Bad Dream

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The earth is still, not even the breeze of the wind blowing against my skin, not even the slightest sound of birds chirping. My fingers brush across the door frame as I move back into the house, my eyes catching sign of Zion as he stands at the end of the hallway, hands buried in his pockets as he seems to be thinking. Only a few days ago did he propose to me again, the ring sitting heavy upon my finger, and he agreed that we would both be on the battlefield, though I doubt he will let me anywhere close to the fighting. Do I blame him? No, he is scared to lose me and he knows I am not experienced like the warriors who will be fighting in this war. 

"Penelope will be here by the end of the hour with news of the men and women she has gathered," Zion informs, looking over to me as I nod. 

Penelope will bring with her more conversations of war, which will only stress Zion out more. But we cannot just ignore what is taking place and is going to take place. It is like ignoring history, ignoring moments which have influenced countries, the lives of thousands and millions, and the way which the world functions. Sure, the werewolf kingdom is nothing on a scale to a world war, but it is our own battle to fight to try and save what we can of the kingdom. No matter the outcome, things will change in this kingdom. If Lily succeeds, the kingdom will be nothing but packs, and no doubt the war will turn from the palace to other packs. If we are able to win, the kingdom will survive - yes - but men and women will die, packs not in the war will learn of the treason Lily Maxwell's pack tried to commit, and the current Alpha King will never trust Alphas the way he has been ever again. 

"Will you tell her we plan to be there?" 

"I do not know," Zion mumbles, turning back to the darkness of the hallway as I stand in the warmth of the sunlight shining in from the outside. "She may be completely against it."

He's right, Penelope will try and debate us at first, but I know she will come to realize why and will accept that. "She will understand." 

Zion scoffs, looking over to me as he shakes his head. "How are so different? How did it take your death for us to be like this, to think through things together, to become stronger together?" 

"We were still strong together back then," I point out, "but it was wisdom which we were both lacking and it took my death for us to develop as individuals." Walking towards the fallen king, I place my hand gently upon his shoulder. "I was naive back then, just the shell of the women you needed as your Queen, for I was indecisive, running from what scared me, and afraid to truly speak my mind." 

"You don't give yourself enough credit," Zion comments, turning his gaze towards mine. "You were not the shell of the woman I wanted you to be. You were exactly who I wanted to marry and no woman is born a great Queen, for she must learn how to become one. You had all this learning to do which was cut short due to Nixon." 

He's right, for no one is born great, born ready to take on all these challenges with complete confidence unless they are a fool. Placing a hand upon my cheek, Zion places a kiss upon my forehead. "I was ignorant and had false confidence when I was first crowned, but I learned form my advisors and continued to learn from them as I became a good king." 

I rest my head against his shoulder, intertwining my fingers with his as I can hear the pain in Zion's words. He misses his crown, the duty which was passed down to him from generations of family, and the chance he would of had to raise his child to become the next ruler of the kingdom and continue the legacy. "Laraxus is lost as king, for he does not know who to trust as an advisor and turns to Elijah and even Lily. He is weak and allows others to influence him to get their way." 

"Do you want to take back the crown?" I never expected myself to ask the question, especially since I know that Zion cannot return to the palace to wear a crown with me beside him. 

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