Bound in Blood

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"I am fighting to protect the people I swore to protect when I wore that crown," I snap, looking at Zion as he has brought up the topic once more. "I am fighting for my people, I am not just fighting for you or for my life." My voice is raised, anger beginning to run through my veins.

"Even the victors in battles have great losses. I do not want you to be one of those losses," Zion argues, throwing his arms up as I shake my head. "We do not have a chance with the number of warriors we are putting against Crimson Lock and Fiona's coven."

"Battles are not just about the number of men and woman who are fighting for a side. Battles are also about the range of abilities and the desire of those fighting. Penelope's pack has some of the best warriors in the kingdom, she has gathered packs with great capabilities, and we are fighting for the people of the kingdom, not just to get revenge," I explain, trying to calm myself down as I can feel my wolf trying to come forth.

"I took a vow when I became your wife and the Queen. Sure, I no longer wear a crown, but I still believe in those vows and believe it is my duty both to my people and the Moon Goddess to keep that vow. We both took those vows and it our duty to protect the people, the crown, and the kingdom and what it stands for," I state. I can still recall the white dress I wore, how my veil was replaced with a crown of precious gems, and the vows I spoke that day before a crowd of the people I decided to serve. "I may not be someone built to go up against an enemy larger than myself, but I have spirit. I have a desire to do what is right. How can you not see that...or are you just afraid?"

Zion remains silent, the crackling of the fire in the fireplace the only noise in the house as we stare at one another. "We both took vows." Zion looks out the window as I repeat my words again. Taking a step forward, I reach out my hand to him, placing it on his chest as I feel his heartbeat. "We swore to protect this kingdom until our souls leave for the afterlife and our bodies are buried."

He knows I am right. Zion knows what I speak is truth and we cannot just ignore the kingdom we swore the rest of our lives to protecting. "Let us protect this kingdom once more."

A hand is placed upon my cheek, brushing against my skin as his touch is soft. Leaning forward, Zion places a soft kiss upon my lips. "You must remain by my side the entire time," he states, less of an option.

"I will try, I promise."


My body feels tense all over, every muscle on edge as I can no longer force myself to relax. My knees are weak, my legs turned to jelly as I look at the woman before me, standing in the mirror as she holds scissors in one hand.

I was a Queen once, someone who many knew what I looked like, my hair color, skin, shape, and general appearance. A piece of me hopes the kingdom has forgotten pieces of my appearance, especially those who I will soon surround myself with. It makes me sad to think of wishing no one will recognize me, to no longer remember what I looked like, and to only think of me as a life which had lived and then passed on to the afterlife.

My once long brunette locks are cut up and laying around me on the floor, my hair hitting just below my shoulders, and now holding a auburn color which Zion helped me do in the bathroom. The goal is to try and make those who question if I am the last Queen to have more doubt than reassurance of who I am.

Zion knee he could not change his face. Sure, my face was plastered across magazines for the time I was with him, but those magazines only made it into the hands of teenage girls and those who lived in the capital city - just a short drive from the palace. But Zion's face has been all over since he was a child, his features unable to be forgotten. The most the two of us can try and do is to only think Zion is fighting beside them and not their supposed deceased Queen.

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