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The realm of the elves is one I would expect to find straight out of a fairy tale book. A white tree forest lies before me with a dust covering of snow upon the ground, the path marked by stones, and the colors of the leaves auburn and dark amber as they fall to the ground. The drive here from the private airport took another three hours, our luggage pulled through the path as Zion leads the way to an archway of stone which connects to a wall barely taller than myself. The archway is of simple taste, the entire entrance here one which I found simple rather than holding a sense of eternal beauty. 

Zion reaches out to the archway, placing a small trinket upon a stone protruding out of the archway. The stone begins to turn, disappearing back into the archway as I watch as the view beyond the wall turns from endless forest to a town. Leading us forward, Zion heads in first, my curiosity spiking as Fiona's words of threat repeat in the back of my head. The elvish realm before me is something of beauty, our group on a bridge which passes over a rushing river which disappears over a waterfall where the main building of the town is built. The stone city is built of white stone, ivy running along the sides of the buildings, gazebos carved of white wood placed at edges to overlook the drop off of the waterfall to the lake below where smaller houses are built around the lake. 

"The elves here have roots going back to the creation of man, elf, and free folk," Zion informs, looking around to the beautiful realm around us as I too am in awe of the town here. "The elf which you had befriended in your past life came to live here after your passing. I believe she may be able to restore some or perhaps many of the memories you have locked away." 

Two elves stand at the end of the bridge, their attire similar with white pants ducked into taupe boots, burgundy shirts which pass below their fingertips with silver embroidery, and their blond hair cut short as their eyes stare at us. "Lord Zion, welcome," the older one of the two greets, his green eyes briefly glancing to me as the men carrying our luggage pause behind us. "You have brought something of great evil here, something of dark magic." 

They are talking of me. How I was brought back with dark magic. 

"Lady Sybil is not welcome here, for with her comes a darkness," he informs, those green eyes focused on me as Zion takes a step forward. 

"Keva knows were are coming and on what terms and condition I bring Lady Sybil here in. She has agreed to this already," Zion states, voice sharp as the elves turn to one another, discussing what to do in a language I have never heard before. Zion begins to speak in their tongue, the words flowing from his lips, as if a whisper, gracefully floating as the elves turn to Zion and hear his words. 

"If Keva has agreed to accept Lady Sybil as her guest and take responsibility for the shadow which looms of her, then we will escort you to Keva," the green-eyes elf informs, beginning his walk away from the bridge as we follow behind. 

The walk takes a good ten minutes, leading us up a hill with a stone road as a few elves pass us by, their faces seeming to have a soft eternal glow to them, and their voices kept quiet as they seem to talk about the odd travelers. A strange structure lies at the top of the hill, looking like a house, but with dome-shaped rooms bulging out of the house with white wood and tall glass windows as the domes seem to be fully made of glass and not wood. The door to the house is a simple wooden door, two blossoming trees on either side of the house lie before it as a small sitting area is before the house. The elves lead us up to the front door, knocking on it as they call out for Keva.  

As I hear the door click open, a woman with lavender eyes just like my dreams stares back at me, her silver hair in braids which fall to her waist, and her pale skin too seeming to have an eternal glow. Those eyes look me over, as if trying to remember every detail as she steps out of her house and passes the elves to come to me. Taking my hands, she does not say a word as she looks me over, feeling my skin, making sure I am actually real and not just going to disappear. 

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