Angel Down

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Fiona watches me from across the room, those eyes locked on my figure as the dimness of the light in the room only makes me feel safe. Even with the eyes of a witch who swears she can destroy my eternity looking at me, the shadows bring a haven to me, one more relaxing than the embrace of Zion. Perhaps Zion may never lift the curse upon her coven, but I can figure out a way for her to believe I am getting closer to achieving her task while I am actually destroying her own life, making a shell out of her, to trick her. I do not know who I was exactly in my past life, if I ever soughed out revenge, if I lied, deceived, tricked, beat, or killed anyone, but I know that I was dead, within the grasp of death, the master of deceit himself. I lived within his realm for two years, I could have learned his tricks, and I will use them on Fiona to get what I want. Perhaps I could lift the curse on her coven, but I could also send her to that eternity of burning on a wheel. 

"You seem tense, Sybil," Fiona comments, chair scrapping against the floor as she pushes it back, getting to her feet as I stand before her in her little office. There are wands off on the corner of her table, five of them onyx black, gems on the hilt as I wonder why someone would need so many wands. For collection? Do they each offer her a certain range of power? A brick wall behind the witch, a narrow and long window is lined up with her body, one just big enough to perhaps push her through and see her plummet three stories. "Any news?" 

One of the walls of her office curves around, bookshelves covering the paint as they are old and worn, many leather bound and some even scrolls tucked away. A crimson rug is tucked under her desk, a few empty potion bottles scattered upon the wooden desk as she places her hands down, black ink on her pinkie finger, moving under her skin as I know not to temp the beast within her. "You will get your curse lifted, Zion just needs more of my trust, and perhaps yours as well."

"Mine?" Fiona scoffs, throwing her hands up in the air as the lights flicker in the room. "I brought you back from the dead, he should trust me."

"He fears what you may do the second that the curse is lifted."

Fiona rolls her eyes crossing her arms as the room darkens. "He thinks that I will wage war on the Empire he used to rule with an iron fist," she mutters to herself, as if mocking the idea. "Your husband only looks at the main idea, no longer the details. Zion used to hold the world in the palm of his hand, never letting one tiny detail go unnoticed whether it be lying within the paperwork, the words of a council member, or the actions of a rogue. He was once a force to be reckoned with." Looking to me, Fiona seems to stare now, cocking her head to the side as she smirks. "And then he met you, a poor rogue with no royal blood. Lillian Rice must have been rolling over in her grave the moment the universe allowed your paths to cross."


"The true mate of Zion, the one who made his heart beat faster than ever, him forget every ounce of his identity as he chased her like a lost puppy." The name sounds familiar, but there is no memory I can remember of her. "She died and left you an empire to waltz into, but she always wanted to win the game, even after her time had passed."

"So there is more to this deal of yours than just getting Zion to lift the curse, isn't there? There is some personal issue other than the curse?" I ask, trying to picture what my life was before, what walking through the palace must have been, what my heart did when I looked upon Zion. 

"Personal?" Fiona shakes her head, walking towards the door of her office. "I only wish for my curse to be lifted, that is the only personal thing I have in this game, but there are other players now, Sybil, and I am not the one to fear most, those who are dead should be feared the most." 

Fiona is gone in the blink of an eye, turning into a black dust as she falls through the floor, leaving me alone to my thoughts as I know who to seek out, what question to ask. The internet cannot help me, help unravel the mysteries and secrets that I know Zion would never wish to see out for the world to lay their greedy eyes upon. My eyes look to the wall before me, a set of wands displayed on a shelf, looking fragile as I wonder what they could do. I have seen Fiona use magic without a wand, but that just means she is a witch, for witches are not restricted to wands. Wands are used to cast the most powerful spells a witch can use, able to amplify their magic as wonder if she used one of these wands to bring me back. I had done some reading the other night, how if a witch had used a wand to cast a spell on someone, that means the wand will have been tied to a piece of our soul. Like if you give blood, your blood will be given to someone else. It is a dumb analogy, but it is how wands work, how Fiona, due to being cursed, loses a part of her soul to the spell she cast upon me, meaning a tiny fragment of our souls are bound together. 

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