Two Sides to Every Story

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The house is isolated, located deep in the forest as the drive took three hours of towns spread thin and thick woods between them. The private drive up to the house feels as if we are lost, taking the wrong route as the dirt path is surrounded by thick walls of shrubbery. An opening is where the house is placed in a green field with wild flowers by the circular driveway, a Tudor-style house with dark bricks and accent colors with a pastel green door. I can understand why Zion believes this place to be one of safety for the time being as well as why he bought this house for getting away from the drama of the palace.

"It's very nice," I comment as Zion parks the car and we sit looking at our new place of haven. Biting my lip, I look around at the surrounding forest, the depths dark as I wonder how easy it could be for a dark creature to hid and wait us out.

"I'll show you around."

The tour of the house is short, only three bedrooms to view, a living area, kitchen, dining room, and two extra rooms left empty for extra use as the cherry wood floors add a soft appeal to the house. The garden outside is overgrown with weeds, Zion informing me he has not been here for a good while as he has been overseas looking for someone like Fiona to bring me back.

"What now?" Zion raises an eyebrow as I ask the question. "We are separated from society out here and cannot really leave the property. What are we to spend our days doing?" It's a fair question, for there are no other people out here. "Is there really no one we can turn to?"


"Elijah? He was your right hand man and you have not mentioned his name once," I point out, recalling the witty individual who helped me adjust to royal life with a sense of humor.

The one light conversation takes a different turn as Zion walks into the dining room and takes a seat. I remain in the doorway, looking to my past husband as he pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a deep breath. "Elijah is working beside Lily Maxwell. The current King Laraxus is not wise enough to see that they are using him as a puppet in their games."

"Why did Elijah betray you?" Elijah and Zion were best friends, at least that is what it seemed like, but when did that all change? Were they ever best friends? Did Zion do something which caused Elijah to turn?

Looking at me from the corner of his eye, Zion contemplates something in that head of his. "Not all men are good or bad, there is not a definite gap between the two. The lines can become blurred." I wait for his next words. "Elijah believes there is revenge to be had because he sees the world differently than I do."

Elijah was a gentle soul, someone I could confide in when Zion was having his outbursts, and someone I labeled as a dear friend. There are always two sides to every story. I need a way to hear the other side to this story. "What does he believe?"

"It happened long ago, it does not matter."

"It matters when it places our lives at stake as well as could rip apart the kingdom your family has run for centuries," I snap, needing Zion to understand I am not the same woman I was in my past life, that I will not let him walk over me like this and thing a vague question is enough to get by. "The truth has a way of always coming out."


The day continues slow, Zion staying out of my way since our conversation about Elijah, and my mind wanders as I find myself in the sitting room, enjoying the silence as I rest beside the fireplace and look through the bookshelf. Hardly any book seems familiar, each bound in leather and worn down, and holding the distinct old book smell I have come to love ever since a child. A completely black book catches my eye, my fingers running over the leather kept in rather good condition compared to the other books as I slip the book from the shelf.

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