Her Joy Was Complete

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There she stands in the archway made of lavender strung around birch wood, her hair pinned back behind her ears in their natural brunette waves, her eyes glowing with an excitement within them. I can still remember the first time she walked towards me as she wore a white dress, how her eyes lit up with excitement and she was more beautiful to me in that moment than she had ever been. The day I laid her body to rest I made sure the roses placed around her body were the exact same as those we picked for our wedding day, the roses surrounding her still body as I watched the elves preform the ceremony. That day still causes my heart to pound in my chest with fear and for my eyes to scan the room for her. I still cannot believe a woman like this would give me a second try even in her second life, agreeing to give herself to me and state vows.

The white dress she wears seems to fall upon her body effortlessly, reminding me of the paintings of goddesses as their white gowns were thin and blew in the wind. Her dress sweeps the floor, sleeveless gown revealing the detail of the silver paint the elves brushed upon her skin in intricate constellation and leaf designs as Keva added her own traditional look to Sybil's gown. The dainty crown made of jasmine, magnolia, cherry blossom flowers placed softly upon her head as those eyes look across to me, a soft smile growing across her face.

We made it out alive that deadly day over a month ago, Sybil barely able to walk the moment we made out of the lake, her body weak as I relied on Nile to help me carry her the way back to where I informed Keva we would meet her. Nile swore to never tell a soul he had seen or fought beside Sybil on the battlefield, knowing the dangers of rumor spreading of her existence.

It took Sybil a couple of weeks to recover from her injuries and it took the two of us a few weeks to recover from the news of what had happened on that battlefield. Penelope's army had been nearly all killed, Penelope deciding to retreat with the rest of her men back to her pack to protect who they could. War broke out among the kingdom.

No one really won that day. Lily killed Laraxis and broke the system which the kingdom had relied on for years, creating war among the packs left in the kingdom, but she perished in the end. Zion and I made it out alive, one of our main goals, but it was not about us that we fought there, it was about protecting the kingdom from Lily, Crimson Lock, and the forces of Fiona's coven. The coven was mostly killed except for a few witches who made it out barely alive, Crimson Lock won the battle, but not without losing many warriors which left them to return home and regroup to protect their pack.

Sybil and I still remain alive in this cruel world, growing together everyday as we connect deeper than ever before, so much of the stress from before washed away...but we still worry. We worry about what the kingdom will look like in ten years from now. We stay here with the elves under Keva's protection, the elves more than willing to throw a ceremony for the two of us.

I watch as she walks across to me, my nerves building up as I look to Keva as she stands beside me, holding the goblet in her hands which will be part of our wedding ceremony. My mother once told me those who get married under elf tradition will have the strongest and happiest marriages, for the elves only agree to marry two souls if they see that the souls of those people are really willing to be bound together for eternity.

As Sybil stands before me, cheeks flush with color as I cannot help but smile at her reaction, I take her hands in mine. Keva begins to sing softly in Elder Elven, her song flowing through the night sky as I can feel my wolf become excited. Keva takes our hands, dipping them into the goblet filled with water and specs of stardust.

The ceremony lasts half an hour, Keva speaking in her mother tongue the entire time as I can pick up hints of what she says, knowing she is asking the ancient gods to bless our marriage and what may come out of it. The song she sings is beautiful, the song of her elders who wrote it to praise the concept of marriage. The entire time I cannot take my eyes off of Sybil, our souls becoming further connected in these moments as everything feels right, as if it was destiny for us to get married under the stars by elf tradition.

Keva's song comes to a stop, her lavender eyes meeting mine as she nods. "As you humans do, you may now kiss the bride."

A smile spreads across my face as I pull Sybil in close, one of my hands cupping her soft cheeks as I take in every detail of her hazel eyes, never wanting to forget what they look like. Placing my lips against hers, Sybil pulls me in closer to her, her skin warm against mine as our souls dance around one another, becoming one once more. I lift my wife up, spinning her around in my arms as I place a passionate kiss upon her lips. Setting her back down on the ground, I hold her close once more, kissing her temple.

As we pull away from one another, Sybil looks at me with a wide grin upon her face, placing her hands upon my chest as she draws me in close once more. "I have news," she whispers, Keva beginning to drift away from us as she can tell we want our privacy under the stars tonight. Motioning for Sybil to continue on, I can feel the excitement stirring up in my chest as I feel overflowing love for this strong woman. "We are going to have a child."

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