Betrayed Hearts

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I can remember the blood on the floor, Zion informing men to take me away as my mate was murdered by the man I would later marry. Nothing was normal about our relationship, from the was Zion treated me in the memories I have, the way the media portrayed us as, the loss of our child, my death, my rebirth, and after all these years, Zion still wishes to build a future with me. How could someone who killed my mate become someone I would one day say yes to and marry. Did he use me for his agenda, a war going on at the same time and he needed the rogues? I read the papers, how the rogues joined the fight after I talked with them, how I was a rogue and became a queen. How dumb was I to join someone in matrimony? As I lay here, on the couch beside the windows which have been pulled shut to isolate the light from the room, Zion sits in a chair across from me, bloodshot eyes as he spent the entire night making sure I did not faint on him again. Zion sits here, a king with no crown, losing not only his wife and unborn child, but his power, title, job, and his home. Fiona handed me her phone about an hour ago, having me read the news on Zion having resigned from the throne, how it is an action no king has ever made, and how he disappeared into thin air. 

"Do you want something to eat?" Zion asks as I spare him a short glance, glaring at the lost alpha male, his hands shaking in his lap as I know that me remembering that he killed my mate was definitely not part of the plan. Perhaps bringing me back was also for a fresh start, him hoping only the good memories would resurface as those of pain would stay locked away forever. Yet, after all he has tried to do, the painful memories are the only ones to truly resurface in full detail unlike the flashes of memories from our smiles and laughter. 

Shaking my head, I turn away from Zion, facing the material of the couch as I pull the itchy blanket closer to my body. My eyes begin to water, hands instantly wiping away the tears as I wonder what my mate was like. He was my mate, the man fate had chosen for me to spend the rest of my life with. Zion's mate was insane, bringing out a darkness from within him as he decided from that moment that mates were a curse perhaps. My mate and I could have been happy, but Zion decided to end his life, to take away my chance with Sebastian as I could only scream and watch the blood pool around his body. "You need to eat, Sybil, we have a plane to catch." 

I take in a deep breath, knowing full well I do not want to get onto a plane with this male. "He is right," Fiona speaks up, entering the room as I place my hand over my heart, still feeling no beat. "The more relaxed and healthy, the more your memories will come back." 

Do I even want to remember? I know my reborn life depends on remembering, or Fiona will damn me for all eternity to burn on a wheel like her ancestors. I know parts of her soul are held within her wand and I know that the moment I leave this house, all the books she has on her magic will be gone from my touch, for me to make sure it is her who is damned for all eternity if this curse if not lifted. I know Zion wishes to take me to the elves, but what can they even do for me? "Does it even matter anymore?" I question, looking up to Fiona as she stands in the doorway, dressed in her signature leather jacket. "Does it matter if my memories come back? It seems like Zion would rather have me be kept from my past because he wishes to start fresh, for my darkest memories are all that are truly resurfacing. You want me to remember so the curse will be lifted. I am not some puppet to be played with, to see what or how much I remember. You both want power and control over my memories." 

"The moment you remember who you are, you may find yourself at peace," Fiona insists.

"I wish I was still resting in peace," I snap, looking at Zion with a bitter stare as I say those words, watching as his eyes water. "You brought me back to try and get a second chance, but not building off on the relationship we had before, but starting over because of all the things you regret doing to me." 

Getting to my feet, Fiona stares at me with her lips pressed together, frustrated with me as she knows the threat she gave me. Damning my soul should give me an incentive to help her get her agenda pushed and finished, but she knows that she needs me for however long to make sure she is not damned for all eternity. The moment I do what Fiona wants, I know her coven will no longer hold loyalty to the werewolf empire and she could be chaotic. The moment I give her the middle finger and call her bluff, she could be serious and kill me, sending me back into death's arms. However, if I beat her to the punch and make sure she has no control over me, I no longer need to remember and can go on living my life, to get away from Zion, and create a new life for myself. Yet I need to know who I was, to remember my roots, what happened to me before I met Zion and why he came into my life with such a force that it lead to so many screams, tears, and supposed happiness he says we had. 

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