Play With Fire

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The way in is shut, barricaded as the warriors keep charging at the door, slamming the bodies against it as dust falls from the ceiling of the old tunnel. Over and over, our men have tried to get in, trying to tear apart the wooden frames, trying to slam down the door, trying anything we can think of as I lean against the cold stone wall of the tunnel, looking out to the surface of the world as the distant battle can still be heard from here. My eyes gaze over to Zion, his body tense as I know he is stressed, for every minute we are stuck out here, Lily is closer to getting what she wants. "We could try ramming it with a log," I suggest, looking over to the warriors. 

"We would need to cut down a tree for that. We don't have the time or tools," one warrior replies to me, looking back to the door as I know these men do not like talking to me. Ever since they noticed me, they have been on edge, unsure of if I really died and came back to life...or if my death was all a hoax for some greater conspiracy theory to take form. If they make it out of here, they will spread word of my existence, word reaching those who would want to put me in trouble.  Yet these warriors could remain loyal and not speak a word of who they saw and fought beside in the palace, willing to keep me safe. There is always a chance of betrayal, for this world is cruel. 

Zion suggests a different method, for half of the men to push at the door while the others ram into it with their bodies. They repeat this strategy a few times, the warriors running out of breath by the fifth go at the door. Taking in a deep breath, I know I cannot help too much, but I join in and push at the door, ignoring the splinters which dig into my fingers. The more we continue, the more I can feel the door begin to weaken. Another blow to the door and it shakes, a few wooden boards falling apart as I can see the other end of the tunnel. 

"We are almost there. Let's go again," Zion shouts, helping to get the spirits of the warriors up as we take three more rounds, the door almost down as the mid to top half of the door breaks apart, revealing heavy stones to have been placed against the tunnel door, taking us a good thirty minutes to knock down to the ground. Zion looks confused by the rocks blocking the way as the warriors jump over the lower half of the door. Looking to me, Zion shakes his head, "these tunnels were made for the elves to enter through when seeking shelter centuries ago. It was a royal decree made that they should never be blocked. Laraxis went against this for some reason." 

Helping me over the fractured door, Zion is the last to get over the door and comments for us to continue forward, to look prepare for witches in the palace. We run down the dim-lit tunnel, my eyes not adjusting fast unlike the others as their wolves have come through to provide their human form with better vision in the dark. Zion holds onto my hand to lead me along the way, the palace itself getting closer as I fear Lily will already be inside by the time we get here. 

As we come up to a set of stone stairs, Zion takes the lead, cautious as he makes his steps light, looking around the corner as we move up the flight of stairs. I believe us to be at the eastern wing of the palace, located near the garden where Zion proposed to me years ago. We emerge from the tunnel, Zion opening a wooden door to reveal a long hallway filled with old paintings made by famous werewolf painters who passed away centuries ago. The ceiling is painted with the night sky, the stars shimmering among the dark colors of the night sky, acting as the lights to the hallway as we walk on the marble floor. I had forgotten just how ostentatious this place was. 

Holding up his hand, Zion stops us all in our footsteps as we can hear in the distance the sound of men screaming out in pain. "Lily has gotten to the royal guards. She is in the front courtyard." 

"What should we do?" the same warrior from before asks. Zion asks for his name. "Nile, Alpha King." 

"Nile, you don't have to address me as such," Zion corrects. Nile called Zion by his past title, showing that he still holds respect for Zion even all these years later. "As for what we will do next, we can get into position for when Lily and her group enter into the palace and at least have the element of surprise on our hands." 

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