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My body is shaken, a faint voice growing louder, my body aching as I begin to move my fingers around. The voice is right beside me, calling out my name as my eyes slowly peel open, the light of the sun blinding me as I shut my eyes immediately. The pain comes back to me, spreading like a wildfire throughout my body, the voice calling out different things now, trying to pull me back to reality as I just want to lay here longer on this stone surface, every breath I take a sharp pain. 

"Wake the hell up! Do you want to burn to death?!" 

My eyes open back up to meet the familiar eyes of Nile, the warrior standing over my body as I can smell the smoke in the air. Grabbing my arm, he tries to help me up, only for me to cry out in pain. Looking down to the bandage I made around my waist, Nile takes off his jacket, using his knife to tear at the fabric. The torn fabric is wrapped around my torso, Nile applying pressure to my wound as he is careful with the area, watching my facial expressions as I hiss in pain. 

"We need to get out of here," he comments, motioning behind me as I see flames beginning to break from the windows, consuming the palace as I watch in horror. This place is where I fell in love with Zion the first time, where we married, where so many things happened. This has to be because of the fire I started to kill Fiona, the flames having consumed her body as the threat of her existence became no more. I cannot believe I will be the one in the end to have caused the fire...something which will stay with me forever in guilt. 

Nile helps me to my feet, my body weak as I whimper in pain. Pulling my arm over his shoulder, Nile helps me walk, informing me to be careful, my head already becoming dizzy. "Zion?" I ask, my voice a mere whisper. "Where is Zion? He was with you in that room." 

No reply. 

We walk through the garden, the rose bushes on either side of our path as we head back for the palace interior, right into the ballroom where Zion danced with me that night of our engagement. I had never felt more beautiful than that night, decorated in a dress custom made for me, expensive jewelry around my neck, and all eyes on me in envy and admiration. 

I repeat my question as we enter the ballroom, the marble floor before us untouched by the flames yet as Nile helps me sit down, my back against a column as he looks around the room. "Very ostentatious. Zion's ancestors knew how to decorate a palace," Nile comments, looking back to my pale face as he pushes back a strand of my loose hair. "Can you walk?" He wants to get us moving again, but my body is weak, my wolf afraid of what could happen as she is in shock due to the pain. 

"I want Zion," I cry, Nile helping to clean off some of the dried blood upon my face. 

"I know."

"Where is he?" I ask, my voice stern as Nile shakes his head. 

"He wanted to do this on his own. He wanted me to get you out of here."

The events are being repeated. Zion walked alone into a confrontation with Nixon. Zion was going to die if I had never been there. I was the right one to die that day, for if Zion had died...I would never have been able to bring him back, unaware of all the resources I could have used, unwilling to go against an ethical code of my own. 

"I need to be there for him." 

"Lily Maxwell is a human, Zion will be fine," Nile corrects, helping me back up to my feet. I try and release myself from Nile's grip, only for him to hold tighter as I begin to stumble. 

Shaking my head, I try and refute Nile, telling me I need to be there for Zion one more time. I know Nile is leading me down to one of the courtyards in the palace, right behind the throne room. This hallway leads there directly, right to a courtyard with a perfect diving point into the lake below. Nile does not expect for us to find any other way out due to the fire except to jump into the lake below. 

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