of place, how much body feels here.

Eyes gazing to a wooden door before me, slowly and painfully I get to my feet, stumbling to the right a little as once more I find my hands reaching up to the same spot on my face. I still expect something to be there but I am not sure what. How long was I asleep for? With my legs shaking, they feel as if they have not been used in ages, my heavy arm reaching out to the door, hand pushing it open as I am surprised how easy it was.

The sunlight becomes the antagonist suddenly, arms jolting up to shield my eyes from the brightness of the moonlight the window allows to flood the hallway. Eyes burning and my body leaning back against the cold wall, the fabric upon my skin begins to itch. Peeking under from the shield my arms have created from the light, I look down to the dress upon my body. White, shimmering with little gemstones sewed into my sleeves, the material is rather stiff than anything. Falling just to my feet, a slit runs up to my left thigh, a silver belt draped around my waist, looking rather expensive, and even a dip in the front that leaves some cleavage on display, a gold necklace falling between the valley of my breasts, opals and diamonds creating a beautiful selection of jewelry. How does one go to sleep dressed like this in something that resembled a dungeon's bed?

A sudden thumping of a heart pulls my attention down the hallway. A hand of mine lowers to my chest, trying to find my own heartbeat.

I find none.

Fear rushes through me as I try and think of reasons. Am I dead? Is this the afterlife and that is why I woke up how I did? My chest rises and falls fast, goosebumps rising on my arms as I try and rush towards where the source of the noise was. As I round the corner and look to see the back of a figure, a sudden flash of memories comes to me, memories of lavender and golden eyes, of a ball, some wedding, and even a woman shot dead before me.

Zion. That name, it sparks so many emotions into me that my head becomes cluttered with memories of him. Memories that stop at a sudden moment when his face faded away into a white light.

"And so she is awake," a woman's voice calls out. Looking to the figure ahead, I see her staring at me with amazement rather than anything else, those bright green eyes looking me over multiple times, pride crossing them. "I will send word right away, it has been too long."

"Where am I?" I ask, my tone demanding as my body becomes weak once again. "Z-Zion, I need to see him, I...I need to see him."

"Do you know who he is to you?" the woman asks, walking forward to me as her body becomes swallowed by the shadows I prefer to stay within. "To your past and future?"

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