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Perhaps the elves could help. 

For however long I have been stuck in this witch coven and had Zion watching me any second he can, I could use a change of scenery. Not to mention I would love to fly back to the states and actually be back in my old pack, though the man I married kill one of their alphas and I should be dead. Elves offer wisdom, a logical way of thinking about all of this, and perhaps could answer many of the questions which I have. Yet Fiona would still need the curse to be lifted and Zion has not done so yet. 

Looking out over the balcony, I know Fiona is here with me, the air turning cold as I get ready for her greeting. "Zion plans on packing up in a few hours, a jet has been reserved for five hours from now." I wait for her to mention her threat. "I am going to give you one more week to get the curse lifted. It does not matter how far away you are in the world, I own what is left of your soul." 

"Nothing like a nice threat and reminder before I leave," I reply, turning around to look the witch in the eye. "I am going with Zion, I have a feeling the elves may help me remember who I was."

Fiona shakes her head, walking forward as I hold my head high. "Your damned husband does not only want you to remember, he wants you to be the same woman you once were." I feel like she is exaggerating what Zion expects of me. Zion knows and has seen that I am not the same woman from before,  he cannot raise his expectations and fully knows that I am not the same woman I was before. He may have expected that in the beginning, but he has learned along the way that. "If he does not think you are the same woman he thought you were before, I will have no problem allowing my kind to still be cursed if that means you are gone." 

That is where Fiona has a flaw in her threat. "Zion's ancestors made the curse, Fiona," I begin, my glare holding with hers as we both know what I am to say is true. "Flesh and blood of those ancestors must lift the curse, Zion is the last of his line of direct descendants with the power to lift that curse, and Zion does not have a child. I am the last chance your coven has and if you damn me back to hell, we both know Zion will isolate himself and never have a child. Me convincing him to lift the curse is your last chance. We both know you will not allow your coven to never have the curse lifted."

"You sound so sure of yourself," Fiona comments, voice stern as I see a metallic object in her hand. "Are you refusing to try?" Fiona sounds defensive now, a darkness looming around her. 

"I am stating that you wanting me to pretend that I am the same person is impossible and even Zion understands that, he just refuses to acknowledge it before me because it hurts him to know." 

Fiona raises her palm, a dark yellow smoke unraveling from her hand and circling her forearm. "This will be the hand that pulls you back into the grave if the curse is not lifted." Crossing my arms, I look over Fiona's shoulder to see Zion standing their, watching us as I wonder if he has heard the threat. By the looks of it, he has no idea. 

"I am tired of this, Sybil," Zion snaps, entering the room with long strides which seem to close the distance between the two of us almost instantly. "You did this before you died, how you would ask endless questions which only left you feeling more and more confused and unhappy. You would be so stubborn that you basically ran off to a rogue and tried to throw away our engagement. Sure, I have done things which you seem to only become fixated upon rather than thinking of all the good times, the memories we made which were filled of laughter. You refuse to allow yourself to feel those emotions again because you keep denying yourself any form of establishment in this life. You are toxic to yourself, Sybil, you always have been, and it was not till you died that I realized this. I cannot believe I have kept this anger pent up for long about what you do."

"I did not ask to be brought back to life."

"It happened, Sybil, put that behind you and let us move on. We are going to the elves, you can get answers from them. From me, you can also get answers, but not if you keep asking these endless questions." 

Sybil (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now