Grain of Truth

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How long has he been like this - hiding who he was from me? It is clear he was committing these injustices while we were together, for his attack on Lily Maxwell occurred months before Nixon came after Zion.  I try and wrap my head around if I will approach him or not, if I will back Zion up into a corner and demand answers, and what I will do if I get those answers? Will I run? I have no where to run to. I have to think logically about this, especially when the fact that if the wrong person recognizes me, I could be hunted down. 

I pace up and down the hallway, hands clasped behind my back as I try and think things over. I read more of Zion's black book last night, learning of his crimes as he went after men, woman, and children, following both the words of Lillian, but also the belief of past Priestesses. The werewolf empire still has Priestesses who devote their lives to the Moon Goddess, and though their influence is not as powerful as it once was, they still hold a sense of authority over the most traditional packs. The past Priestess came to Zion with a belief that there were children born during the eclipse who needed to be killed, for being born during an eclipse meant being born with some sort of ancient power within you. She had based this of records from the last eclipse and a group of men and women who grew to be powerful and dangerous pack leaders who committed crimes against the kingdom and started a war which lasted fifty years. She wanted these werewolf children dead and Zion agreed with her, believing some hoax as he sent his men to murder not the babies who would be born during the eclipse, but the pregnant mothers who were due to give time around the eclipse. Zion took some belief from the Priestess a step further and killed the mother and would-be child, something I could never imagine anyone but a sick individual doing. 

How do you present these crimes to such a powerful man? I was his wife, I should be able to control the situation and put Zion in his place. But I know the woman I once was, for I was afraid of him back then, for he had beheaded my mate and, though it was never confirmed, could have killed my parents. I never thought he killed my parents in the end, but reading this makes me rethink everything. I have searched for if he killed my parents in his black book, reading into his misdeeds, but I could find no mention of my parent's names. 

"Sybil, are you okay?" 

"Just thinking," I respond, looking around to glance at Zion as he looks with concern at me at the opposite end of the hallway. I know why Elijah turned against Zion, I know the ugly truth which Zion committed against his best friend. Elijah was never Zion's best friend after what Zion did all those years ago and the fact that Elijah stuck around only lets me know that Zion's demise has been plotted since the night Zion killed Elijah's mate because he believed the right woman for Elijah was a relative. Zelda, Elijah's wife and who I thought was Elijah's mate, was an arranged marriage between two powerful families and Elijah was ordered by Zion to tell people Zelda was his mate. Who was Elijah's mate? A woman named Delilah who was murdered by Zion because her family had ties to the rogue Ring Leaders. "I was thinking about Elijah," I comment, deciding to not let the conversation end as I know I need to get my thoughts and frustrations out. "Zelda, Elijah's mate, did she ever have their child?" I remember Zelda was pregnant when things went down during my death. 

Zion tilts his head to the side as he walks towards me. If I am to bring up everything I have read in the past day, I have Zion's black book on the window sill, hidden behind a plant where I hid it for if Zion was to pass by. "She did, they had a daughter. Why?" 

"Do you still keep up with her? She is a relative of yours." 

"Not since I renounced the throne," Zion answers, crossing his arms as I can tell he is getting uncomfortable. 

Leaning against the wall, I try and calm my nerves, wondering how I will bring up these misdeeds if I am to actually do it tonight. "I once heard that Elijah and Zelda were not mates." 

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