Mess Is Mine

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It was back in the winter when he met her, the snow falling upon the castle grounds as he was outside with his mother, waiting for the new hire for the royal guards to come and greet the royal family. His father had been away in Europe that day, instructing his son to greet each of the new guards as a King should, with a personal welcome. The moment she stepped out of the car, he knew she already looked out of place, a college student from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a computer programming major as her qualifications fit nothing of a royal guard yet his father insisted she would become a great warrior, to perhaps lead their kingdom if a war ever broke out. She was top of her class back in high school when she trained with her pack's soldiers. Coming from a large pack, one known for their combat skills, she was a natural as she took after her father who was one of the best warriors of his time.

A beautiful blond with dreams of being a hacker or something in the government, she had looked around the palace with not the interest many of the royal guards had, for she seemed bored with the architecture. The moment her eyes locked with his, he knew instantly who she was to be to him. Lillian was once shy, the moment they met, her eyes barely meeting his as she knew she had met her mate...something she never wanted to ever have. She had avoided him for a week then, only for the two of them to run into one another within a secluded hallway when she was roaming the halls and he was searching for his father. The moment they bumped into one another, they found themselves soon locked away in a secluded room as they knew they could not stay away from one another.

Their story was one of love behind closed doors for months until he father found out about her and realized the rules were being broken. Zion had pleaded with his father to let her stay, and although he agreed at first, the moment Zion proposed, his father threw Lillian out the palace walls. That is when Lillian became insane, meeting an alpha for the pack she worked for next. She did more than protect the Alpha, but found herself between to mates. Zion said she had always been peculiar, even when they were engaged she would do things that made him question her. She made him keep a book of all the things she had him try, taking him with her on hunts, to small battles, and even teaching him how to go behind his father's back. She taught him how to be heartless, to kill without the justice a judge would rule. But Lillian had other plans in life besides Zion, a ring upon her finger as she was to marry the Alpha. She had broken her engagement with Zion after four months, finding him boring rather than exciting as the Alpha who would soon propose to her showed her his dark and twisted world. Their demons danced a duet together, one fueled by passion and admission as they led one another down darker paths. After two months together, the Alpha proposed to Lillian and Zion believed she would cut all ties to him.

That was when the affairs really started, when she would call Zion to her and had countless miscarriages over the years of sneaking around. Her husband, the Alpha, always knew she was going behind his back, for he knew Lillian well, how bored she would become of the things an people who once thrilled her. Soon enough, something had to be done. She was found dead, naked, draped over the piano of her husband's, no justice brought forward as no one knew what happened. Zion said when she had died, that is when the most insane parts of her began to show, the things she left behind, almost haunting him from beyond the grave. She never wanted him to find another, wanted for him to regret what he did to her years ago, for pulling her into a world of royals and driving her insane with pretending to be someone else to please him and his family.

The moment she was buried, Zion went away for years, hunting down a coven of witches who were responsible for killing his father. He used the skills Lillian has passed down onto him, how to be heartless and see no use for mercy. He said he used to believe there was nothing left in life to live for, for his mate was dead.

"You taught me what it felt like to live again, to laugh, smile, see the good, and love," Zion finishes, reaching across the table to me, hand stretched out as he wants me to take his hand. "The moment I met you, I knew we would be legends, a story of second chances." Zion watches for my hands to move, the two of them clasped together as I wonder what taking his hand could mean for us. What taking his hand could make him believe, if it only gives him more hope.

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